Why do you believe in your religion Veeky Forums?
Friendly Religion Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I have beheld the Almighty Glourie of the Amazing Dildoni
Christian Protestant
Why not?
Because it tells me I am on a mission to become the Messiah of Mankind and resurrect Jesus from the dead. Lifting up the Son of Man, he will draw the entire world to himself!
Let's say that Muhammad is the founder of Islam(which we Muslim believe not, but Allah is the founder):
An unlettered man born within unlettered people, who is yet being an author of a book, poem, stories, able to produce Quran, a book of law, philosophy, stories of the past and the future.
If he really did write the Quran, then it a one-man job. Paul, the most learned man of Christianity, can only write no more than 50 pages of the Bible.
He, an unlettered person, will put any scholars to shame IF he really did write that book.
An unlettered man could NEVER possibly know that life came from water(as the scientists said):
...We made from water every living thing.... (The Noble Quran, 21:30)
An unlettered person, who never seen the sea would NEVER know that there's a barrier between fresh water and sea water:
He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress. (Quran, 55:19-20)
An unlettered man would NEVER know the world of the deepsea:
Or (the unbelievers’ state) is like the darkness in a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds. Darknesses, one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it.... (Quran, 24:40)
See google.com
Is it possible for an unlettered man within unlettered community know all of this? Never. Then it can only mean that God give him that knowledge.
>Is it possible for an unlettered man within unlettered community know all of this? Never. Then it can only mean that God give him that knowledge.
His knowledge isn't that impressive.
Didn't he claim man was born from a drop of blood as well?
Going by that Logic the book of Mormon is even more impressive as that 500+ page work was done in 60 odd days whilst the much smaller koran took 23 years and even more to confirm the correct version and order.
Well, the Quran was revealed according to the need of the people at that time during that 23 years. The Quran is about +700 pages.
Can you give me a link of that mormon story? I never knew that.
Look, we can all make books, but that doesn't mean that what inside that book is accurate.
The Quran enable the Arabs to defeat the Roman within decades. Spread from Spains to India within hundreds years. What Romans took centuries to build, the Muslim built greater empire than the Romans within hundreds of years.
Again, Muhammad pbuh defended Mary, the mother of Jesus, from false accusations. Why would an Arab go out of his way to protect a Jewish woman?
>not that impressive
What do you mean? He never saw the sea, yet he was able to make correct statement about them when scientists just recently discovered all these things. Remember, the Quran was revealed 1400 years ago, and it only until recently scientists know more about the sea.
>clot of blood
I'm a layman, so here:
Damn, I kill the thread. I would love to hear how others believe that their religion is true.
He spoke to me in the night, and told me to feast on the flesh of unborn children. I told him I'd get around to it eventually.
Hi Hillary
Can we ban these fucking superstitious threads already
>Unlettered Prophet
Offending your own Prophet, but Muslims get offended when others do
Also, you don't have to know how to read in order to speak your ideas.
>implying that not being able to read automatically debunk arguments that one took inspiration from other religions
>Unlettered People
They used to tell poetry like no other, again you don't have to be lettered to be able to speak your mind.
>One man job
He did have followers and close circles of people he trusted most named the writers of the Quran, am i right?
>Knew that life was made from water
So did Thales of Miletus said that the originating principle of nature was a single material substance: water.
>before Mohammad
>Points for not claiming being a Prophet
>Never seen the sea
literally the Saudi Arabia kingdom is srounded by sea, if not that, Didn't the prophet travel with his uncle on the journey of winter and summer, that being lands of shaam and Yamman, bonus info being that in Yaman they went to the land of Hammeer which is literally next to the sea.
with all due respect as an ex-muslim, you should know more about ones religion and actual facts before claiming stories as being actual and true.
I follow no religion, but find them interesting to learn about. A shame many anons are too full of zeal to talk about them in a desirable fashion.
As once wise man said:
"There is nothing more interesting to talk about other than sex. politics and religion"
He is unlettered. I'm not offending him. He doesn't know how to read or right. The short term for it is unlettered.
Yes, the Arab people enjoy poetry. But it only compromise of literature and story.
And Muhammad pbuh was never a poet in his life. But has produced the greatest work of literature, n
>write the Quran
It was written during the first Caliph, and compiled during the Third Caliph.
But all the Quran comes out from Muhammad pbuh mouth.
>never sea the sea
Yemen is huge. The trading was done at the centre of Yemen, not at it side.
Beside, even if Muhammad did see the sea, then how could you explain this:
>taking from his surroundings
He never call Allah his Father. He never belittle the Prophet in the Bible. He says that Jesus is the Christ, a prophet, but not God. He defended Mary from false accusations of the Jews. This is not all, but enough to say that he doesn't take it from his surroundings.
Also, see miraclesofthequran.com
Oh, and if I may ask, what belief are you holding now?
If you read my long-ass post, I would gladly appreciate it.
*how toread or write
I believe it because I choose to.
Without God we live in a cosmic carcrash in which nothing ultimately matters - the husband who gives up decades of his life to support his sick wife suffers the same meaningless death as the genocidal dictator. My great hope is in eternal justice more than anything.
It isn't like with God anything matters if he can just rewrite our entire reality in one second without any comprehensible motive behind such an act.
Justice like hope is something that people should take in their own hands.
Even as young Muslim, I was surprised how come people be proud of calling their savior and salvation illiterate. It's kinda of offence for a prophet of a religion, that being said the only reason why people would hold such a claim if only other people claimed similarities between other abarhamic religions and some Greek doctors and philosophers/ naturalists.
I used that argument to show you that you back at that time you didn't need to learn how to read and write as long you had the ability to describe something in an ambiguous matter.
Yes indeed the Quran was gathered and filtered after the first caliph, but before that, the writers of the quran had used to write the Quran on parchments. Isn't that the way Omar bin Khatab came to Islam in the Hadeeth? He read a parchment of the word Of Mohammad
All I am saying is it's impossible for one man to have written all that.
The only evidence that it's the word of Allah and not Mohammad is the book itself.
As for knowing the deep sea isn't that impressive, the Sura clearly is a description of what you can see (waves) and common analytic thinking, sea must be deep thus some parts light doesn't reach.also greeks spoken of sunken cities such as Plato in his work "Timaeus" of Atlantis. Implying that they knew of deep seas from which no light reached to it.
I see you disregarded my argument about Thales.
And yes I do believe he took from his surroundings. Such as the the progression of a fetus inside a womb, clearly taken from the Greek physician Hippocrates.
And currently I don't believe in any specific religion, but also don't identify as anything. I am here now, and that what matter.
There are limits to temporal justice. You can't reward those who literally give up their lives to save others. You can't punish those who are above the law.
Justice is not for the sake of reward. Your mind is just too weak.
And we can really make justice eternal if we want to, because essential all values and moral are defined by our own minds.
The image of God that you hope for is just too self-deceiving.
Cause it's the only one that I've found that has helped me reconcile logic with faith
Maybe if you were religious you'd know to ignore things you don't like and not be such a faggit.
>Ignoring things you don't like
Tell that to the Muslim and Christian Contentious m8
Christian hate fags, protest against them
Muslim hate or dislike none Muslims, either shove religion in throat or condemn them
Because my religion is based on the scientific knowledge of life on earth, and understood from mystical understanding of that knowledge.
I'm a religious naturalist who is basically a monist Jain that uses the rhetoric of western science.
It's all real, it's just how i understand it from a state of emotional sensory perception, aka mysticism, that forms the foundation of my religious beliefs.
Why should it be offensive when Allah Himself aren't ashamed?
“Before this, you did not read any book, nor did you write anything with your hands”. (29:48).
>written all that
Just to be on the safe side, yes.
Yes, ancient people knew that light cannot reach it.
But no one knew at that time that the sea is made of layer after layer of waves between the dense and less dense water and create clouds when they bump into each other. But somehow you say that it's common analytical thinking to think that way?
>the link
Sorry, but it just way too long to read. Maybe I'll read it someday.
Now, for all of those Greek books. Does the Arabs at the time have access to that book. The Arabs at that time were unlettered people. Only more than a dozen people at that time who can read and write. Much less can read greek, since arabic is their language.
It is highly unlikely that those who can read greek will talk about high and advance things to the unlettered people.
Oh, and ignore the:
'Just to be on safe side' part, forget to erase it.
*Does the Arabs at the time have access to that book?
first instance, insane clown posse told me it was cool so i did it
second instance, thought eternal nothingness was a horrible way to go
third instance, recieved a vision from the lord where he consoled me about the reality of death, i was also greeted by peter and paul at the gates of heaven where they just smiled at me before i descended back to the real world.
Da fuck?
explain this
And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
YA SIN- 38
call me retarded but i do believe that the movement of the sun was mentioned in the quran 1400 years ago
Justice is a curious mental property.
It seems to be a universal ideal, though interpreted universally.
If you do good, you should be rewarded
If you do bad, you should be punished.
Justice fulfills some deep longing in the human heart which lends some credit to religion.
>to be on the safe side
Didn't Allah promise that he will save his book?
In HIS book?
I am sorry but I can't see the relevance here that the deep sea is made of layers. It's not made of layers of waves, it was never made this way if you look back how seas where created by the movement of layers of earth and ocean water breaching through the rocks. And oceans where created about 3.8 billion years ago when the earth cooled down and the water condensed into rain which filled the basins that are now our oceans, Not WAVES.
And you don't have to read the whole article, I've said the Mohammad have very disturbing similarities between him and the Hippocrates in regards in fetus development, and muslims claiming to be the first, Also
> Providing links for us to read as argument but refusing to read our links for being "too long".
And we agreed that Most arabs were illiterate, right? Or did we forgot about that?
They used the word of mouth to transfer knowledge, such as in poetry.
And the how did they access that? didn't they use to trade with one of the countries that were under the influence of the Romans, that's right! The Land of Shaam
Bonus info, the Roman education system was based on the Greek system.
And yes it's highly likely, either that or the Book was written and added stuff to it later.
If it was divine intervention I would think we would have a wiser god than to tell us beating our wives "lightly" is a way to have them under control, allowing men to marry 4 women and have as much hareem, or providing ambiguous to false information regarding the embryonic evolution within the womb.
>And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point.
The sun doesn't have a stopping point, neither does it set in a muddy pool. The Koran is completely wrong about the sun as it is about everything else.
Hey this guy
I'm Fedora but if I had too choose it would be either specifically Italo-Roman neopaganism or Druidism.
In a Christian universe the husband who gives up decades of his life to support his sick wife goes to Hell if he's not a Christian and the genocidal dictator can go to Heaven as long as he asks Jesus's forgiveness. :^)
A god/gods exist, but apparently don't give a fuck or prefer to just observe rather than actively participate in the world.
>Italo-Roman neopaganism
Αηδιαστιkό Ρωμαϊkή χοίρων. Όλοι γνωρίζουμε Ελληνιστιkή νεοπαγανισμός είναι πολύ kαλύτερη.
The meme magic of Lord Kek (pbuh) has had many demonstrable real-world effects this past year.
That's a terrible oversimplification and it shows your ignorance of Christianity.
>You can't reward those who literally give up their lives to save others.
You can honor them. Also, what makes you think people who deserve to get punished, don't get their dues by living the way they do?
Being evil actually causes as much damage to the person who does evil things as those he hurts.
The religion of the Romans, state, initiatory, and cultural is western and European society at its peak. Everything today is because of the Romans and the Gods that favored them. The philosophy behind the Gods is true to nature, and it's very special inhabitants, man, little Gods, ones who walk upright like Gods, ones who look like Gods, ones who act like the Gods. Everyone loves the stories of Pandora and Prometheus but few dig deeper.
If you have questions feel free (btw i fucking hate the pagan community, fucking weirdos and losers, not enough based Romans, so don't lump me in with the LARPers, deus vult fags.)
>safe side
Again, I said ignore it. I was writing something different but not finish it and forgot to delete it.
No, what I meant was: the sea have two water(dense and less dense water). They cannot combine together. Between them are waves like in pic related. Do you think an Arab at that time would know about this?
>don't read link
I'm sorry but it way too long, my link isn't even 1/3th that long.
>regarding plagiarized
Too long to type but here hamzatzortzis.com
Got any sources or places to read about your philosophy/practices?
What are you opinions on NOVA ROMA?
>i fucking hate the pagan community
You and me both.
T. Hellenistic pagan.
>beating wives lightly
See islamawareness.net
At 2010 in America, there's about 5.2 million surplus women. If all of the male American got married, then there are still 5.2 million women who won't get married.
And we all know it is impossible. 90% of jail population are males. Many people in New York are gays.
What're going to do with that +5.2 million unmarried women? The only answer is polygamy.
I believe, because belief is the thing. I could believe in anything, really, but I wouldn't be concerned about it as long as I believed in something. It's a delightfully human thing and I feel that we would cease to be human without it. Some people don't want to be human or they want to be more than human, which is fine but I've come to find a lot of personal value in embracing my own humanity.
user, neither the sun rise. We all know that it merely rotation of the earth.
Now, the word here Arabic word here are 'appear'. It APPEARS to Dhul-Qarnain(the man in the verse) that the sun going into muddy water(Black sea).
The aya it too ambiguous and doesn't qualify as a scientific in any regards. I went to the full context of the aya and it is talking about the condition of the none believers being lost in darkness literary!
"Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean overwhelmed with billow topped by billow topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness one above another: if a man stretches out his hand he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light there is no light"
How in the world does this speak of dense water and light water not meeting??!?!?
There is no word talking about two waves or waters and describing them that they don't meet.
It's not even word play the Aya clearly talks about the unbelievers and compares them being in a state of darkness like the sea.
>Still not wanting to read link for being too long, so provides an equally long link and make excuse of being too long to type
Alright m8 I've speed read through it and the conclusion doesn't even mention Hippocrates influence or even tries to debunk that fact that there are similarities
Here's a video talking about what I mentioned earlier if you're still not convinced, because you clearly didn't read the same article you provided.
surah 4:34
I even google translated the work " اضربوهن" which means to beat
and a beat is still a beat no matter how lightly and a sign of loss in control
>ok not all women will get married so polygamy is answer!
what bout the lesbians? what about those who chose not to get married? What about those who aren't physically attractive, both men and women equally.?
Polgamy shows nothing more than sustaining men desire to have sex with women other than their wives. and
further evidence in sura al nisa giving men the option to marry two three or four and what their right hand possess.
"Quran (4:3) - "Marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands possess." This verse plainly allows a man to have up to four wives (Allah conveniently granted Muhammad an exception... on the authority of Muhammad, of course). According to the Hadith, the "justice" spoken of merely refers to the dowry provided the bride, not the treatment accorded following the wedding."
So I can have 4 legal wives and as many as my right hand poses.
And then Islam claims that it brought justice to women, right.
Stopping point as in the center of the galaxy.
i don't know what you mean by muddy pool but if you mean the Zulqarnayn story i don't see how it's related ?
Because it has been the most succesful.
Strongest horse.
It's clearly that Mohammad is describing what he is seeing. The sun moving around the earth and setting in the west.
Yaseen: (38)
And the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing
Clearly he meant the sun itself setting and the changes in time during summer and winter.
Not the center of the galaxy
Because if you look at the context of the Aya with the previous one and the one the follows it. Mohammad describes the shifting of night and day.
Not to sound like a fedora tipper, but... no religion fuck you all for believing in books thousands of years old *tips fedora*
>tips fedora in return
I just love this community man
So you want those 5.2 million women to become lesbians? Do you even know that the homosexual community contracy way way higher STDs than normal community.
>Aren't physically attractive
But that doesn't mean that they don't want to get married
>choose not to get married
Yeah, sure bud. +5.2 million women doesn't want to get married.
Tell me, what're you gonna do about 5.2 million women that can't get husbands? Screw them right?
Or (the unbelievers’ state) is like the darkness in a deep sea. It is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds. Darknesses, one above another. If a man stretches out his hand, he cannot see it.... (Quran, 24:40)
Now, in that verse. It is said the 'darkness of the sea is covered by waves'. Which part of the water is dark? The dense water(deepsea).
As the pic in , it shows that the dense water is covered by waves(created when dense and light water meet).
And yes, that verse doesn't speak about light and dense water meet, it just said that the darkness water(dense water) are covered by waves.
There are many interpretations of that verse. Your and mine are one of them.
>wikipedia about surah 4:34
Sorry, I'm a layman. So here:
It explains the words اضربوهن.
Did you read the 'The similarities between Galenic embryology and the Qur’an' section?
And thanks for the video. I appreciate it.
Jesus christ, it's not wanting someone to become something they are not, that's religion job, well some of it.
No, what i am saying is that people have different sexual preferences, and there are those who don't want to get married in the first place.
And being a homosexual doesn't increase the chances of you getting STD, unsafe, irresponsible sex does.
And the worse of it all you have the feel "to do something" about people who aren't married as if it's an issue.
Again, as if Islam has come to save the women. From what? Not getting married?
Well, what if the father of a normal family suddenly decides to marry another woman, mind you he has financial power, physical and mental capability to do so.
What of his first wife? Screw her, because she HAS to listen to her husband, and what of the kids? Now they have two mommies, another family sort of speak, now daddy has another family along side with us, but he spends more time with his new family because, of course it's a new family, and they need him to be around them more to nurture and provide. Yeah, that's a normal childhood to have. You heard of father complexity issues, right?
>Physical attraction
Almost everyone wants to find a significant other, yes.
Unattractive people tend to be the less fortunate in this matter, and unattractive females to be more specific.
A man would sleep with any woman, but wouldn't marry anyone for that person are going to bare their children.
This doesn't justify why a man should marry 4 and have more as their "right hand".
Technically, The Quran, word of Allah allows their significant other, the one they chose and accepted as a partner as our natural instinct goes, such instinct that he "allah" had it in us, to marry and have a family with some one else?? How is that fair!
>Mohammad speaks of dark waters, and darker means denser water therefore he knew about dense water back then!
That's just plainly word play.
Quran itself claims to be unambiguous and easy to understand. And from my simplistic pleb view of point got the point that what Mohammad is talking about is the Heart of unbelievers is like the dark sea.
If you say that it means that and also means that He knew of dense water, it makes it ambiguous thus contradicting itself. Which it doesn't in this aya, there is no dense water in that Aya m8, he could have just simply mentioned it, but he didn't.
If you say that the quran has many interpretations, which many Muslims agree, makes it ambiguous, thus, again, contraindicating itself. Which in return equals not the word of a god, in conclusion the word of a Man.
And the Aya talking about beating their wives, it clearly sates اضربوهن the action of beat. plain and simple no word play here.
> Galenic
I didn't mention Galen in my first place you brought it up and so does that link you gave me. I spoke of Hippocrates.
Don't mention it
>dark water
As I said, there're different interpretations of that verse. They both can be right, as they don't contradict each other(one is about nature, one is about what you said).
Kind of like saying, 'the sun give it light to the moon'. And someone might interpret it as 'A woman open the heart of a stubborn man'.
Now, when Muhammad mention 'darkness in the deep sea', did he meant all of the sea? No, he was referring to the lower part of the sea.
And the 'darkness is covered by wave'. Does it mean that all sea are covered by wave? No, only the part that light cannot reached.
And the wave that covers it? It in the pic . Which shows that the lower part of the sea are enveloped by waves.
Oh sorry. Here, read the conclusion, it includes Hippocrates:
Buddhist here, I could base most o what I understand about the world on the primary axioms of buddhism. Impermanence/ever changing of things, the essence-less nature of things, and the discord that follows in beings living in this world.
First axiom is kinda self evident so I'll skip that. Second axiom is mainly about how everything in this world is not an island unto itself but rather the relations of the things to other is what makes it. This is turn allows it to function without a core essence so to speak. Third is mainly tied with beings living in this world and dealing with imperfect knowledge about the impermanent and essence-less world.
It was convincing enough for me to pursue deeper.
Alevi here.
I believe because the hymns, songs and myths are 10/10
What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
>verse 4:3
Again, sorry. I'm a layman. So here:
>sexual preferences
Sometimes preference can be bad, such as drug.
>homosexual disease
Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men made up an estimated 2% of the population but 55% of people living with HIV in the United States in 2013.
And also, the wear of condom can only provide 70% of protection between gays, as opposed to 99.99% for normal people. Would you build a nuclear power plant if it has 30% of exploding? No.
Look, it's way way way way too high for it to be merely irresponsible sex. It prove that homosexual itself is wrong.
>the need to do something
So what? It is wrong for us to help those in trouble?
To provide protection for women, help widows to raise her kids(orphans), to prevent women from loosely having multiple sex with different patners(huge STDs risk), from literally going to the dogs, from engaging homosexuality.
>problem about polygamy
Look, what you're saying right is 'what if'. Islam told us to be fair, if we can't do justice, then marry only one.
That man HAVE TO be fair and do justice, that's what the Quran said.
>a man wouldn't marry anyone
Are all men like that? No. Some man don't care about appearance, and some woman also wouldn't mind to marry a man that already has a wife. But the American law prevents that, right?
And you tell me that it is okay for a man to have multiple mistress rather than multiple wife?
اضربوهن, as you know, arabic is the most complicated language. They have hundreds of words for a 'horse'.
Eskimos have hundreds of words for snow, its a cultural thing I guess. Saying its the most complicated is just a baseless claim as this is quiet subjective. Finnish and chinese with its thousand signs are also complex.
The quran says that man was made from the clinging form (i.e. and embryo) and that man is created from a spurt of fluid (i.e. cum)
Also you're an unknowledgeable muslim because as you should know Muhammed never wrote, only recited (indeed it was jabril's first command to him, "Recite!"). The quran and the hadith were written down after his death when people like abu bakr and ali realized that the oral tradition was not enough (though the project was begun in his lifetime shortly before he fell ill)
Skip to number 7:
Arabic is different, from what I've heard.
Do you even follow the post?
uh oh
>darkness in the deep sea
again and for the last time, he didn't say deep in any of the aya. that's the english translation
deep translates to عميق in arabic
the aya in the original arabic verse has no word deep in it nor dense.
He is clearly talking about the darkness within the hearts of the unbelievers.
I don't know how one puts one and one then claims to be speaking about something that is simply not.
As for the article.
I am not going to bother reading the article because you clearly didn't read the ones i gave you, and the conclusion doesn't show anything for your info.
In the end, Mohammad describes the Embryonic evolution in the womb wrong, like the ones before him, in his description he says:"And then he chewed like substance becomes bones and then they covered the bones with Muscles". Which is wrong, they grow spontaneously at the same time.
>not a layman
If so stop giving false interpretation since you claim to don't know better
>sexual prefrence being bad like drugs
So is being a sex addict how can't have enough women
> STD's and HIV only in gay communities
So does on straight couple, studies shows that men are more willing to have unprotected sex than women, hence why gay MEN have more STD's and STI's
>Wrong to help
No it's not, what wrong is to give some privilege of marrying more women and claiming it as HELP. It's not.
Having more wives doesn't hold a family together, it breaks them
Even Aeysha had problems with Mohammad being married to more than one. And she was his Favorite, wasn't she?
So he clearly wasn't just as the roles apply to when you are going to marry more than one. Which is justice between each.
>arabic is a complicated language
Yes, but the Quran and Mohammad brought it upon themselves when he said in his book, that the quran is easy to interrupt and un-ambiguous
>that's my own culture
>it created the best civilizations
>I admire christian values and think they are mostly right
>a lot of great philosophers and people I admire are christians
>I think it's cool
>I kinda believe in Jesus and miracles
What was that best civilization?
The word are لجي:
Again, some verse has many interpretations. Your and mine both can be correct, as they don't contradict each order. I'm not denying your interpretation, I'm just saying the literal reading of the verse 'darkness of the sea are covered by waves' exist in nature, which scientists just discovered recently, look link .
When Muhammad mention dark sea, is he referring the whole sea? No, he was referring to the part that light cannot reach. And the deep sea is the only part of the sea that light cannot reached.
>last time
Just... reply if you feel like it. If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. We can discuss something else, if you want. But please take my arguments into consideration, as I think that I've stated my case clearly and professionally.
religion is a pillar of civilisation
>I fucking hate the Pagan community.
It's because the most popular form of Paganism is Asatruar/Norse aka "One of the least recorded religions ever" which leads to people to fill in the blanks with straight larping which leads to "religions" like Wicca. I've never seen a Hellenistic/Roman Pagan who's a larper because the religions are pretty well documented.
It's fine, the thing is, it was getting tedious, repeating ourselves that is.
And I do take it to consideration, it's just that I can't see it the same way you do.
So, we agree to disagree?
Seriously though, talking with you mate, it was fun.
>don't read
FINE, I'll read it. ALL OF IT. A gentleman promise. But I can't promise that I'll finish it before the thread is archived, but I'll finish it nevertheless.
Now, if you read the conclusion in , it said that Hippocrates works are completely different from those in the Quran. Meaning that Muhammad didn't plagiarized the Greeks works.
>chewed meat
>giving false interpretation
Look, I'm not an imam. I'm just stating the conclusion of the links I gave.
>agree to disagree?
Tch, fine, for now.
I'm still writing about gays. Will reply in 30 minutes or so.
Look, it can be either good or bad. In this case, gay is bad, according to statistics.
>not having enough women
Look, 70% of men cheat on their wives, which is a very unhealthy practice. And polygamy can help to reduce the percentage.
>stds in normal community
Valid argument. But the percentage of infected is NOTHING compare to the percentage of in homosexual community(which is way way way higher).
>prefer unprotected sex
Look, before the condom was invented(or any sec protection), is it as severed as the statistics of HIVs infected in homosexual community?() No. Then homosexual itself are wrong.
Oh, and condom only provide 70% of protection among gays, which is way way way too low and risky.
>polygamy break family
Again, everything will break if you can't do justice to it.
Yes, there were problems. But there're also solutions. As polygamy is a solution for the surplus women and . And in the end, all of his wives are satisfied.
Yes, it's unambiguous. But it's also important to know when the verses is being revealed to solve problem at that time. Like this user explain here:
The اضربوهن did mean to 'beat'. BUT lightly, according to scholars. And there's also hadith that indicates it 'lightly beat'.
So you ar a biologist that really likes magic mushrooms?
Allah claimed that Sun sets in muddy pool and that Alexander the Great found that pool.
Also, Muhammad was illiterate. He didn't write shit. Koran wasn't written as a whole long after his death. No to mention that a big part of it's was lost (for exemple sheep ate passage about breastfeeding). There were shittone of versions of Koran that were burnt by one of Caliphs.
And we know it all from early muslims sources.
I know, follow the post
>sun muddy water
Look >part was loss
Islam spread quite far in the time of Muhammad. During his life, the quran was written on dry bones, palm leaves, ect. And many of the companion memorize the whole Quran accurately.
So, during the first caliph, all the written Quran was compiled and make a book. Remember, it spread far. It highly likely that they got all the pieces, then verified by the companions.
>version burn
No, it not a version. A version is different from other versions(extra chapter, verse, different story, ect).
It more like a slang. Islam spread very far. So people from other countries(different Arabic slang) who has been converted to Islam write the Quran from what they heard. They tends to miswrite the Quran.
Kind of like how you Western call the third caliph, "Uthman, Othman, Ottman".
So, the third caliph burn those piles and compiled a universal Quran. It's roughly 20-30 years after Muhammad.
Don't try to fool anyone user. Your "appearance" interpretation is blocked by Muhammad himself. Read Sunan Abu Dawud 3991. This alone disproves your book as a bunch of deluded shit from child rapists
You have three options now. Will you be Good Muslim and reject reality? Will you be Bad Muslims and commit blasphemy against your prophet and Allah? Or will you be Former Muslim and stay on planet called reality where Sun dosen't set in Black Sea and Islam is false.
And for History of Quran have this. youtube.com