how was Assad good ?
How was Assad good ?
>protects actual Syrian citizens from the Iraqi mercenaries that call themselves the "F""S""A"
He's not. He's just slightly less bad than the people fighting him.
his regi(s)me is regarded as more stable and secular compared to the other alternatives, also the kurds can be intimidating with their socialism
but most only support him because they are edgy / /pol/ told them
Secular and presents a degree more of stability then the rebels.
Without Assad, Syria is probably going to turn into a divided shithole like Libya, at least with Assad Syria could start rebuilding itself.
>openly a puppet of the Islamic Republic of Iran
>used Hezbollah fighters as shock troops
>funded and armed jihadists to fight in Iraq
Still more secular then the durka durka jihad rebels fampai
Iran is not as fundamentalist as American media would have you think it is. They're not Arabs, remember. They have a certain detachment that other Muslim countries lack.
why are there no explanations for what the war in Syria was even supposed to be about beyond dude Arab spring lmao?
This was a 100% backed and coordinated by the CIA conflict right?
>The United States
>a vassal state of the Saudi Kingdom
>puppet of the zionist government of Israel
>openly funds and otherwise materially supports terrorist cells and fundamentalist rebel groups in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.
If you want an explanation, it's a political administration in which top positions are mostly monopolized by shia alawites against the backdrop of a general sunni uprising in the middle east
The Sunni's always resented alawite rule, and for the Assad families part they did try to rectify the situation by bringing alawite tradition more in line with the inland sunni's, but the sunni awakening happened too soon for them to succeed.
Intelligence agencies can't conjure conflicts from nothing, they work with the conditions they are given.
>those sandniggers are stupid and could never start a revolution without the Americans helping them
Fucking shitlord.
>Iraqi mercenaries
nigga, iraqis are currently in Syria helping Assad in the form of shia militias and the khataib version of the hizballs
FSA is made up by the lowest demeanor of gulf arabs, saudis, libyans, sunni radicals, turkmen/turk LARPers and even some chechens
It has been an unsuccessful attempt at coordinated regime change. We thought we learned something in Iraq, but it's hard to keep track of all the variables, man.
You mean the opposition. If the FSA were of such a composition, it would be much less irrelevant.
If it winds up that Putin has outsmarted the fucking CIA I say we just give up. Sure, let Trump shake his hand and make peace. If you can't beat em, join em.
No doubt this HAD to be forced by CIA.
The western nations wanted their citizens to believe the bullshit that the Arabs wanted to "revolt against their Baathist oppressors", and the Merican public being stupid like it always is, they ate that lie right up. Why the fuck would they want to revolt? Just to bring a couple of ragheads to power?
Now that ISIS is becoming less relevant, the faggots are shifting their attention back to Assad. Syria had rightfully taken back it's city of Aleppo, and both the Jihadists and Americans were so butthurt about it.
kill yourself idiots
He's really not, but at this point anybody who represents stability in any sense would be seen as good.
If he is restored to power it will just turn Syria into a ticking time bomb again.
Eventhough the war is far from over, still amazing how much they managed to retake just these last 2 months cause of rebel fuck-ups.
Ya'll niggas is straight dumb and fall for weak tier propaganda if you think Assad isn't a hero and a good man
The whole thing is turkey, qatar, saudi, usa, germany, britain, france trying to secure a deal for a pipeline to provide cheaper natural gas to Europe so that it doesn't fucking collapse in a months time
And the European oligarchs gets to hit two birds with one stone by importing millions of refugees to push down wages and keeping the tight noose of austerity on their population
Israel is in it for their zionist bullshit and US is in it to secure EU purchasing power to buy all of their exports
go to fucking wikileaks and read the documents relating to syria already - shit has been known for years - and stop memeing about shite sunni conflict as if the people don't love assad and that any muslims apart from the wahabis actually give a shit about such a conflict when they're ethnically the same and live peacefully with christians and jews
>those supposed 14 US coalition advisers that were caught in Aleppo last week by the SAA
>like 10 were from Saudi Arabia
>one was from Israel named Shlomo
I see why Kerry was in full panick and crying for a immediate ceasefire after Assad gained the momentum.
>Ya'll niggas is straight dumb and fall for weak tier propaganda
stopped reading there
That's like turning down a free candy bar because it happens to be offered by a mildly retarded person.
...Miss me yet?
>FSA is just a Saudi Arabia puppet and they don't represent syria
>his own army is mainly foreign shia militia by now
Don't be racist.
Absolutely nothing of good would come from deposing him
it isn't
while he pretty much has lost half the armed/airforce by now the bulk is still sunni arabs of Syrian nationality with other shia, druze, christian and alawite regulars
>funded and armed jihadists
Are you sure you don't mean the USA?
Holy shit please kill yourself you fucking idiot I can't believe people as dumb as you actually exist.
Hahahahaha holy shit.
He will "win" in the end. If you can call that a victory.
He will stabilize what's left of Syria.
And then the USA is gonna find a way to justify killing him in his home with a drone strike 5 years after.
Mark my words.
If what I have said is incorrect, by all means, tell me in what ways. I love to learn from experts on matters.
> find a way to justify
> find a way
> justify
>Iraqis are not arabs
Are you retarded
Then why did sunni arabs not protect the rights of alawite shia's during the ottoman period
And what is the bulk on offensives
>not knowing the difference between Iran and Iraq
I think you shouldn't be talking about who's dumb, because that's you
Iran, with an n. Contain your anger buddy it's not healthy
Shia clerics have the best bants, lel
sunni's from all over the world that would rather divide than unite Syria with its other ethno-religious groups
You should leave Veeky Forums, like now.
>why are there no explanations for what the war in Hungary was even supposed to be about beyond dude 1848 lmao
>This was 100% backed and coordinated by the british east india company right?
are we calling air superiority due to foreign intervention rebel fuck-ups now?
Perhaps you have misunderstood my question
what soldiers does Assad use for his frontlines? What does he attack with?
This war has demonstrated multiple times that air superiority does not in itself win battles.
The bulk is still Syrian Arab or are you implying that 8000 irregular Hezbolla/Afghan meatshields from Iran somehow stand for the main assaults?
Cause last time I checked it was relocating the Tigers, RG and Hawks that made a Aleppo victory possible.
>shittalking Hezbollah and afghani's
there's some seriously rookie analysis
>putting out 8000 as a paltry number
>out of the groups mentioned, only the RG's field more than 8000
Furthermore, the Republican Guard is used fairly sparingly, as is proper given their pre-war role.
>shittalking Hezbollah and afghani's
I have nothing against the Hizballs cause they are a proper para-military organization that has proven to be one of the main factors with Iran to keep Assad falling until the Ruskies entered and could relieve him to regain momentum.
But the Afghans are literal meatshields taken from iranian prisons given the option of freedom if they go and fight there.
Also you asked for the main offensive which was said groups. There are still thousands upon thousands of other Syrian regulars in different divisions and brigades holding positions all over the country. The main assaults are done by relocating said specialist groups, which is a big issue.
Hi isnt, he is a fool. he didnt listen.
>weak-tier propaganda
>uses the word "zionist"
Gadaffi sealed his own faith when he got into a fight with Abdullah
Meat shields that, by the nature of being meat shields, kind of have to stand for assaults. Afghan fighters are from the same background as Hezbollah, the poorest of the poor with a bone to pick. It don't matter what you think of individually, it's enough that they're willing to get shot.
>Holding positions around the country
In other words, manning checkpoints. Yeah?
In any case, you're right, it was said groups, though not on numbers approaching, say Hezbollah, or some the other shia militias operating in Aleppo province.
Kys just kys
Ignore the memers
His family are literal traitors who shat on Arab Unity and Syrian Nationalism for power
You guys do realize there was another Assad, actually his-related?
Such thing as suicide bombing can be attributed to Assad's father who took the idea from Iran (Ruhollah Khomeini) and used it successfully against Americans in Lebanon and forced them to withdraw from that country, eventually it spiraled out of control and now you have Muslims suicide bombing everyone, even other Muslims.
This is the nigga I'm talking about.
man, when you're talking the middle east you have to grade it on a curve.
>but this was a fantasy
[Drive soundtrack intensifies]