>people still not buying Minereum at dirt cheap price
People still not buying Minereum at dirt cheap price
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying alt coins
Stay poor
Still denying crypto at this stage? Foolish.
You're acting awfully defensive and insecure for a guy who's supposed bought into a supposedly undervalued coin, you realise that right?
Also nice double dubs
shut the fuck up
if you dont tell people, it will get even cheaper
chasing Pump and Dump coins and not buying 10-100x coins like this, is just plain.... 4chany desu.
Stop being greedy user, it's at 130k sats and it isn't going to be significantly lower any time soon. Just put whatever money you can into it and see it go 100x in a year. Telling people about it is just going to speed up the mooning process, we got in early enough don't worry.
Sadly this. They somehow pumped millions of dollars into RDD DGB and XVG, but they won't buy an actual undervalued mooncoin. They could all be buying their dumb ass lambos if they poured all that money into MNE instead of pnd shitcoins
Where do you get Minerium; I don't venture outside bittrex cause all the other exchanges look like shady russian hacker holes
Its only on livecoin right now which is absolute shit since its still a pretty new coin. Still waiting for that bittrex listing
>I don't venture outside bittrex
I feel you user, but livecoin seems to be legit. I've only used bittrex and polo before, and only went to livecoin for MNE, because it's a week old coin that didn't have an ICO, so it doesn't have a high initial market cap. Most new coins start out with multi million marketcaps after the ICO meaning the same amount of money pouring in from getting added to bittrex and polo will yield a smaller % bump in price.
When this will hit bittrex, yobit and polo it will be too late.
Some updates since last night:
Minereum has stabilized completely ABOVE 100k sats, which is a stabilization after a 1000% increase in under a week. I still believe this is a retardedly good buy to 10x in the coming week.
If you don't understand what the coin does - the roadmap outlines a streamlined trade of Minereum in exchange for your own custom ETH tokens. This is the first coin of its kind, and I personally feel that you would be a fool to not realize the potential of that application.
(unless you're the dumbass that bought at the $9 ATH and came into the last thread complaining about how crypto has no real value - you can fuck off)
where do i buy this?
>Costs more than $1 USD while available on some obscure, Pajeet exchange
also if u are new to livecoin use this referal link, its beneficial for both of us :
or the code: Livecoin-26U6sFUh
Hey, welcome to crypto. Enjoy chasing Veeky Forums pump and dump schemes or slow burning ROIs, we'll be over here researching actually interesting and undervalued coins.
Good luck!
this. So much this. I wouldn't have guessed how stupid of of the biz bros are...
how is sys compared to mne?
They are completely different coins, down to their coin supply and market cap. Useless to compare them.
SYS has already seen pumps, though. I really believe MNE to be fertile for investments on account of no serious price increase after its initial parabolic rise.
Are you retarded? Coin price only matters relative to coin supply. If this shit hits a market cap similar to DGB a coin will be worth around 300USD.
Shit, if it got to bit bean levels, it would be worth about 12$ a coin.
givemne some eth to invest
some mne directly
but i want
to buy the dip
so give me eth
the second is mne
Fuck off to the begging thread
Daily reminder that MNE will be added to another exchange soon confirmed by dev 3 weeks ago
>We are in discussions with exchanges, 2 of them are being tested and we are just waiting for their confirmation to go live.
We will update here once there are more updates.
>Crypto Dao is not one of the 2 we are working on.
However, Crypto Dao approached us and implemented very quickly minereum on their platform.
So we accepted them as our first exchanges, we think it's better than having nothing at this stage.
Adding MNE on other exchanges is proving to be slow, something we were not expecting.
This lag is mainly on the exchanges side due to their technical constraints.
We will keep you updated as soon as we have more news.
After minereum is on a solid exchange we will update about the next steps.
So that means there is atleast 1 more exchange coming soon aside from Livecoin and Cryptodao. The dev was spotted in the trollbox at Polo a while ago
>Livecoin 24h volume: 3,500 BTC
>Polo 24h volume: 123,000 BTC
This is a no-brainer to buy at these prices until it hits the bigger exchanges
Coinomi looking to add Minereum to their wallet in the future
Buy and hodl until big exchange, meanwhile join Telegram group of 230+ people @Minereum
What's to stop me from making 100k pointless, worthless ERC20 tokens of my own, and exchanging it for 100k minereum?
Uh...nothing? Do that if you want. MNE is also an ETH token.
can I use telegram on the pc? i dont have a smartphone
Oh, I didn't understand at first glance. Technically nothing is stopping you, but it is not easy to get your coins on exchanges, and it would be virtually impossible to fake them having any value. I think this is a non-issue.
>Hi everyone,
>Just want to give a quick update.
>We are currently undergoing our deep analysis for the development of the Ethereum Token Creation Service.
>As explain in the roadmap, this service will be exclusive to minereum tokens and all the received tokens will be burned.
>About exchanges, we are working with more exchanges, since this process always takes time on the exchanges side we can't do much more than wait.
>We will update here once we have more news, stay tuned!
Hell yes. Last chance to buy under 150k sat, IMO
When you wrote that there would be a streamlined exchange of minereum for your own custom ERC20 token, I thought you mean that you could exchange them directly from your wallet, into an exchange that is specifically for minenereum. If this just means that you can buy minereum and turn it into your own coin, then what's the point when you can already create your own coin for free?
mostly their names and icons are different
did you guys even look at the smart contract script? looks pretty basic to me. dumped with a small profit, enjoy the bags
Stay poor pajeet
According to the roadmap, you exchange MNE tokens (that are then burned and disappear) for your own custom tokens sent to an ETH wallet.
You realize a token needs to be listed on an exchange already in order for it to be sent there, right? You can't just make a token and send it to Bittrex. It costs, on average, 3-5 BTC to APPLY for a token to be listed if you are the dev.
You CAN create your own coin for free, sure, but that requires knowledge and resources. Like I said in the last thread, you are free to disagree, but I think the first person to market with a streamlined solution for that is valuable.
No shit it is basic, they haven't released the API or script for the ETH token creation service which is the bulk of why this coin is groundbreaking.
The code to create a self-mining coin is obviously not that complicated.
> You have: 1 359.83307422 MNE
W-will i make it bros?
>$67k usd in two or three months
I'd say you're doing alright
practically the same as me, I am packing my bags for the trip, are you?
i hope you are right, i bought half of it at 0015 before the dip, and for the first time i bought more on the dip(0011) instead of getting shaky. hope it pays off well
That's a huge amount of MNE. If this coin hits our targets, you've made a shit ton of money.
Good fucking job getting in on this early boys.
i think i am going to sleep through this trip.. all the bumbs makes me nauseous, wake me up when we reach pluto will you?
sure thing mate!
Honestly just stop looking at the chart altogether. There's no point in even thinking about selling before we hit bittrex and polo, so just store your MNE on myetherwallet and check if it's on bittrex yet every few days. Although you'll probably be notified when stupid Veeky Forumstards start spamming 20 mne threads a day when it's already on bittrex and is trading over 1mil satoshi
noob here
cant I just store MNE on Livecoin's account? should I send it to myetherwallet just to be safe in case of Livecoin getting fucked or is there any other reason?
also, any real difference between buying it for BTC instead of ETH?
I am keeping mine on the exchange but it is always safer to send it to a wallet.
You will get a much better deal buying with BTC right now since the ETH/MNE exchange is much smaller.
I just suggested storing it on myetherwallet so he would stop going to livecoin altogether and not get weak hands by looking at the chart all day. You shouldn't be looking to sell MNE on livecoin, because it has small volume and you couldn't dump your bags efficiently, so you'll have to send it to bittrex when it gets added anyway.
Also you can buy MNE with ETH but the volume is extremely low so you'll have to settle for shit deals to get a larger amount of it.
pic related
>You CAN create your own coin for free, sure, but that requires knowledge and resources. Like I said in the last thread, you are free to disagree, but I think the first person to market with a streamlined solution for that is valuable.
The problem is that there's a chrome extension that already lets you create your own ERC20 token and it's pretty straightforward and free. You can create as many as you want. The problem in the crypto world is that there are crypto currencies that often do things that other cryptos already due ex. GNT vs. RLC, Gnossis vs. Augur, Monaco card vs. token card, steem vs. bat vs. Shift, I guess we'll see in the future what the market decides as winners and losers
so i can just send MNE to an ether wallet?
will it show as mne?
how does that work?
>buying a pajeet scamcoin with 5320% inflation over the first two years
shitcoin's marketcap needs to moon 50x just to keep the coin price FLAT
Did you forget to take your meds? What the fuck are you talking about?
MNE has been on exchanges for just over a week. It has consolidated and found support at 1000% from it's starting price. Seek help.
what sorta sucks is that the rate of MNE creation is constant, but that 'hurts' the early adopters the most.
t. >2k MNE
The genesis addresses are generating fractions of coins, it will hardly make an impact. I also think that since the coin has such a low coin supply, it will keep the market a little more liquid than one with a hard capped supply.
I own 2000 coins of this bullshit and I can't even sell it. I literally tried to sell it for a loss and couldn't. It just sat there for half an hour until i took it off.
Fuck this coin. I know I technically own some, but I hate it. It'll go nowhere, and it has no purpose.
>hurrr durrr it can make ether tokens DURRRRHURRR
>ether tokens can already be made with browser extension
>they can already do that for free, and they aren't going to pay $1000+ to do it.
iirc, ~4k MNE are made a day.
Current supply is 319,403 MNE, so that's a ~1.2% daily inflation so far
Hey, it's the retard who posts the same image and complains about buying in at the $9 all time high again!
We all told you last thread, it's your own fucking fault for buying into a coin you don't agree with at the ATH. Coming into these threads where people are having productive discussions and complaining is shooting yourself in the foot. Fuck off, dawg
I think I sold to you that night desu
At least get your numbers right autismo.
>initial coin count was 76824
>coin count after two years is going to be 5819571
That's 7575% inflation. Except the initial market cap was $0.00 and it went to $1 million in 8 days. On an obscure exchange that has a daily volume of $19 million as of today (bittrex trade volume is $138 million).
Current coin count is 319500, so the market cap only has to be $18.2 million TWO FUCKING YEARS FROM NOW to stay the same. Except the market cap will hit more than that the moment this coin hits bittrex.
So I think we're doing alright. Feel free to hang yourself when you see MNE trading over $50 in a few months and you remember this thread.
>retard buys a coin he doesn't see potential in at +500%
>coin corrects
Yet, in three threads no one can give me a straight answer:
WHY would you PAY for MNE to create ether tokens when you can do it for FREE with a web browser?
I'm tired of you faggots fleecing noobs here with your pump and dumbs. Out of the new coins presented in biz, DGB is actually a good coin with tons of potential, RDD is kind of stupid but actually has use and potential, what is MNE's purpose??
There is so much shilling around RDD and most of it is bullshit, like when people said "it was the official coin of reddit."
DGB has potential but you're basically gambling that gamers will make it worth something.
I've seen three separate anons explain to you why they think this is a good idea, and in the last thread you went on a two paragraph rant about why Vitalik is a retard and why crypto has no use other than as a store of value. You fundamentally disagree with everyone who bought into this coin on its merit, and with most people that believe in crypto in general. You are in the wrong place, making bad investments, and getting angry about it. Suck it up and try again next time dude, there is no reasoning with you. I've exhausted all my arguments with you so we'll have to agree to disagree. Better luck next time.
>WHY would you PAY for MNE to create ether tokens when you can do it for FREE with a web browser?
Maybe you should have thought of that before buying at $9 retard
>tired of you noobs
>buys coin he thinks is useless at +500%
>calls people noobs
>DGB is actually a good coin with tons of potential
WHY would you PAY for DGB to buy video game giftcards with when you can do it with your credit card in Steam?
>RDD actually has use and potential
WHY would you PAY for RDD to upvote comments and posts when you can do it for FREE on reddit?
>when you're this fucking dumb
Like I said, I bought most at $2 and then more at $9, so I'm actually hovering around an average of $4 a coin. Not my greatest moment, but I did it with a 1/5th of my profits from RDD so it's not really a hit for me.
You can mine DGB while playing video games... Do you understand the magnitude of this? Tech wise, the coin is superior to both BTC and LTC, which is actually the most impressive part. It's cornering the video game market as we speak, which it will use as a platform to become universally mainstream... You really are looking at a coin that will go $1+ within a year, so I would load up now before Digusign is released.
RDD is fucking gay, but unlike MNE it actually has use. It will be the protoype for a social media tipping platform and will make pretty good gains at least for a while. If crypto really does catch on this will have to segway into something else or it won't survive, but that is a long way out.
nice argument you really got me there :^)
segue* fml.
Can you show me the web app that lets you create fully compatible ERC20 tokens with custom names and icons? I'm looking for it and can't find it.
But... muh coins are gonna get me lambos right!!
Lmao these kids are either getting money from other idiot kids or vice versa every time there is a pump and dump.
well look harder, google helps have you heard of google?
>You can mine DGB while playing video games... Do you understand the magnitude of this?
>average league game lasts for 50 minutes including queue time
>average league game will yield you 5 DGB if we're being really generous
>you now have an income of 6 DGB per hour
Truly revolutionary. How could I overlook the magnitude of this?
>$1 a coin
Yeah it only needs a measly amount of 9 billion USD to reach that target.
Tech wise DASH is superior to both BTC and LTC and it's currently sitting at a less than $1 billion marketcap.
>protoype for a social media tipping platform
You mean Steem?
DGB's market cap has doubled 3 times in the past week. It only needs to double 7 more times to reach over 9 billion... That's really not that much considering crypto's market cap as a whole will hit a trillion by the end of the year.
Everyone knows Dash is a scam coin, that's why it can't break it's current position.
>DGB's market cap has doubled 3 times in the past week. It only needs to double 7 more times to reach over 9 billion
>only needs to double 7 more times
>only needs to go 2^7x
>12700% increase
>it went up 8x so therefore it will go up 128x
>math doesn't even check out 128x would actually take it to 15.8 billion
Step up the crypto trading game, add me on skype: CryptoAnna
Dash is absolutely fucking shit though. I mean come on man. They are known as the coin with the best marketing team pummeling crap at anyone dumb enough to buy.
Fuck Dash. Bought in at 100, sold at 50, weak hands yeah but a 50% loss for a coin with nothing unique. Fuck Dash.
15 billion isn't unrealistic in an overall market cap that is going to increase by half a trillion.
You can still buy DGB, not sure what you're so upset about.
>oh yeah you're a virgin faggot nocoiner. kys.
>bought at 100
>sold at 50
>it's now at 125
LMAO "fuck dash"
What other coins do you think are worth investing?
anyone knows anything about the dev though?
I was just pointing out that good tech doesn't necessarily mean a high marketcap. That being said DASH is #7 by market cap and this retard is suggesting that a three year old shitcoin with nothing to show for itself is going to have 9 times the marketcap of DASH because you can get 9 pennies per hour of it playing video games and that's somehow revolutionary.
>15 billion isn't unrealistic in an overall market cap that is going to increase by half a trillion.
>market cap of crypto is supposedly going to increase by 625% (according to you), so therefore the market cap of DGB must increase by 12700%
>not sure what you're so upset about
pic related
>oh yeah you're a virgin faggot nocoiner. kys.
Someone's getting desperate. Just close the tab and cry yourself to sleep. You can't argue for shit and you're terrible at investing. Next time try not buying a coin that's useless by your standards at +500%
XRP, DGB, ETH. That's it right now. BTC will crash soon, LTC is kind of worthless.
Everything else is a pump and dump scheme that you can make money on, but I personally don't think it's worth the stress and anxiety of monitoring charts 24-7, also you can lose a lot.
I see. Well, thank you for replying.
sorry to kill your little attempt at shilling MNE, but it's really just a shit coin that will go nowhere.
>can't buy anything with it
>can only produce worthless shit coins that you also can't buy anything with
>you can produce worthless shit coins without MNE for free
Am I missing something here?
Please just fuck off to a DGB thread you retard, in several threads people have told you that it's your own fucking fault for buying large amounts at ATH in low volume coin, and when you insist on asking people why this coin is a good buy you ignore people who provide you answers.
It's incredible really, you have enough money to buy 'large' amounts but alas your mental capacity will make you lose all that money given enough time.
Also, you might be wondering why I'm talking so much shit about a coin I own... It's because I'm not here to rip people off. I made a stupid trade and now I'm telling people about.
There's enough for everyone to make money here, we are early adopters. Many of us can afford to lose everything we've invested so far (which is the right approach when tackling such a volatile market like crypto), but many investors here don't have much expendable income...
This can really change lives for poor basement dwelling plebs, so I'm going to be honest and not shill shit I don't believe in. I'm shilling for DGB because it's really going to take off. Screen cap this. It will make you wealthier than any coin on the market right now.
What answers? Literally zero answers so far.
DURRR IT CAN MAKE ETHER TOKENS DURRR is not an answer to "why is this coin, which I cannot use as money, worth anything"?
>sorry to kill your little attempt at shilling MNE
>changing the subject
The only thing that has been killed is your pathetic attempt at coping and trying to convince yourself that DGB is ever going above half a billion.
>can't buy anything with it
What exactly can you buy with ETC XRP XLM DOGE or ZEC? These coins are all above 300 million
>can only produce worthless shitcoins
Apparently ETH tokens are worthless shitcoins
>am I missing something here
Yes. The point. Go trade pennystocks if you can't even understand that ETH tokens do things other than storing value.
>trying to be "righteous"
Lmao don't give me this shit, the only basement dweller who has been ripped off is you and you're the one who ripped yourself off, now fuck off to the DGB thread.
Uh, yeah, you're not making ETH, you're making ETH based tokens, which are completely different fucking things. One is going to moon to 1k in a year and the other is literally worthless.
So you're paying USD to buy a coin which is fiscally worthless, which can only generate more fiscally worthless tokens and do nothing else? Once again, am I missing something here? Pray tell, faggot.
>can't even understand that ETH tokens do things other than storing value
>ether is going to moon, so all non ether eth tokens are useless
>can't even understand that ETH tokens do things other than storing value
Just stop you're embarrassing yourself
give me one example of what an ether token you would make and how it would possibly be fiscally valuable in any sense.
FISCALLY, not emotionally, or socially. Don't worry, no one is going to read this shit in a day, you'll have plently of time to pump your shit coin and won't interfere anymore.
sent ;)
>what is golem
>what is gnosis
>what is iconomi
>what is wings