Can I get some Carter apologists up in here? what did he do right?
Can I get some Carter apologists up in here? what did he do right?
Forward-thinking, thawed the public to progressive ideas
He made a good speech about the moral decay of the nation and how the people need to stop relying on the the government to fix everything
>Left wing
Real progressive movement is "neoliberal" globalisation. The mixing of cultures and integrating into each other's economies to create strong geopolitical and economic ties
He got dealt a shit hand. I dont blame him for the botched raid, he made a gusty call that didnt pan out. There is always a risk of failure.
one thing he TRIED to do right was purge the CIA niggers, he failed, but atleast he didn't get JFK'd, you gotta get nuclear for that ;-)
>what did he do right?
emm.... hmm......
Kept us from going to war in Panama.
Laid the foundation for the economic recovery that Reagan got the credit for.
The F-117.
Ended detente.
Appointed Volker to the Fed who would be instrumental to the economic recovery of the early 80's contrary to Reagan's retardation.
Warned Americans that being wasteful, self indulgent faggots was ultimately harmful and to take responsibility.
Made moves to advance the development of alternative energies.
And if I'm not mistaken deregulated US oil allowing them to compete globally which fucked the Soviet economy.
Most of what people consider good about Reagan's presidency was actually Carter's policies taking effect.
Kinda like Clinton and Reagan desu
He played it correctly to get Reagan elected
People dramatically underestimate how similar the Carter and Reagan administrations were.
Both of them had tax cuts, deregulation, rejected detente with the USSR, supported Condor in South America, backed the Iraqis against Iran, supported the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan, and so on.
Carter was the beginning of the trend of Democrat presidents acting almost identically to moderate Republicans.
He saw that Humans would eventually consume themselves from consumerism. He was right.
Also I just started reading his book called "A call to action, Woman, violence, religion" where he talks about the injustices of the treatment of woman across the world and how he hopes to eradicate much of the turmoil going on across the world.
He's a pretty religious man, I find it hard to believe a democrat as religious as him would ever be able to get into the white house again.
Story about this?
I didn't know he attempted anything related to the CIA.
Um... Are you retarded desu? There was a recession after Regan and it was during Bush's tenure.
Are you uneducated desu? Fiscal policy can take decades to take full effect
>Supported Mujihadeen
>Layed ground work for Taliban and Al Qeda control of Afghanistan
>Indirectly responsible for 9/11
I mean the least you could do was help the moderates in the civil war before someone flew planes into your buildings and then get uppity about the Taliban.
Seriously, we'd been better off if the Soviets won Afghanistan so after the Soviet Union collapsed they'd be flying planes into the Kremlin instead of ours.
If you want to blame US policy for Al Qaeda, you should look at our relationship with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, not our relationship with the Mujihadeen.
>wants to end violence against women
>but then believes the meme statistic about 1 out of 5 US women being raped in their lifetime
Carter is a moron and a beta looking for pussy
Reagan never backed the Taliban, please kill yourself
And why the fuck would Osama Bin Laden attack Russia when he hated the US specifically because of our involvement in the middle east
Do you even realize that Al Qaeda and the Taliban are separate organizations or did you think the muftis of Kabul were the ones who plotted to have a bunch of Arabs go to America to fly planes?
I forget? Was Regan a supporter of democracy in Saudi Arabia or did he just sell them arms like all the other US Presidents?
He was a supporter of the House of Saud, because he saw them as an important bulwark against Soviet influence in the region.
Same deal with the Islamists in Pakistan.
And Obama/Clinton never support Isis either...
But they fucking created the conditions in which Isis thrives.
Same goes for Regan and the Taliban. He could have helped them after the Soviets left, no he just left them to eat whatever shit the Taliban dumped on their face. All he cared about was "muh evil communists!"
You can't support moderate Islamists without radical Islamists getting involved.
Yep. The "It's OK to support brutal dictatorships as long they aren't communist" meme.
Still applies today... Except replace communist with people who don't play ball with the US and try to act independent.
If we are going to get involved in Iraq and Syria the least we could do is something about Saudi Arabia.
Is this bait or are you actually just retarded?
It worked pretty well with Korea and Taiwan, honestly.
Could have resurrected Prussia but didn't.
Greatest failing.
Yeah let's invade Saudi Arabia and destabilize one of the world's foremost oil producers in order to impose democracy on them
>hurr durr why does the USA support friendly regimes and oppose unfriendly ones
I don't know, maybe that's because that's what every country ever has done
Are all of you in highschool or something?
two key things to remember about our support for the mujihadeen. First this was the Cold War and the US was willing to support virtually anything and anyone so long as they shit on communism. This often worked but totally ignored the long term effects of said leaders/movements on their countries. There was also the added incentive to turn Afghanistan into the Soviet Vietnam as revenge for Soviet support of the North Vietnamese. Second, keep in mind that the Mujihadeen was not originally an Anti-American organization and as with US support of other conservative Islamist Regimes the US found the conservatism of the Mujihadeen more tolerable than communism. In hindsight of course they'd have done shit differently but supporting them was totally rational given the circumstances.
>they'd be flying planes into the Kremlin instead of ours
We're getting to the point of that happening anyway ironically enough.
In the very long term this, Wahhabism is a cancer on part with American Evangelicals that has successfully turned most of the worlds moderate muslims into jihadist thanks to Saudi Arabia spending their infinite oil money on spreading it.
It worked pretty much everywhere except the Muslim world really, I think everyone failed to appreciate the incompatibility of ultraconservative Islam and the Western World Order/Values.
But we literally did that with Iraq?
Told Pinochet to follow human rights.
I'm not for invading Saudi Arabia. That would just make things worse.
But we should stop being so nice to them, stop selling them arms, and call then on their shit.
If they want aid, they can start holding elections and crack down on the Wahabiists.
All we are doing now is supporting their bad habits.
Yeah, invading Iraq was such a good idea, why won't we do something similar again?
Yeah its a bad idea, but why are we in favor of Presidents who supported such policy when they are two faced about Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia exports Wahhabists to keep it from building up and causing trouble within Saudi Arabia. Without western support, there is a good chance it may go into civil war with the Wahhabists and we want to prevent it from destabilizing the biggest oil exporter in the world. Basically after the eternal anglo supported Wahhabism to topple the Ottomans keeping them in line, there was no going back especially after oil was discovered.
Because we have a one party system.
t. /pol/ retard who criticised Carter without knowing facts who now needs to reverse gears as he seems the most supportive of Trump of the living former presidents.
You do realise many threads on Veeky Forums are started by lazy /pol/ brutes who want to mine info for their own threads on that shitpile, don't you?
When was the last time a Presidential candidate said he would totally put the beat down on Saudi Arabia diplomatically?
I can't even think of third party candidates.
Might as well be one party.
Should have elected his brother
He makes some good beer
>tfw no Hashemite Arab kingdom stretching from Yemen to Mosul
>Appointed Volker to the Fed who would be instrumental to the economic recovery of the early 80's
The economic consensus is that Volcker went overboard with monetary tightening in 1980-1981 and that inflation was already falling significantly before his tightening policies began.
He dedicated a space shuttle launch to the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.
Mujahideen were based
This guy is like 90 I think and is STILL building houses for the poor out in the middle of fuck ass nowhere. Might have been shit but he did have trade skill.
We have a goddamn Jimmy Carter thread every day holy shit
>Saudi Arabia exports Wahhabists to keep it from building up and causing trouble within Saudi Arabia.
That's some dank backwards logic
t. Pakistan
It's because he's going to the Trump inauguration and none of the other presidents are. /Pol/ need a meme like
as a way of overcoming cognitive dissonance. "Relax, he was like Reagan! "
No it makes perfect sense
The Wahabists are too powerful to take on without the country falling into civil war. So they feed the giant snake other people so the snake doesn't turn on them but unfortunately it's only a matter of time, however there's no solution to the problem that would lead to a good outcome.
White Obama
Terry? Terry, this is the CIA. Stop talking about us on Veeky Forums.
>It's because he's going to the Trump inauguration and none of the other presidents are.
Actually? Lol
JFK got killed by the FBI under this literal niggerfaggot
Niggerfaggot is a funny word but it actually fits him perfectly
He was anti Israel
>le mujahideen is taliban maymay
Legalized Homebrew.
More good for more Americans than Obama could dream of