SysCoin about to pump

Alright, the dip has ended. Now is your chance to double your money. GET IN NOW.

It's about damn time.


well faggots its monday morning where are my gains

Bump, where are my earnings ? This shit crashed below 4k.

Yo, patience. Consesus hasn't ended and the wallet release is tomorrow.
Don't be that one idiot who sells when a coin is low...

buy and HODL


Pump is over. Enjoy your new handbags.

Uptrend on its way?





4majilion 24h volume.
Good, I was upset when it dumped last night. May whales wing us home.

aaand we're off

told ya fags

After spending 2 weeks looking at this ctrading business, one thing I have learnt is to HODL. I bought RDD at 7 sats and sold it at 16 sats at the first pump then after a few days it got an ATH of 70. Similarly I bought VRG at 15 sats and sold at 18 sats at the first pump and a few days later it got to an ATH of 65 sats. So at the end of the day, HODL is the best option even if the price goes down.

I love you Reggie.

You guys do realise that this is a fantastic long term hold right? This shouldn't be treated as a get rich quick pump and dump coin.

It ain't happening.

Exactly what happened to me. Looking forward to some money from SYS

Unless you've bought high expecting it to get higher and then you get fucked for holding when it crashes

When is this shit gonna moon you niggers. I was told today would be the day. Now im stuck missing out on gains from musicoin and solarcoin because im stuck holding this shit coin. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>stuck missing out on gains from musicoin and solarcoin

You ain't missing anything