>The Free Market will decide everything
Can't believe I actually used to believe this shit
>The Free Market will decide everything
Can't believe I actually used to believe this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
> We just give all property to workers and that will solve everything
Russians commited the same mistake twice in XX century. Turns out just creating a right setting isn't enough for economy to work out.
How will everyone get food in an anarchist society?
Eh vouchers? IDK?
Who creates and distributes these vouchers?
Govern- uhhh a collection of people coming together to create them?
> How will everyone get food in an anarchist society?
Just make your own bread. It's not that hard.
>give everythimg yo the workers
Did a communist country ever actually have workers rule the country?
Ech use meh? Have you not heard of the two month long Paris commune?
Well, late soviets rulers were from working class.
Epic strawman, nowhere in the OP does it say turn to Communism or Anarchism.
Typical brainlet.
>Can't believe I actually used to believe this shit
Because you didn't. You're pretending to be "reformed" because that sounds more credible, but actually you're too ignorant to even understand the basics of how markets work.
what's wrong with the free market?
if a product is good, people buy it, company gets profit, everyone happy
if a product is shit, people don't buy it, no profits,company forced to make their product better
do you know what causes monopolies? it's protectionism
fuck that shit
How it is strawman? Idealism doesn't work and it doesn't matter if it is capitalistic one or a red one.
>Did a communist country ever actually have workers rule the country?
What's a "worker?" Surely "ruling the country" is a full time job, no? If the head of state worked half time on an assembly line, would that make things better?
I have an Honours degree in Economics from a South East England University. Fuck off, retard.
free markets emphasize individual responsibility, which permits individual failure, and with failure comes bitterness and resentment and envy which creates opposition to free markets. so capitalism sows the seeds of its own opposition.
haha, instead of realising that the free market has its flaws, I will just strawman the other individual I'm debating with and claim that his criticisms simply stem from personal failure haha!
Fucking retards.
>Lets give all our money to corporations and the the money will trickle down to the people
You can fuck off too, retard. You're just as bad as him.
If the free market is so bad, how comes you all got money for computers/smart phones and spare time to shitpost on Veeky Forums?
Whenever someone tries to explain how an anarchy would work they end up describing a bunch of institutions that would function for the exact same reasons as those on which the concept of government was formed in the first place
>So... uh... we just need someone to guarantee the value of our currency, secure and regulate trade and also keep the military actions in check
>Whatever institution could do all that?
The amount of irony lost on these people is staggering
Friendly reminder that 80% of the burden of the CIT falls on domestic labour and free trade helps the poor more than the rich
But lefties sure do love the working class ;)
So... What is wrong with this plan? Surely people with money would spent them on something, that is how money will return into economy.
1.it's always been that way since day one, fuckface.
Find food or die
Find water or die
Find shelter or die
since cavemen existed on earth
2.Most burger flippers are burger flippers because of their own personal failures, i.e being a criminal or taking a shitty degree
>free markets emphasize individual responsibility
what responsibility?
You work, you get money, you buy, there is NO responsibility in here apart from helping yourself survive
Except literally the majority of development in this field was government funded
>a system composed by a network of millions of people is less suitable than a system composed by a network of dispersed bureaucrats
free market works because it's so fucking simple
you make a product and you sell it to get money
that's it
that's literally it
Epic strawman, retard.
You do realising that criticising the free market does not equate to wanting a bureaucratic system, right?
You do realise one can see flaws in something that is also the best available option, correct?
You think pathologically because you are a braindead moron.
watch ya filthy commies
>Not capitalist
Thanks for displaying your complete lack of understanding anything about monetary or fiscal policy, retard.
> you make a product and you sell it to get money
This is just market.
You said free market, retard.
Free Market is not a synonym of Capitalism, retard.
Kill yourself.
Then what do you want?
So... Why free market is okay, but government still tries to regulate everything else? Surely, crime will be over if people take law in their hands... You can even name it... free law, if you wish.
No I didn't, retard. Get your anons right
>smart phones are government funded
Tell that to Steve Jobs you fucking moron.
You have a nice warm spot somewhere, running water, electricity and mom and daddy payed for your gadgets whilst you shitpost on Veeky Forums about muh gommunism.
Even if you weren't him, your response to my response to him was still incorrect.
Kill yourself.
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't support Communism.
Shut the fuck you retarded teenage brainlet.
For you to fuck off out of my thread so the adults can speak. Goodbye!
The government is inherently capitalist, piggy
Again, the original poster was talking about Free Markets.
You don't know what you're talking about. Fuck off!
>The government is inherently capitalist
A free market has only two disadvantages: information asymmetries and negative externalities.
>information asymmetries
This is the biggest problem and the free market fails entirely in this regard.
> libertarians don't realise that government intervention is needed to maintain a true free market free of monopoly's
>>a system composed by a network of millions of people is less suitable than a system composed by a network of dispersed captialists
the government IS the one creating monopolies because of it's subsidization to already-big-companies and protectionism
>information asymmetries
entirely the buyer's fault
>negative externalities.
can be fixed in many different ways that don't involve the government
but the 'negative externalities' word cover alot of problems, and each problem has it's solution, so specify.
>>information asymmetries
>entirely the buyer's fault
No it isn't, retard.
Why are you such a masochistic cuck?
Please read up on behavioural economics.
>"hurr durr i rushed into a transaction without making any research on it and that's the free market's fault"
the free market doesn't coddle your retardation m8
>implying companies don't enforce their own monopolies by coopting the state
top ideology
thank you for proving my point
yes, the government has a big part in making monopolies
It's almost like capitalists benefit from having a state that protects their property and enforces their hegemony.
>get rid of the state
>don't get rid of capitalism
>5 mins later
>hey where'd this state come from?
tip top kek
Listen, friend.
I'm going to be polite because I can tell from your stupid posts that you don't know what you're talking about, probably watched a few Milton Friedman vids online and think you're a smart alack so I'll give you a piece of advise.
Read a few books on behavioural economics and brush up on your knowledge, thanks!
>if a product is good, people buy it, company gets profit, everyone happy
>if a product is shit, people don't buy it, no profits,company forced to make their product better
Define good and bad you stupid shit. For capitalism "good" only means it sells and "bad" it doesn't, so your whole point is just fucking redundant.
>ignoring advertising
>ignoring monopolies
Libertarians would institute wage slavery and call it freedom. The only true freedom is the power to overthrow your oppressors.
I don't think you know what the word protectionism means
You're entirely fucking retarded if you think monopolies can't exist without government intervention. In my country the local supermarkets are dodgy as fuck
> Supermarket chain has stores everywhere
> small local shop opens up nearby
> the super market lowers its price to incredibly cheap levels because it can absorb losses elsewhere
> local shop goes out of business because it can't compete
> supermarket chain jacks up prices again because no competition
Sure is a free market in here :^)
>I don't think you know what the word protectionism means
it means imposing taxes on foreign products, which makes local monopolies even richer and foreign companies can't compete with them, and that's bad.
>You're entirely fucking retarded if you think monopolies can't exist without government intervention
oh yes they can exist without government intervenation, but what i said is the government has a big hand it creating it, reading comprehension nigger
>>> Supermarket chain has stores everywhere
>>> small local shop opens up nearby
>>> the super market lowers its price to incredibly cheap levels because it can absorb losses elsewhere
>>> local shop goes out of business because it can't compete
>>> supermarket chain jacks up prices again because no competition
y'know there are other factors on why people buy from a certain vendor other than prices, such as
>distance; a guy in downtown won't travel 2 kilometers to a super market instead of his local mart because the price is 50% cheaper
>product quality; no matter how much you decrease prices your product will be shit so people won't buy it
>ignoring advertising
if your product is shit, then no matter how much you advertise it people won't buy it
>ignoring monopolies
competition ya nig nog
>the needs and desires of people will be voiced by the people themselves and whoever is best able to meet those needs will prosper