>Violence never solves anyt-
Violence never solves anyt-
Justice does not exis-
>the US will surrender after a surprise attack on pearl harbor cripples their pacific fleet and we will dictate surrender terms in the white hou-
1 post in and the anglo hate begins
Truly Veeky Forums
>hating a country that has brought nothing but pain and suffering to everyone it has ever put its beady eyes on
People act like empires were invented by Europeans in the 18 ad century and not by Sargon of Akkad at 24 century bc.
why are they only allowed to keep falklands?
Can you explain those points in that image
thats a good question brits should no longer have their own country for their crimes against human kind
>defeating fascism/nazism
brits love to claim that they contributed the most to germany defeat in ww2
>liberation south africa/boers
the brits gave freedom to the oppressed pocs of africa from those damned whites
>welcoming foreigers
brits were among the first in europe in realize (and with good reason) to realize that whites for their crimes against nonwhites that they dont deserve their own countrys with their racist "rules & facts"
>israel and the jews
the brits gave the jews back their homeland after occupying it after ww1 (witch they had promised to hand over afer the war and had not)
>mayor of london
elected a non white and non christian to rule one of the greatest citys on earth
>protecting minoritys
britian under its ugly imperial day built a mosque in london to show tolerance to the new europeans witch they had occupied
>white oppresion
like i said brits realize their awful and ugly past can only end with their genocide
So it's made by an white ethonationalist to make fun of cosmopolitinism and leftism. Isnt Belgium, Holland, and Sweden worse?
>Isnt Belgium, Holland, and Sweden worse
Sweden did not ruin European nationalism because they refused to make peace with an Austrian painter and instead stay or their island and making peace and allowing a costly war to continue due to the fact that they cant admit defeat.
yeah but now we move ever closer to nuclear annihilation
>USA surrendering because they lost a few ships and a thousand men
Were the japs really this stupid?
would've crippled Japan if they lost that amount
i think they KNEW that the usa would not surrender after peal harbor
i do belive they thought it would make their job in the pacific alot easier
>conquers shit
>"I just want peace I promise this will be last"
>Britain: "well ok I guess you do just want peace"
>proceeds to conquer more shit
>Brits: "hey wait a-"
>proceeds to bomb Britain
Hitler lied
people died
The atomic bombs didn't end the war, this is established fact.
Yamato told the high command that at best it would give the empire time to solidify its position in the Pacific. They would have to endure what came after. Presumably Japan imagined their fighting spirit could outlast America's.
That's actually up to interpretation, not fact. Unless you think scrapping against the Russians in Manchuria while the high command stewed over the surrender terms should count.
Because it makes the Argies assmad which is far more hilarious than the British sulking about losing a shit group of islands.
Plus. the Brits get to have a false sense of grandeur for valiantly defeating Argentina.
If Japan had actually been successful and destroyed the carriers and all the oil we would have been in a lot more trouble. It was a pretty good plan but shittily executed.
Wtf i love the UK now
>be english and french
>have 300ish year head start in colonialism race
>fast forward
>germans unify
>wtf i hate germans now
>go to war with new empire after he went in your non country borderstate thing
>gosh me and my ex rival and russia really cant seem to beat this new guy despite the fact that we control a quarter of the world
>beat them after getting your son in the war after fibbing about a certain ship carrying war munitions (ill let you guess its name)
>spends about 30 seconds making a peace treaty and carelessly chopping up germany and europe
>fast forward again
>a new guy takes over germnay
>he wants some stuff back
>hol up conquering shit is bad
>germany wants danzig
>attmpts to take it
>alright germany your evil conquering days are over
>hitler triess to make peace
>even sends rudolf hess
>your drunk warmonger prime minister takes him hostage
besides the blitz was just goring showing off his new airforce
>tfw yanks wasted fat man on nagasaki instead of dropping it on kyoto
One of the biggest military mistakes of 20th century right there.
>not dropping both on moscow and saving millions of lives from commieshitism
>tries to make peace over Sudetenland
>gets successful but then reneges on his agreement and takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia
>tries to do it again
he was a lying tool and so are you
if not for the Brits, France would've erased the Krauts off the map (and probably should've)
Only a piece of the Pacific fleet was even at Pearl Harbor, and most of it was repaired a month later. The Japanese were absolutely fucked from the start.
No it was an attack to cripple America from being able to reenforce to the islands that Japan planned to hold control of. Pearl Harbor was never an attack that they ever possibly considered the Americans would surrender to.
(7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."
>hating a country that has brought nothing but trains and modern medicine to everything it has ever put its beady eyes on
It's kinda funny that both Pearl Harbor and the A-Bomb actually made the US and Japan into allies.
I would call Japan more a security parasite than an actually ally though.
That's debatable, I suppose.
Economically at least, both countries help each other out.
Have you seen Modern Japan?
All it did was change the problem.
what the fuck is the problem with a "nonwhite" to rule London? lmfao
>hitler triess to make peace
>even sends rudolf hess
holy shit so much revisionism in one post
stop glorifying Hitler
>Soviet Union didn't abolish class, state or money
>if it doesn't reach this unreachable ideal then it's not communism
it's not communism in the utopian unicorn sense, but it's still communism in the sense of what happens when it is tried
Penicillin alone makes up for anything wrong they could've done little Tyrese Singh Redfeather
>be English and french
>compete with each other and carve colonial empires
>Prussia grow using Ruskies to steal Polish clay
>Germans unite and want their own empire
>old empires pretty much happy with status quo
>old enemies Anglo and frog ally as Hun drunk of their own power behave like a bully
>Hun thinks that he can fight all at the same time and win
>he lose
>blame Jews
>new guy take over Germany
>Frog and Anglo bend over trying appease him
>they think they succeed but he LIE
>Pole say NO
>Hun can't take no and start another war allying with a commie who is supposed his greatest enemy
>roll over Europe
>still can't take islands
>then back stab his best ally/now greatest enemy
>roll over until mud and snow and masses of desperate Ivans stop Huns
>lose war because can't into war economy and meme engineering
>divided into four contries
>rise again thanks to USA who rebuild Germany as a tool against France and Soviets
>now serve as a welcoming whore to 'refuges' and as a USA fucktoy
If it wasn't for nukes, the United States and Russia would have gone to war a long time ago and probably plunge the globe into another world war.