Library Update 43!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ
/sum/ pastebin:

New folder(s)
I now have just a touch over 1% if the Tibetan Vajrayana Canon. It's divided into a number of sections: Mahayana, which I've got a lot of including basics like Vajra Sutra, Heart Sutra, and (ugh), Lotus Sutra, Anuttara Yoga Tantra, including a practice manual for Kurukulla and a breakdown of the levels of initiation, Action Tantra, which has some things like Buddhist Kali's mantras, Conduct tantras with only one thing in there.

This folder rectifies Aghori's contributions even more, and adds new materials that have recently been translated.

Materials I'm uncertain how to classify are STILL in the Vajrayana folder. This repository is for the stratification of Tibet's canonical texts. In any case I need to reorganize the Vajrayana folder so I can throw known Kangyur canon tantras into their proper slots. Some Kagyu commentaries need moved to the Tibetan folder.

Other urls found in this thread:

Samsara and Nirvana: Two Sides of the Same Hand by Kenchen
Tibetan-English Dictionary of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology
Tibetan Astrology (Cornu)
Tibetan Astrology (Erlewine)
Great Kagyu Masters
Center of the Sunlit Sky: Madyamaka in the Kagyu Tradition
Gone Beyond: The Prajnaparamita Sutras, the Ornament of Clear Realization and its Commentaries in the Kagyu Lineage
Moon of Wisdom: Chapter Six of Chandrakirti's “Entering the Middle Way” with Commentary from the Eighth Karampa of the Kagyu Lineage

The 62 Diety Chakrasamvara Sadhana in the Luipa Tradition (old, non Tibetan, mostly Gelugs).
Long Vajrayogini Sadhana (a more detailed version of our abikesha from a different lineage).
A Chat about Heruka
Guide to Dakini Land
Sublime Path to Kechari Paradise (Vajrayogini manual and commentary)

Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu Traditions (includes discussion on Kaula)
Mandala and Agamic Identity in the Trika of Kashmir (includes a VERY Simple summary of Para Puja, when compared to the Ch. 29 summary).
(Moved the Visualization Manual for the Trika into the Abhinavagupta/Uttara Kaula Trika folder).

>Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu Traditions (includes discussion on Kaula)
>Mandala and Agamic Identity in the Trika of Kashmir (includes a VERY Simple summary of Para Puja, when compared to the Ch. 29 summary).
>(Moved the Visualization Manual for the Trika into the Abhinavagupta/Uttara Kaula Trika folder).

This is it, boys.
The author of "Mandala and Agamic Identity" also did the Trika Visualization manual. This is a very brief and comprehensible summary of the use of the Trisulabj Mandala in Uttara Kaula Trika. Compare with Dupuche's analysis of Ch 29 of Tantraloka. Where Du. tries to give a massive overview of modes and methods to technical detail, Sanderson walks you through step by step.

Combined with some basic knowledge of Saivism, a bit of cross-reference in Paratrisikavivirana, and knowing which blog published the 12 Dhyana Mantras of the Krama Kalis...that's it. Parapuja's broke (mostly, hammering out some sticky details is a pain in the ass).

Anyway, remember, when in doubt, as Raktadevi.

And that's not even getting into the vajrayana revelations.


Another bump. If interest is limited I can carry on at /x/.

whats your deal (I don't lurk Veeky Forums much)?

The history anthropology and practice of occultism and esoteric religion.

is that not just a bottomless rabbit hole? I appreciate the idiosyncrasy of it.

What do you mean?
If you mean there's too much material to parse then this library is almost complete save some random academic texts plus Tantraloka. This isn't /fringe/. We ain't gotta represent every shitty eBook or bargain from the new age section of Barnes and Noble.

If you mean practice each group has a multitude of masters meaning the teachings canbe completed if you apply yourself.

Ape of Thoth are is there anything legitimate or of vale in discordiaism or is it just a bit of fun to tie into his fiction?

It's a framework for chuckles.

Are there any interesting works or ideas ect on Eris outside of the illiad?

Yes it really is. And you can't really understand it without practicing it

Hesiod's Theogony. It ain't much but it's enough to start tinkering with.

Cheers, are there any other interesting figures, books, religions+rituals to do with chaos and disorder ?

I mean it can be but I find best to compartmentalize your shit, not admit garbage, and experiment deeper within rather than between. Cuts certain variance.

Shitloads. Set. Apep. A handful of angels can be construed this way among other entities.

As someone new to all this how should I go about exploring it and looking a rituals and the like , it seems to be a very solitary thing

Have you had any interesting experiences with it ?

I've been doing this for fifteen years with lots of tales but I'm on the ta let right now.

As for how to explore, what are you interested in specifically?

It's part of my exploration of the God question, I'm seeing if I can experience the divine through mysticism where reason alone seems to have come up empty .

Chaos interests me in particular at the moment just because it is so different

Also in relation to this how did you go about dicerning the divine from just a mechanical reaction triggered by things like self hypnosis and exhaustion or drug induced euphoria

>the divine from just a mechanical reaction triggered by things like self hypnosis and exhaustion
This is why keeping a record is important. It's in one's best interest to not go around claiming some form of attainment when in fact it's indigestion.

Your windows on this sort of thing are narrow. Early on, while studying in any given system, you should be experiencing irl synchronicity with the system BEFORE you're well versed with it. After long enough it can be construed as confirmation bias, so this is another reason I keep compartmentalzing praxes. It keeps you on your toes and helps to introduce novel vectors of "evidence" (insomuch as there can be, earlier on) before that window evaporates due to expertise.

>reason alone seems to have come up empty .
That's not exactly the case. See: Bucky Fuller, Levinas, Godel (I know I know shut up), Crowley, certain Hindi logicians.

>Chaos interests me in particular at the moment just because it is so different
If you want the modern Western current (great for integrating the silliness of Discordianism, the dry cosmogony of Hesiod, and the practical aspects of the Greek Magickal Papyri), you want Liber Null/Psychonaut, Liber Kaos, Apophenion, Oven-Ready Chaos, Psuedonomicon, The Black Ship, Cacodaemonic Copulations, Kaos 14, Black Lodge of Santa Cruz.

Sorry if this comes across as something of an ignorant question, but is there anything concered with rituals or practises for warding off evil spirits/beings?

I've suffered from night terrors my whole life and one of the most effective ways I've found of calming myself down afterwards is having something I can do to convince myself there aren't any evil presences around me, just for peace of mind. Any help would be much appreciated!

ThAnks I really appreciate the help here , any other warnings you would offer?

Not my cup of tea, but you are doing an incredible job OP.
Thanks a lot m8

Again, shitloads, from small rites like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the pentagram to complex recitations and visualizations in Saivist lineages.

Don't build thoughtforms until you've got good.

>solar trips of the beast
I try.

Hi Ape, I was wondering if through your experiences you have found what you would call the "true" path, or if you think there is one at all. Are you part of a religion or group? would you ever proselytize in their name?

Sorry it's a bit off topic

>the "true" path
No such thing.
Many trails. One mountain.

>Are you part of a religion or group
Thelema. Unaffiliated Saivist. Cultus Sabbati by virtue of holding some of their founding items. Recently, Vajrayana of the Karma Kagyu lineage.

>Would I proselytize
In most cases no, it's not my job to make converts of people. Most esoteric religion doesn't want someone weak enough to be persuaded by pure rhetoric.

If someone wants to learn from me they can speak with me personally. The closest I get to serious preaching is advising that practices X, Y, or Z can lead to Attainment.

Hey Ape,

What are your thoughts on Zen Buddhism, more specifically the Soto school?

I kind of prefer the niin of just sitting, putting in the work so to speak, over pouring through texts for hours on end.

My gripes with Zen are so semantic and nit-picky I may as well just say 'They're fine'.

Seated contemplation is core, I dig this. But if I'd come to the conclusion that's the end of the road I'd rather look in slightly older yogic traditions with a few handlinks closer to Source.


Are you ever going to condense the knowlege of your findings in a book/books?

What is the best way for westerners to approach Hinduism, if often here its a collection of religions that are only for Indians and that they dont accept converts.

Do you actually believe/know we can summon tangible spirit/succubi ect or is it more just a fun ritual?

You might find this funny but the biggest practitioners of this on Veeky Forums are my little pony fans who use it to bring their waifus to life.

Ape, what do you make of Christianities slow collapse in the west in the past 100 years, and how it seems that many people seek different alternatives to spirituality. By that I mean the rise in popularity of neo-paganism, eastern schools of spiritualism, and even old cults.

Sorry if this seems semi off topic. It's been a while since I have seen one of these, and your input is always interesting.

Christism isn't going anywhere. Our chance at a new esoteric renaissance (in the very near future) has passed. We missed the bus.

>Are you ever going to condense the knowlege of your findings in a book/books?
Sorta. I'm writing a bit on some thoughts I've needed to clarify for a while. Gonna be in an anthology.

>if often here its a collection of religions that are only for Indians and that they dont accept converts.
If we're talking Parsi, sure. Otherwise, this is fairly off base.

>Do you actually believe/know we can summon tangible spirit/succubi ect or is it more just a fun ritual?
I make zero claim on the nature of entities. I have a slight favor of the spiritual model over the psychological model. It 'fits' better, but both models are insufficient.

>You might find this funny but the biggest practitioners of this on Veeky Forums are my little pony fans who use it to bring their waifus to life.
It's not funny. REALLY it's not.

>Sorta. I'm writing a bit on some thoughts I've needed to clarify for a while. Gonna be in an anthology.

When you finish that will you be able to share it on Veeky Forums or will you hold back to protect your anonymity ?

>If we're talking Parsi, sure. Otherwise, this is fairly off base.

I got the idea from a few threads on /x/ as well a few indians who seemed to talk as though the lessons there are specifically for the peoples and cultures of the subcontinent and that westerns have to find their own dharma.

That and it seems like the only group of them to approach westerners tend to be more cultic ones like the Krishnas or pusedo groups like the Rajneeshee.

>I make zero claim on the nature of entities. I have a slight favor of the spiritual model over the psychological model. It 'fits' better, but both models are insufficient.

What were some of the works or experiances that convinced you against the more materialist understanding of reality?

>It's not funny. REALLY it's not.
Could you expand/explain this a bit more Im fairly ignorant when it comes to all that Tulpa buisness

>will you hold back to protect your anonymity
Probably this. I engage in lots of DMCA violations.

>westerns have to find their own dharma.
Can you source this claim in the Pali Canon or any given Agamic Tantra?

>approach westerners
Most Hindi Tantra does not approach Westerners. You need to find them.

>What were some of the works or experiences that convinced you against the more materialist understanding of reality?
Enochian. The Dragon Book of Essex (fuggin' black dogs), results from tantrik pujas.

>Could you expand/explain this a bit more Im fairly ignorant when it comes to all that Tulpa business
Thoughtforms of that sophistication are for advanced practitioners with a fairly decent handle on homunculus theory. The reason is if you don't have control, this happens:

Most of those cliams werent based on texts but conversations/threads, which is why I caused

>Enochian. The Dragon Book of Essex (fuggin' black dogs), results from tantrik pujas.


>The reason is if you don't have control, this happens

Shit what casuses this to happen? what books and religions groups deal with homunculus theory?

Also is there anything to KeK movement on /pol/ or is it just like discordianism?

>religions groups deal with homunculus theory
High degree OTO papers.
Vajrayana Buddhism.
Chaos magick but they play fast and loose.
Germany's Fraternitas Saturni.

I've yet to meet a kekite with anything remotely resembling something worthwhile to say.

>High degree OTO papers.
Ha, when you first wrote that I thought you meant Scientologist Operating Thetan levels

Have you ever made a Tulpa for yourself?

>I've yet to meet a kekite with anything remotely resembling something worthwhile to say.

Even if self identifying ones are vapid does the collective activity and creation they do trigger anything, like they did with ebola chan?

>Have you ever made a Tulpa for yourself?
Tulpa? No. Made a few weakish egregores. Not gonna again until I'm 110% certain I can keep it on chain.

>like they did with ebola chan?
Ebolachan did nothing. They meme'd for weeks after cases hit peak and started to decline. It was raging months before Veeky Forums knew about it.

Being in a medical anthropology course in the time before it got meme'd real hard, we often had discussions about the looming disaster.

Meme magick is mostly a serious case of confirmation bias and I'm saying that as a dude what summons demons in their spare time.

>Tulpa? No. Made a few weakish egregores. Not gonna again until I'm 110% certain I can keep it on chain.

Did you do that with people IRL or over the internet?

>Meme magick is mostly a serious case of confirmation bias and I'm saying that as a dude what summons demons in their spare time.


So what would you suggest reading to someone who has pretty much no idea what you're talking about most of the time?

Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice.


Do the Mormons have any cool or interesting occultic practices that they do in their secret temples?


Interesting? Not really.


Back to the top.

More of a history question but how was it that Buddhism was effectively driven from India yet uber pacifist Jainism managed to survive?

Have you come across any cool occulitc or religious works from Latin and Central America?

I'm not qualified to answer that, though at some point the drive to spread Dharma wound up making the diaspora movements stronger than the homegrown stuff.

That said, this sort of question borders on begging; Buddhism is STRONG in Nepal in which the hills facing the subcontinent have long been between hands.

>Have you come across any cool occulitc or religious works from Latin and Central America?
Define. Afro-Carib traditions like Quimbanda integrate Native knowledge with Euro and African systems of evokation. Voodoo, but in Brazil, essentially.

There's also the works of Whitehead and his studies of Kanaima:

On the little-known and darker side of shamanism there exists an ancient form of sorcery called kanaimà, a practice still observed among the Amerindians of the highlands of Guyana, Venezuela, and Brazil that involves the ritual stalking, mutilation, lingering death, and consumption of human victims. At once a memoir of cultural encounter and an ethnographic and historical investigation, this book offers a sustained, intimate look at kanaimà, its practitioners, their victims, and the reasons they give for their actions.

Neil L. Whitehead tells of his own involvement with kanaimà—including an attempt to kill him with poison—and relates the personal testimonies of kanaimà shamans, their potential victims, and the victims’ families. He then goes on to discuss the historical emergence of kanaimà, describing how, in the face of successive modern colonizing forces—missionaries, rubber gatherers, miners, and development agencies—the practice has become an assertion of native autonomy. His analysis explores the ways in which kanaimà mediates both national and international impacts on native peoples in the region and considers the significance of kanaimà for current accounts of shamanism and religious belief and for theories of war and violence.

Whitehead also did an anthology called "In Darkness and Secrecy" which details assault sorcery through the Amazon. It's in my library.

Also, he was probably poisoned by the people he studied, at least that's word around the academic circuit.


>For the highest spiritual working one must choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force; a male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory.

What did Crowley mean by this?

Read the footnote:
>WEH ADDENDA: When Crowley speaks of sacrificing a male child, his diaries and other writings indicate that he thereby obfuscates the actual practice. Crowley did this by diversion of the act of sexual intercourse and other sexual actions. He considered contraception as human sacrifice. There is no indication in any of his writings that he ever performed infanticide. In fact, Crowley was even against abortion.

So according to a footnote he wasn't a child murderer just a pedo.

Why do you shill for pedos?

>The practice of infanticide has taken many forms over time. Child sacrifice to supernatural figures or forces, such as that believed to have been practiced in ancient Carthage, may be only the most notorious example in the ancient world. Anthropologist Laila Williamson notes that "Infanticide has been practiced on every continent and by people on every level of cultural complexity, from hunter gatherers to high civilizations, including our own ancestors. Rather than being an exception, then, it has been the rule."[6]:61

>A frequent method of infanticide in ancient Europe and Asia was simply to abandon the infant, leaving it to die by exposure (i.e. hypothermia, hunger, thirst, or animal attack).[7][8]

>Implying most infants have been victims of infanticide without explicitly saying that
>Using the exception/rule idiom in this context

Wait a second, are you trying to push bullshit feminist memes, Laila?

will there be an ancient Israel thread soon cause that's my field of interest

He wore a condem and then sacrificed his semen you dumb nigger


where can i find the buddhism stuff?

>just a pedo
There's no historical evidence of this.

Did a Kabbalah thread some weeks back.

Actually most of the time he pulled out or made sure his partner was menstruating.

Eastern folder.

By the singular womb of basic space, life force impregnates the twenty-two letters through the seed of the nine vowel points. Pregnant letters continually give birth to unborn things, like flesh and blood thoroughly intertwined in the fullness of a non-existent body. Chashmal is their kavod (glory; 32); cloaked in them and they in it.



Thoth, I need some information on harmful magick. Thelema is fine but if you had a suggestion for a more specific book or a different tradition for engaging in that kind of thing, I'd like to hear it.

I've received news that a practitioner in /x/ has some bad intentions, and I'm watching my ass.

Ask the entity for protection or destruction. Use a witch bottle. For 14 days (dark moon to full or reversed) each night put needles, thorn, shell casings, scraps of sharp metal, sigils, body fluids, wine, etc., into a bottle.

Cast it to the flame.

Harvest the bits as protective talismans.

We mostly done here, I imagine?

Why Kagyu?

Because Milarepa.

Is this a subtle troll?

What do you mean? Milarepa and the Kagyu lineage places an emphasis on the experiential dimensions of yoga and the phenomenology of meditative states in godform devtion and nondual apprehension. I find this to be slightly more palatable to Westerners compared to Gelug or Sakya scholarship, or the near atavism of Nyingma.

Milarepa sounds like a half-baked folk hero, about an eighth as cool as Shakyamuni.
>places an emphasis on the experiential dimensions of yoga and the phenomenology of meditative states in godform devtion and nondual apprehension
Take out godform devotion and you have regular ol' Buddhism. Is deity yoga the only """innovation""" that the Tibetans came up with? If so, disappointing. Imagine reading 84000 pages just to get to the same conclusions that shakyamuni laid out 1000+ years before, but with """deity yoga""" inserted just to make Tibetans feel like they contributed something lmao

The vast majority of the Tantras were authored in India under Pala Empire sponsorship.

Nondualism is relatively underemphaized in the Pali canon.

Other schools focus on things like logic, or historicity or scholastic research and preservation. Kagyu is the school in Tibet devoted to fleshing out the dimensions of Tantrik praxis as it relates to Buddhist phenomenology.

More like 900, but w/e, obviously if Buddha taught the Devas then nobody should give a shit what the Devas have to relate on the Dharma revealed unto them.

If you're just here to whine about Tibetan practices contrasted against the Pali canon you can make your own critical thread and I'll come in with my handful of citations of Mahayana core concepts that are actually in the Pali Canon contrary to mainstream Therevada convert assertions that all other forms of Buddhism are actually not Buddhism despite ample evidence to the contrary.

>Did a Kabbalah thread some weeks back.

being me a newfag to Veeky Forums so its only mystical stuff, nothing else?

I've seen some things on Taoism that make it seem like it may be a good fit for me. Do you have any suggestions on a starting point to learn more about it?

Not too into Taoism.
Best I can direct you to is the Wilhelm Baynes edition of Yi King.


I like that you're doing threads on Veeky Forums now long time lurker since 2011 the same lurker who always mentions being a lurker from 2011 and posts your old OC
How's it hanging K?
Have a bump

What are some interesting destructive cults youve come across?

Outside of historical groups like the Thuggees Im only familiar with the destructive ones from the US and South Korea.

bump for this

>destructive cults
What does this mean?

Most bloodthirsty modern Western cult I know of is O9A and they're a British outfit.

>South Korea
Dude if you're here to pass around fretful handwringing conspiracies about Park I'd kindly suggest taking it to /pol/.

I'm good mate.


>What does this mean?
Cults that are abusive towards their members, taking away their money autonomy and encouraging them to disconnect from those around them who are not part of it. Violence is often associated with them towards non members and those who leave.

The ones I know in the US were the groups like Heavans Gate, the Rajneeshee Movement (who carried out a massive ecoli attack in the US), Mormons during parts of their history and Scientology.

>Dude if you're here to pass around fretful handwringing conspiracies about Park I'd kindly suggest taking it to /pol/.

I was referring to the Protestant sects that emerged like the unification church and Evangelical Baptist Church of Korea.

Disconnective cults are a dime a dozen. I don't have time to keep tabs on 'em all.

I've got all of Scientology's technical bulletins, including the redacted OT volume.

"Holy Hell" about the Buddhafield cult came out a bit back.

Thanks for the movie recommend are they are disconnective or violent cults that stand out in your mind as something being interesting enough to research?

>I've got all of Scientology's technical bulletins, including the redacted OT volume.

Dam thats a crazy amount of work right there

Have you found an electronic version of

No, I don't, that thing's all smoke and mirrors they don't actually run those services unless cameras are on or there's a request (marriage).

>interesting enough to research
Only Scientology.

>No, I don't, that thing's all smoke and mirrors they don't actually run those services unless cameras are on or there's a request (marriage).

Oh I know that, I was just curious about it as it seems to be one of the few things not online for free.

>Only Scientology.
Have you found any grain of truth or value in hubbards works/ideas? As ive been looking into it the only value seems to come from either the hypnotic euphoria from some of the TRs and dianetics procedures or just the value that comes for people who are responsive to regression therapy.

Auditing is probably effective as CBT in the lower tier of grades and training.

His "basics" books vacillate between philosophical clarity and amphetamine induced delusions. I wouldn't say there's a grain of truth within, more like a veneer of truth on top. Some of his Axioms read like Crowley.

Their astral projection tech is workable.


Is there much value (when it comes to self actualisation and enlightenment) in the OTO or is it just an edgier version of Freemasonry?

The OTO is a social club. The high degree materials have some value in terms of ritual sex magick, but nobody actually attains those degrees and you're better off studying them in your free time.

>but nobody actually attains those degrees

How come?

Also what books ie like the kybalion or anything I suppose are most helpful for someone wishing to start down this path of inquiry towards enlightenment and self acutalisation?

Oh hey the logo totes looks like a pussy, can't be that bad.

>How come?
As you get higher in the ranks the constitution directly states that those in the Sovereign Sanctuary of Gnosis become partial owners.

Kybalion is shit.

>self actualization
Not occult.

Find a path that fits you and work it. I present fuckloads in the library.

>Kybalion is shit.
How come, whats a good sign of something being shitty?

>Find a path that fits you and work it. I present fuckloads in the library.

Thank you

>How come
It's neither Hermetic nor Kabbalistic.

It's the product of the New Thought movement, not a Hermetic text from the 2nd C.

If you haven't read the Tao Te Ching yet I recommend you do that. It's an extremely easy read and it's super easy to find free PDFs of it online.

You should read multiple different translations though.

Ment for

>It's an extremely easy read
t. guy who didnt understand the book