>When an Athiest believes in karma
Why, though? It's a supernatural belief.
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Atheism is rejection of a god or multiple gods. Not a rejection of the supernatural.
so you just make out your "own" ideas of what the supernatural is and come up with a religion
Not all supernatural beliefs are religious in nature.
Some theists believe in the supernatural and some dont, same applies to atheists. I think some christian sects for example believe there is no supernatural, there is only miracles by god which arent supernatural, they are part of nature.
What do you expect? They made up their own religion, it is comparable to a centrist. They can constantly change small parts to fit their ideology. One question for atheist, how do you get married, huh? Checkmate.
>One question for atheist, how do you get married, huh? Checkmate.
What the fuck are you on about? Take this junk back to /pol/ where it belongs.
Haven't heard of any non-supernatural christians, except those that don't believe in a literal god.
Spinoza, however is an example of a dude systemically removing all supernatural elements while believing in a God.
You mean "karma" (not the hindu one) that western watered down meme belief that is simplified and pretty much a comfort blanket for people who have been wronged and seek comeuppance in some way??
You could believe in Carl Jung's Synchronicity.
If you put out good intentions the universe will respond with such.
You get a marriage license.
I'm a naturalist and I dig the Jains version of karma..
It pretty much what I describe to myself as a casual shadow, and I see rebirth as nothing more than the way life recycles itself.
If you look past your own ethnocentric views you can see that the east and many more cultures are describing very real phenomenon but simply from a inaccurate context.
What is Zen, Taoism or even some non-god(s) Buddism?
It's still dumb though. Why go to all the trouble of busting one spook only to enslave yourself to another?
Not everybody is looking for spooks m8. You can find ways to enrich your life with spirituality without looking for a god or a religious dogma to live by.
Pathways to Hell.
Fuck off, christcuck
Atheism being the (non)-religion of science is a meme. There are plenty of atheists who hold non-scientific beliefs, they just reject the existence of god(s).
Being an atheist doesn't inherently mean holding science/empiricism above superstition, it means not being a theist.
Stairway to Heaven
*guitar riff*
Highway to Hell, dududududududud
>Waah why do those horrible atheists think christcucks are annoying
But Karma is. It's a central part of Hinduism and Buddhism.
>One question for atheist, how do you get married, huh?
I was planning on doing a traditional Vietnamese ceremony, which happens inside the home.
A religion
>You can find ways to enrich your life with spirituality
Because it's ultimately flat.
It's like the difference between a good game's lore and a bad game's lore.
Following one religion is also ultimately flat as you are closed from complexity of the other tradictions.
That you can easily read up on. Those other religions have years of history, scripture,input, conflict, debate and more from many men and women on their theistic and/or non theist spiritual belief.
>God is stupid, it doesn't make any sense in the modern world.
>gotta check my horoscope though!
what a gay post