We need to sit down and come up with a definitive list of what is and what isn't a spoon

We need to sit down and come up with a definitive list of what is and what isn't a spoon.

pictured: not a spoon

Well forks for one.

Are sporks spoons or not?

Haha include me in the screencap xDDD


>I'm retarded haha!

Fucker stole my spoon

Depends on your attitude toward them. If youre exclusively using them for forking then theres nothing spoony about it but they can get pretty spoony too.

We need to define what a spoon is before we can start deciding what isn't a spoon.

This good?

That's great

So this is a spoon?

It looks pretty spoony to me.

and this one?

Definitive lists are spoons.

Nice spoons, nerd.

I see you have all played knifey spoony before.

>eating out of a spoon that big

What's wrong with spoons that big? It promotes optimal feeding habits

It could be.

Wouldn't work very well though.

>this thread

These I'd say are spoons but I wouldn't use them for eating. Maybe if you heated them up you could cook stuff in them. Just a side thought.

I think my spoon might have a hole in it

A spoon should be small enough in size so as to not be unwieldly, and it should not be as large as a bowl - at that point, you'd just drink out of the bowl instead of using a spoon. So pots are out. I think calling it a "handheld" implement and keeping the "small" before shallow clarifies it.

>a handheld implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food.

so if I use this to eat, stir, and serve food, it's a spoon? urgent, pls respond

Pictured: 50% spoon

one fork rule

Depends on its current function.

If it is used to spoon, it is a spoon.

I have no idea how to categorize a Spork at rest, further investigation is needed

Get out of here /pol/, this is a serious discussion about the cultural construct of spoon. Your materialistic determinism has no place.

This was a nice addition to my King Josiah folder

I didn't realize how many christfags were on deviant art

Epic thread my bros xD
Just wait till r/Veeky Forums sees it LOL

I'd say it's a spoon, but certainly not a top notch spoon.

Sppok = an ideal that tries to manipulate you into doing what it wants yout to do.

Non-spook = something that allows to reach 「Heaven」 and dispell 「Heaven Stormers」. After all, heaven on Earth and Heaven Stormers were central to Egoism and you did read The Ego and Its Own, right user?

another quality Veeky Forums thread and discussion :DDD

We did it bros!!1! REDDIT4LIFE


also, your definitions seem very odd

A spook is any ideology you prioritize above your self interest. THAT MEANS that fearing police is NOT a spook.

The meme definition of spook is basically anything reliant on subjective justification.

Is Stirner an anime character?

/leftypol/ is a spoon

Not really.


Is this a spoon ?