Enjoy your coins. What are they worth now?
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Global hack rumors were true!!
Nice FUD you got there
I'm trying to log in to Coinbase and it's not working. What the fuck? Has the volume just overwhelmed the exchanges?
Bittrex is fine like always
> MFW they are websites just like any other.
> MFW the normie attention is causing them to crash.
> MFW this is a sign of unprecedented demand.
> MFW I have been chosen to helm the Italian Space Program colonization of the Moon next summer.
touch wood my friend, please god
R.I.P savings
Poloniex ETH withdraw down
LMAO autists thought thy were actually going to get rich off magic internet money lol don't quit your day job oh wait you don't have one
Coinbase was hacked gentlemen, cancel your credit cards
I had a fraudulent charge this past weekend and got a call. Had to cancel
They are all in maintenance to add posw
Legit just deposited 2000€ to Coinbase
Joke's on me I guess.
This post is fantastic
Deposited 200EUR and forgot to include the reference.
Considering all this fiasco, what are the chances of them directing it into my wallet? I sent a support ticked with the details this morning.
siamo in 2
Major buy orders coming in we going to Mars boys
isnt it just newbies rushing to buy due to the conference? exchange usage has shot up exponentially over the past couple months
This is the beginning of the end.
Take out life insurance.
>what are the chances of them directing it into my wallet
0,1%. It's all automated, that's what the reference is for.
>I sent a support ticked with the details this morning.
That's the right thing to do. But still, they might not have received it yet.
So three scenarios here:
>Everything comes back up and we're all up a bunch of money.
>everything comes back up and it's business as usual
>we're all fucked
Well this should be a fun day.
>we're all fucked
I've pulled out my sweet, sweet gains already but threw enough back in that I'd still catch a moon mission so it makes almost no difference to me either way.
Have fun though.
This is why I always hold my coins in my own wallet. If you don't control the keys, you don't control the coins. Guess you newfags had to learn this the hard way, eh?
you guys can all dump your bags, I'll be glad to take em.
Chill for a sec and don't perma fire F5; will only make it worse. Coinbase says the issue is identified and is being fixed
Coinbase is fdic insured
Coinbase is FDIC insured, those of you on polo might be fucked though.
Coinbase is working for me now :/
It was down earlier...login and check what's up.
Still down and dipping hard
eth has an interesting chart pattern right now, but its still stable around .078 on trex. Best case, you guys can get back in and buy the slight dip
Gemini is up and running without issue for me
Get cucked shitbase. I don't need you to accept my credit card faggots
Coinbase is probably down since more people buying are BTC and ETH since they both reached ATH.
The coins in your wallet don't mean much if you can't cash them out and/or their prices crash because we MtGox 2.0.
In tre
You can't win with jews, goyim.
I have most in paper wallets. Am I save?
soo.. I'm on bittrex, the RDD coin % gain was 480% like over 24h already. think they fixed that, its 150% now. also my account value dropped 1BTC, from 7.9 to 6.9
ANYONE else experiencing same problem?
Poloniex is up and so is Bittrex. What are you talking about?
Blockfolio still updating very very slow
Have to log on to see this comedy.
What's happening?
Did the bubble burst?
Did we all get hacked?
Blockfolio isn't working.
you all need to see
lmao polo users sound like 5 year olds
Pajeet and literal 5 year olds
So these are the people I'm making money off of.
>mfw PoSWallet isn't down
My $27k is safe
It's literally the same way at any time.
>keeping your coins on the exchanges
Just BEGGING to be robbed