Do rights actually exist?
Do rights actually exist?
Of course not. The entire idea of human rights is derived from Judeo-Christian morality, the idea that all men are created spiritually equal before God. Liberalism is just the continuation of the Semites' cancerous influence on the West.
That was fast. Pizzagate discussion over for the day?
What's the alternative then?
that depends
do you want your gov/state to survive?
and be ripped out from the inside and outside into nothingness?
if former you should probably gib rights
>and be
or to be*
Clearly paganism, vestal virgins and sex rituals
Exist in what way?
Are they a universal rule established by God or by nature? No, of course not.
But they're agreed upon by society which gives them weight. So they will continue to exist as long as people as a whole choose to believe they do.
you can't say no unless you are an atheists
if you are an atheist you should probably say they exist anyway for your own benefit.
I guess that depends on who's view of the situation you're subscribing to. You could go with Oswald Spengler's idea that civilizations exist in cycles. In which case, new religion(s) will appear much like Christianity won out in the spiritual vacuum of Rome. You can kind of already see this, with parallels between imageboard Kekism and Rome's Mithraism. And there's the rampant LARPagan revivalism..
You could also subscribe to the Nietzschean view that we're going to move past religion altogether, which honestly I see as more likely. Instead of relying on God(s) to give us our morality, we'll create our own systems that will stand on their own. Instead of following the ideas of God, you'll follow the ideas of the Overman. Of course, this is predicated on the Overman coming into existence, we could always just fall into hedonistic nihilism.
You need a God to defend them.
But you can also use them in a utilitarian philosophy as some kind of priority. People should have their needs (food, water, shelter, and clothing) met before people spend their resources on frivolous fun.
Proof: I'll kill you if you try to take them from me.
As much as they are recognized and enforced.
technically you have the right to do anything that is physically possible.
any other limitation is artificial and is impossible to completely enforce
Of course they exist. We created them.
In a platonic sense they do. They have to be given by something however, which is why the founding father often mentioned them being endowed by a creator. Ironically many of the rights the founders professed as "universal" are rights granted by Germanic law. Not universal in slightest (unlike something such as the noahdic laws, which are written in the hearts of man and backed up by the fact that many societies from complex to primitive have law codes or customs forbidding murder, unfriendless to strangers, etc).
"Rights" = privileges people grant themselves.
Wa-hey, wa-hey, wa-hey,
Hey-um ah hey-ah mama hey-ah mama
Ya-hay ah mia oh wa-hey.
The spirit of the hawk.
This user speaks sense.
They exist in so far as people are willing to honour them. Like international law, and arguably all laws generally, they exist only to the extent people have trust in them and believe they can be enforced.
It exist because we created it just like money and clothes and houses.
spooky af tbqh
>The entire idea of human rights is derived from Judeo-Christian morality
You might want to read the Bible before you post claims like this junior..
rights are nice things to have that your people might revolt if they don't get to the portion they want. are they innate and are people obliged to liberate others without them? no.
The human right to eat the poopoo is fundamental
t. Obama
>He thinks the Old Testament is anything more than parables and background information