Literally yesterday someone posted that there will be a bloodbath on the markets today and it will start with Polo. Someone pull up a screencap.
Literally yesterday someone posted that there will be a bloodbath on the markets today and it will start with Polo...
I saw it aswell
Its okay. Things quill resume normality in a couple of days. Just chill your beans
should be in archives, too lazy to pull it up but o my goodness it was true!!!
It's hard to believe newfags keep pouring in.
Like Veeky Forums literally repeats itself in cycles but the stream of newfags coming in never seems to end.
It really seems bizarre.
I wonder what happens to all the people who were here a year or two ago.
All these blockfolio threads seem to be noobs with 1k, where did everyone go?
There was a meeting between members of the Cryptocurrency Illuminati. They made some sort of agreement and both Bitcoin and Etherium could either double or half in value.
Maybe I'm just an idiot but I've been here since May and I've only made $1.5k starting with $2.5k. Haven't even doubled with my money.
newfag here, just got 2.3 eth. i have no idea what im doing but this seems like the right idea.
also poor as fuck.
No fucking shit. BTC goes up. Alts go down.
1 coiner here. just hold. hold as long as you can. keep buying more when you can.
dead. wait till you reach their level and see what happens :^)
It's you again.
I know cause I've talked to about 20,000 of you for the past few years.
Where the FUCK do you newfags keep pouring in from? For the life of me I can't figure it out.
It's like some college professor is pouring hundreds of newfags per day to this particular board.
>haven't even doubled my money
okay.. since all this shit is crashing, anyone wants to do a conference call at the suicide hotline to save some money while we scratch out the last pennies from under the carpet to pour it into shitcoin
There's no bloodbath it's just been exactly 24 hours since all the shitcoins got their ATH so you're seeing where they settled down.
Hold. The bloodbath was everyone capturing all the normies dropping their coins for cheap so guys like me can scoop them up and bag hodl.
Still here fampai sitting at about 52k
tell people to stop making crypto threads on other boards then
im here because some was trying to gloat about a couple of thousand he made trading crypto on /v/
Ive been here a week (already up to £500 from £100). I got into it because shills gloat on /b/ in the hopes of getting people to buy into shit coins for a quick pump and dump. I actually come from a family of inversters but never new how to get started till now
Their on their estates and yachts driving their lambos. But honestly once you actualky make it you probably do thing such that you have much less shitposting time.