Oh boy.
Oh boy
Am I the only one who is concerned over the lack of progress on the scaling issue?
I was hoping for a much better announcement today. No SegWit coming until the end of the year and with a HF. Which means transaction times and fees are going to remain stupid high for a long time and this whole thing could end up very messy come November.
That entire chart is literally a gigantic Cup And Handles pattern, which is a massive bullish signal. Quit being a retard and learn some basic TA.
Promised action in the future is good for the price though. Shitloads of people will buy in anticipation.
Actually it's ladles.
>muh chart predictions
How about you use common sense and look at the bigger picture of where crypto is heading?
you can't suddenly expect miners or users to hard fork overnight.
Blockstream HATES the compromise because 2MB still delays lightning demand significantly. It's in blockstream's interest to cripple onchain transactions as much as possible so lighning goes big.
you don't know where crypto is headed
The thing with BTC is that it can crash any day.
Poloniex gets hacked, btc hardfork fud etc. It won't stop rising, if nothing happens though.
Yeah but my issue is, couldn't they just activate SegWit sooner and deal with a HF later?
This would at least get things moving smoothly again until we get larger blocks.
I already moved my BTC around last night. I'll be waiting for the next dip.
That's the thing; the miners don't want progress, they want control.
That's the vibe I'm getting. I'm spooked lads.
>scaling issue
Nigga who gives a fuck GAINZ!
Your gains could be effected if everyone is put off by transaction times and fees.
Then help the cause; run a UASF node! It's the only way to show them that we, the users, are in charge and if they don't listen to us we will take action.
For what?
>someone actually put all that greentext in
you need a new hobby my man
The more effort, the better the meme. This one is on point.
How to delete system 32.
Instructions to start up a UASF node. Actually I'll just google it.
So wait the expected news came out today? SegWit by the end of 2017 and a HF at the same time?
Head over to /r/bitcoin. UASF is pretty big over there with lots of info about everything you need to get going.
Or just uasf.co
Run UASF and stop waiting for corporations to do your job.
If we make enough presure, they will stop fucking around.
The Barry Shillbert thing is trash because they hired some idiots to do the code, so you would be running trash software with god knows what goals.
UASF nodes have been approved by legends like Luke JR so they are legit.
Im pointing out at how BTC is bullish and idiots missed all the dips you dumb cuck.
>muh blockstream conspiracy
It's on everyone's interest to avoid a blocksize increase as much as possible because blocksize increases come with network centralization you fucking autist.
If people can't run their own nodes bitcoin is dead. Core has been doing an amazing job at not giving out on this priority.
Governments want bitcoin to have huge blocksizes so no one can run nodes except corporations on datacenters, and guess what's easy to control: 5000+ nodes hidding behind TOR or a couple corporations running centralized datacenters? Use your fucking brain for once and stop reading trash.
If you cannot afford paying the fees then use pajeetcoin for the time being.
If you want to do your duty, run a UASF full node.
People that don't even run full nodes and bitch and moan about bitcoin needs killing.
Where can I learn all this technical nerdy stuff? Would be nice knowing where all my money is coming from
Would like to know this as well