What would you do with say $10,000 right now?
What would you do with say $10,000 right now?
shit coin p&ds for them 3x gains
Try to increase it about 5x so I can go to uni abroad
I actually put in 10k in crypto and have a little over 20k. I should be doing better but its ok
Put it in waves coin.
Buy the girl on your pic
wonder where the rest of my 200k went
The only correct answer. Get your use out of her and you can still flip for £15K to some Saudi (maybe dye her hair blonde, first).
>What would you do with $10,000 right now?
ur mom and ur sister, then buy weed for the remaining $9,980
Holy shit OP rekt
buy 5 btc.
my goal this year is to buy a monster box. So probably that.
no wait. I'd get ffs then buy 2 btc.
Move back to the USA to join SEAL.
Holy shit i got rekt
>green eyed mutant
buy dgb and have $1mil by the end of the year
oh wait, I already did that
Get angry remembering that I wouldn't even be able to pay off my useless student debt with it
I made about $15k this month and I'm installing a cryptocoin mining operation starting with 10 GPUs and, expanding to 100 as soon as possible.
Just need to find the right location with no neighbors because of the noise, and cheap electricity. Ideally renting a closet in some factory.
Put it in POSW
Buy beans
>Dont fall for P&Ds unless you know how to D
>Dont fall for vaporware
>When in doubt, but eth and btc
>This bull run is euphoric, but don't let it cloud your acumen
Two chicks at the same time.
>actually having a brain cell
whatre you doing on this board?!
go back to school for programming
not much. since 10 grand seems liek chump change to me now, since a lot of us are making that per day recently. i went from peniless neet, to eating steak and lobster every day and hiring a butler
I literally put $10k into ETH today.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think you're probably gay!
Get out of my commie country
2k in penny stock day trading. 2k in ETH, 2K XRP, 2K XEM. 500 RDD, 500 MUSIC. 1k silver bullion.
Pay off my student loan completely.
If I have anything extra, see if I can buy a used car.
Is this girl persian or latina or what
>put it all into eth and dgb
buy solarcoin
buy MNE
Put a damn BTC into Solar right nao, rest into ETH
This. Solar has the ''brightest'' future up ahead