Yep. Sold this morning. Already positioned into XRP and BTC as a hedge.
>More people joining ethereum alliance every day
>99% of Ethereum projects haven't even taken off yet
Kek your hands are so weak.
Finally, I've been waiting for weeks.
Sold after massive gains. Now after a few weeks it'll stabilize and be predictable within a range. I'll buy it all up at the bottom of that range and sit tight from there.
I luckily sold everything and went into waves.
This crash is going to be enormous.
Better safe than sorry.
Just sold lol. Maybe ill buy later but im enjoying my gains as is.
Still holding. You don't know shit
Aight my dude, good luck, kek
20% up past 24hours
>been slowly going up today
>somehow this means its crashing
Stabilize at 250, yeah. Ballsy to sell just before the announcements, which we already know are positive and meaningful.
is OP a nigger?
look at it, it's a correction
Buy rumor, sell news.
All news aside, ETH is predictible. A dip equal exactly to that when ETH was $50 and when ETH was $100 is all but guaranteed.
The trick is to time it and go all in when it stabilizes.
>sell ETH
shit nigger if your going to sell, drop the ether in my account, at least then when you want it back when it stabilizes ill just hand it back over...
>bought a few hours ago on the dip
>lost $700
I'm holding, but I better not be holding the bag for more than a day or two.
I just bought £350 of ETH on coinbase. Literally got into crypto on friday. Am I a moron?
Beat me to it
oh shit i bought at 180 and now its at 163. time to get the exit bag out
Hold it its not going to fall this year. Dont piss yourself when its down to 120€ it is it came from 90
glad i sold all my ETH and bought TRUMP instead ;^)
You're late for the gold rush, but not too late for the steady gains.
OP is moron.
How is it crashing?
I just checked and it's still more than it was yesterday.
If you think about selling before this time next year you'd be a moron. Otherwise just ride this out and realize shit has its ups and downs and to look at the general trend.
No niggeh I'm holding for 300 and beyond
I'm a patient man and it's spare money anyway.
Would have bought more on thursday/friday but coinbase is kinda screwy when purchasing i guess
Let him learn his lesson I did when it had a dip at 40€. Lost 1/3 of my coins
So is it at 169$ or is my chart wrong?
I'm in at $53 since March 2017, right at the peak. It dropped into the $30's and now is up near $180 all in the space of two months.
I couldn't give less of a fuck
It's correct. Depends on the exchange, of course, but it's already bounced to over $170 on Coinbase.
This is /biz
Most phaggots here are broke kids. If they lose 200$, they kill themselves.
If they dont get 20% profit in 10 mins, they scatter like rats. Fidget fingers, teen angst, all that jazz.
Keep selling, I want more cheap ETH
fuck that guy
just hand it over to me and when you get antsy ill hand it back
honestly i already have a good amount, but i hope it does crash frankly, i'll buy the fuck out of it even more then. thats how sold i am on this shit.
I'm glad I learned to hold from selling too early, and not eating a loss.
>could have made >1200% on RDD if I just fucking held
As soon as cb recovers I'm out probably buy a nice used corvette
Anyone here get in really early with ETH with 2.5x leverage and just never sold, so the 2.5x leverage is still going?
Here's a protip for you:
Just don't fucking sell.
If you hold long enough, you might never have to sell.
Yes, absolutely. But it hasn't stabilised yet. It will stabilise sometime later this week.
Mined a little when they were easy a little over a year ago, dug out my old wallet with 6 of em and just bought a little more before the current dip.
Not worried.
Ha! Strong hands always win. HODL. Incoming moon mission again soon. 195 to close the day. Whales fishing out week hands for a bit here
This thread is the reason why 90% of "investors" are not going to be rich.
And literally why the other 10% will
You have nerves of steel to do that after the Kraken flash crash and all the current Polo problems.
You and I could both buy ETH at $150 and watch it grow back to $180.
The difference is that when I buy at $150, it's because the market was already at $180 and the market remembers, so I feel I have somewhat less risk because of the value of this coin and I'm not relying on hype.
Assuming you bought in $150 the first time, for this argument, then you chased a bull. Both of us will have the same gains.
I say this as a long term holder of ETH with plenty of ETH now as well, but even I know that ETH lets you sell every time it doubles in price, catch a dip 15% lower, and ride it up again. Call it a blessing from ETH but it always does this. $182 was, realistically, a good time to sell and $150 is a great time to buy back in again.
ETH might shoot up to $200 from now, yeah, but this is a different animal from BTC and it behaves differently.
Fucking nigger I just sold and bought again because of you.
I lost 0.6 ETH you piece of shit nigger noob.
how to become rich 101
1. buy now
2. if it grows do not sell ,let it grow
3. if it falls buy more when its cheap
4. just keep buying and shilling this shit wherever possible
wait a year
k keep me posted.
just lost .4 eth, thanks
As a noob I thank you for these tips and will live by them without question
Would you sink your money into Brazilian or South Asian markets? Because this is what the crypto market essentially is.
Great analysis. Except I have this thing called a wagecuck job that doesn't allow me to stare at a chart all day. Wish I had the time to do it but I bought my first eth at $10 so I dont really give a shit.
You mean Brazillian or South Asian markets have a possibility of 300% daily gains and long term growth in hundreds of thousands of percent, like ethereum does?
lel, brainlet normie
At literally 8pm yesterday it was worth $20 less
What are you smoking
Or are you calling a dayrade dip a crash
You sold your holdings based on a post with literally zero context outside of "SELL SELL SELL" and you're mad at someone else?
Hey so do I. Oh but I get paid about 80k and still have time to stare at the chart all day.
Guess I just got lucky...
>Its your fault I made a hasty decision
Buy the ETH Dip now before it rockets again.
To buy ETH with Bitcoin, send BTC here: 1NHWJkYSCWWoqwFhfHhXgeeXcK1WuvhVbF
I'm sending 1 BTC, will that be enough for 1 ETH?
16% up in 24h is a crash lel
yes if you hurry up
I just sent you 3 BTC, when will I be notified?
Okay, I'm sending 2 just in case
It's a dip you fucking retards.
Ya fucking right. Holding for maximum gainz
holding until the BAT ico
Will BAT only be purchased with ETH?
sent ;)
Look at what just happened to ZEC and DASH. Two shitcoins trying to clone the functionality of ETH.
The same will happen to ETH on Wednesday. Selling now would be the dumbest decision in your lives.
ETH will be $400 by the end of summer. Good luck.
>I've never seen a chart after an ath
The way I see it, this is just a small dip from a slowing of massive buys over the weekend in preperation for Consensus gains and in repsonse to general hype.
Consensus is just starting today. The EEA member base strengthed significantly. Interest in the decentralized ledger is very high right now. ETH is now the strongest crypto next to BTC. More and more people are entering the crypto-market each day.
If you just want quick gains cashout, wait until Consensus finishes. I think there will be another surge then from a lot more people getting in on it. That being said, at least until people find of if the decentralized ledger catches on or some crypto-wide bubble crash occurs (no sign of this happening in the immediate future), ETH will keep slowly going up, so it's a good term long hold.
Stop having such weak hands, user.
Sell then buy the dip at ~130 USD
Clearly I picked the wrong major. oh well.
where can i buy ethereum for €250 asap? all the big exchanges require my to verify, but they're incredibly slow
I was going to buy like £600 on Friday but coinbase is stupid and won't let me add a debit card, just says cvn authentication error. Anyone know?
Send BTC to Bittrex here:
>stop limit order
>Newfags buy in on MAH FIRST CRYPTO, MOMMY
>EEA strengthened significantly
>ETH is one of th high talking point at consensus
>General crypto market bubble gains as people flee global economoic uncertainty and brokers begin to see it as a viable investment
>ETH now the strongest BTC competitor
>Minor dip after huge moon mission
ETH might stay flat or go down for the next 4-5 hours
but then the koreans will wake up and buy ETH at $250 seeing Samsung is interested
it's an ethereum based token so probably yes.
SELL SELL SELL, trust me I'm a whale
BTFO faggot almost 10k in 3 weeks
>tfw I sold some ETH earlier last week when it looked stabilized at $125 using this logic
>says the increasingly nervous no coiner
I got into crypto on Friday. I bought at 120-130. I've already made $600
Never felt this good about doing something in my life.
Reminds me of the first time I had sex.
>Taking financial advice from a Bosnian Bee Keeping forum
Me too. Thought it was my bank but its a known error "they're working on it". Fucking cuckbase