Were there any blacks serviced in Roman army back then ?
Were there any blacks serviced in Roman army back then ?
There were Numidian auxiliaries and at one time I believe that a legion was raised in Numidia itself but I find it highly doubtful any subsaharans were legionnaires, except in extreme circumstances
This. It really depends whether you consider Nubians and Ethiopians to be "black. There were unlikely to be any negroids, save possibly a literal handful of exotic slaves.
Nigga pls
The oldest depiction of Saint Maurice clearly shows a black man.
Romans make clear references to Black near Catharginians, knowing their notions of blacks it's likely they are speaking only of the darkest sorts rather than more mixed types.
>hurr caesar has to be cast as an Italian from a patrician Roman family
>durr muh anglowashing
>herp shakespar is cultural appropriation
>derp we wuz thespians
It shows a man with black skin. "Black" has no fixed single meaning, to an American it means "negroid", to an American Numidians, Nubians and Ethiopians are caucasians, not "blacks".
I'm Ethiopian dude and in here to saw people think we are either blacks or occasionally afro-latinos or afro-arabs.
Well you're not, you're afroasiatics with dark skin, "racially" no different than an Egyptian, ie, a caucasoid. Well I mean you could be a Dinka but assuming you're a "regular" Oromo or Ahmara then you're no more a "black" in the American sense than you are an eskimo.
Is Veeky Forums the last place in the world where people use the terms caucasoid and negroid unironically?
I am black. The only difference between me and Africans south of me is the degree we with which they retained paleoafrican genes when Afrasians came long ago.
Still we are Black, African. Negro is is a simplification of African biodiversity and is quite divisive and stupid.
That cause the Tutsi to believe they were a different race than Hutu when genetics shows they were merely more nilosaharan in input.
Don't waste time with outdated physical anthropological b.s. please.
Forensic anthropologists still use both terms.
>Race is both a cultural and a biological term. For more than a century, scientists and philosophers have tried to define race and describe races. Some scientists define only three races: caucasoid, mongoloid, and negroid, while other scientists have defined more than 10. In our climate of multi-cultural sensitivity, some scholars, not forensic anthropologists, suggest that race does not exist, or at least it should not be talked about
ps, he's the patron saint of the HRE
Yes I know who he is. Was he "black"? Certainly, he had dark skin, but for most people (certainly for most Americans) "black" means "african-american", which in turn means "of west african bantu origin".
A skull cannot tell you a race.
A somali in Europe is not seen as Caucasian, they are deemed black like any other African. Their lack of prognathism and elongated nose bridge does not change that.
>A skull cannot tell you a race.
Tell that to forensic anthropologists. The skull is just about the single most useful part for determining race.
>A somali in Europe is not seen as Caucasian, they are deemed black like any other African.
Sure, but this is the "socially constructed" side of race. Racially, they are caucasoids.
He was black, however you wish to define that is on you.
>which in turn means "of west african bantu origin".
Bro, idk where you're from, but black here in America doesn't specifically mean "of west african bantu origin". Dark skin in general is for the most part considered black.
>Racially, they are caucasoids.
Based of psuedo science, tell me what geneticist subscribes to that notion these days...
>confusing nubians with numidians
That's because American blacks are almost all bantu ie negroid. The term "black" has become a synonym for "negro", and other dark skinned africans, who don't share characteristics with negroes beyond skin color, but share many many other characteristics with other caucasoids and especially with other afroasiatics, are termed as "black" based solely on skin color and in contradiction to actual scientific classifications of races.
All of them? Is that a trick question or are you just incredibly ignorant?
Ainu, Polynesians and Native Americans were deemed Caucasoid at one point. Aboriginals were deemed proto-caucasoid.
People speak about the simplistic categories vs the plasticity of human phenotypical variation often.
The categories are stupid.
No he didn't. Numidians were dark skinned.
They were proto-berber though. Are Berbers black?
>Ainu, Polynesians and Native Americans were deemed Caucasoid at one point.
No they weren't.
>Aboriginals were deemed proto-caucasoid.
Nope, archaic caucasoid does not mean "proto".
>The categories are stupid.
...because? They don't correspond with reality? OH WAIT THEY DO! Because they don't have any practical use? OH WAIT, DIFFERENT MEDICINES AFFECT THE RACES DIFFERENTLY! Because you think the existence of races means we all have to be nazis? OH WAIT EQUAL UNDER THE LAW DOESN'T >IMPLY IDENTICAL IN ALL WAYS!
Google "Kiffian reconstruction" and you tell me
They were dark skinned caucasians. Whether you consider them "black" depends on whether you consider "black" to equal "negro", or whether you think it simply refers to skin shade.
Yes they were, I've seen the old books myself and you can Google it. These were commonly held views.
Medicines effect different populations with different adaptations. Sickle Cell anemia has an effect on a people but SCA is not only found in Africans and not all Africans have the genes for it.
You're simplifying genetic diversity for autistic categories.
Yeah, I see what you're trying to do. I'm not playing this game.
8,000-12,000 years ago in the Sahara desert these were people who kinda looked black
What am I supposed to gleam from this?
There is continuity between North African phenotypes from 30k+ years ago all the way through to the Neolithic Subpluvial.
Also the Sahara did not exist until it dried out, before the greenings it was something else everytime
There's a huge difference between casting someone who vaguely fits the "white" category and casting someone who is visibly a different race. It's distracting.
Repeat after me: North Africans have had more meangiful contact with Asians and Europeans. They are closer to Asian and Europeans than Sub-Saharan Africans.
>A skull cannot tell you a race
Now THAT is a straight up lie.
If they had Nubians, who were black, serving as auxiliaries, then there would have definitely been blacks serving in the legions.
That isn't some fucking big-budget film. Its a local theater. You cast who you get and who auditions the best. If a nig in some backwater does the best Hitler impersonation he's going to get the part.
Tumblr pls
fuck. So my high school plays were cultural appropriation and an attempt by the international (((lizardmen))) to destroy the white race.
Possibly, but I think it's more likely there were only semitic and berber soldiers rather than black.
Probably tbph
>to an American Numidians, Nubians and Ethiopians are caucasians, not "blacks".
Hahahahaha no
In America, they would all be black or Middle Eastern, depending on how dark their skin tone is.
>muh segmenta
>muh grimdark forest
>onion knight
There's so much wrong in that pic, I barely noticed the black man, but yes, there were some groups of African auxiliaries in the Roman legions. No, it would not have been normal to see a black person in Pax Romana Europe, and less so after the middle ages began.
>Repeat after me: North Africans have had more meangiful contact with Asians and Europeans
Only in more recent (relatively) history, after the Sahara dried up.
The Romans employed Numidians, Nasamones, Nubians, Libyans and other African peoples in their armies, not to mention there were some "blacks" among Egyptian society (largely of Nubian descent, but still within "Egypt."
"Blacks" is anyone that looks negroid, which EASILY represents Ethiopians, Numidians, Moors, and Nubians. Can you tell the difference between a light skinned darky and a dark skinned lighty? I can't, not to mention each ethnicity thats been mentioned so far varies from swarthy to fair any day of the week.
Ancient Libyans (bottom right on pic related) were fairly light-skinned from what I know.
You're an afrocentric. The moors (arab-berbers) and numidians (berber) were not black, and certainly not comparable to ethiopians and nubians.
I mean, from what it sounds like most of North Africa was essentially made up of people who look like modern day Italians. Semites, Berbers, that sort, this is likely the Roman bias but the busts of these North Africans make it clear they are Caucasian. I think the only full on Sub-Saharan contact was through Egypt from Nubia, and even there it was more of a slave trade than an equality movement. If you saw a black person it was likely an adopted oddity or something of that sort, think of our present day celebrates and their love of adopting Africans.
Negro is a collective term for all ape skulled melanin enriched individuals in Sub Saharan Africa you stupid fuck.
Biological classification works by finding like traits, if the skull shapes of humans in Asia are the same as the ones in the Americas then thats a serious connected like trait and an indication of a human race.
The Somalis are most likely the remnants of an unknown race that got raped by niggers.
/sp/ here. That's a fucking NFL player trying his hand at acting. Calm yourselves.
It's theatre. The artform that had men play women for hundreds of years. Only revisionist cucks are upset about a black caesar.
Call me when a historical documentary or something like HBO's rome casts a black man as Caesar.
They are predominately ethiosomali
This is false, the foundations of Pharonic burial, royal symbology and Egyptian dynastic tradition itself stems from Nubia.
The mixing back and forth is self evident for.thousands of years
It's a fucking Shakespeare play.
Ethiopians are black you retard
>That's because American blacks are almost all bantu
There were very few Bantus taken to America. American blacks mostly came from Guinea and spoke Yoruba, Akan, Igbo etc. There were plenty of Bantus in Brazil and the middle east but not in North America
Its art. They can cast a woman as the emperor and its still fine.