Why is racism ingrained in history?
Why is racism ingrained in history?
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It makes no sense from a civilizational standpoint, all it does it tear people apart.
Wouldn't civilizations naturally ignore race and take in skilled people no matter their backgrounds?
Moreover, doesn't the fixation on race prevent people from focusing on self-improvement, and by extension the improvement of their people?
Humans are just not uniform or homogenous as socialist constructions insist.
That's because it's almost entirely biological.
To which civilization do you refer?
>implying society is logical
In-groups and out-groups.
people used to consider the citizens of the next village 5 miles away to be subhumans even if they shared an ethnicity
People who didn't speak your language were literally considered a different species (even if they were "white" like you were)
Following this trend why *shouldn't* racism arise when different races started interacting on a mass scale?
One of the primary reasons that Genghis Khan was such a successful ruler was that he shunned racism and accepted all sorts of people into his army, provided they were skilled enough.
It makes no sense to cast out the intelligent and the skillful based on the color of their skin or that they worship some other deity.
Ultimately, racism and nationalism just lead to over reliance on the state to protect them from bogeymen who just want to contribute to society.
r dey gon fuk
African Shia LaBeouf's looking pretty damn fine.
>the primary reasons that Genghis Khan was such a successful ruler was that he shunned racism and accepted all sorts of people into his army
sure kid
next time consider putting multiple sentences into a single post, instead of making us refute each post separately
your comic is unremitting shit and is unworthy
You are missing the point. The Chinese girl and the Black man combined forces to shoo away whitey. Why wasn't this more commonplace in history?
so what you're saying here, is that some Chinese pussy is about to be pounded hard by a big black cock?
what bus has you pay as you get off?
I said "one of", and this is a historical fact. His fixation on skill and strength, combined with tolerance of foreigners and his policy of freedom of religion absolutely strengthened his forces.
because Chinese people are extremely racist against black people, generally. They're racist against everybody, but definitely against blacks.
Geographic isolation.
I'm sure Shaka Zulu and his Maori auxiliaries would've come to China's aid during the Opium Wars if they had a giant flying snake to get there on.
This is an awesome alternative history.
That's not an argument.
You haven't explained why that would be the case. Muh geography does not impede people from forming alliances and friendships.
You know what "civilization" he's refering to. White nations, and white nations ONLY, no not China, no not Saudi Arabia, no not India, white nations must take in "skilled people", that is OP and his extended family, and give unlimited gibs or else be called RAYCISS.
not him, but you are retarded
his forces were strenghthened by pure military genius and superior tactics. as well as some unstable enemies. in fact, he killed so many people
jesus fuck go back
>Muh geography does not impede people from forming alliances and friendships.
It kinda does. There's a reason Columbus had to sail across the Atlantic before Americans (Native) and Europeans knew each other existed
I implied nothing of the sort.
Is this "Things that never happened-the comic?"
My favorite
ITT: why leftists lost the election
>starts a political discussion that even includes trump
>tells others to go to /pol/
i hope your family dies in agonizing way in front of you
How about you research the ethnic and religious composition of the Mongol horde and then tell me how you could coordinate such a force with dozens of groups fighting amongst themselves.
Go back to China.
by forcing them to? did you know that anyone who doesnt obey would be slaughtered?
One in a made up harassment story.
This doesn't make any sense.
Yes, by slaughtering those who started arguments of race and religion. Are you really this stupid? Jesus Christ, get the fuck off my board and go back to /pol/ you absolute mongoloid dog.
>Muh geography does not impede people from forming alliances and friendships
That makes even less sense
>spend time campaigning against ethnicity and religious groups you personally dislike instead of improving yourself
What doesn't make sense?
>Why wasn't this more commonplace in history?
>because Chinese people are extremely racist
That is not an argument you faggot, it's a blank statement of fact in response to an obvious inquiry implying reality is somehow incorrect.
You're trolling, aren't you?
It does not follow
People want to live near other people that look like them and share the same language and culture.
Deal with it while you pack your things with a view to going back.
No, by slaughtering anyone who doesnt obey
>he unironically calls me stupid
>he doesnt even realize how much he is humiliating himself with these posts
this is why lefties will keep declining in the modern world
You will not explain how geography prevents the formation of alliances. Is the US struggling to maintain ties with Israel? Were the Allies hindered by water or by German controlled land?
Ahahaha, good on ya m8, what a great time!
how does one ignore a retard, Veeky Forums?
How about you read the OP?
>Why is racism ingrained in history?
Your response is because racism is ingrained in history? Can you read? Can you read this?
Don't link to articles you don't understand.
Why are you even on Veeky Forums if you don't even know the history of the Mongol empire?
>Why are you even on Veeky Forums if you don't even know the history of the Mongol empire?
You have yet to prove me wrong. Your ad-hominem keeps showing everyone how retarder you are.
>fixation on race prevents people from focusing on self-improvement, and by extension the improvement of their people.
This is untrue. Racism is ubiquitous, it is a basic human instinct. The reason it is so common is because humans are obviously predisposed by their nature to a set of behaviors and thought patterns we deem racist. Humans are predisposed to these automatic responses and behaviors because they were, at least once along our evolutionary development, either extremely adaptive in themselves or at least corollary to an extremely adaptive trait.
Do you understand?
>racism is ingrained in history
every person is racist
every history writer is a person
every history writer is racist
Let's all just remind everyone for a minute how the Mongol empire was the most racially and religiously tolerant empire of all time because it was run by the most enlightened cultured people in the world and how it was the most stable empire to ever exist for thousands of years and how it had absolutely no racial subjugation whatsoever and especially no legacy of gigantic religious war that massacred millions of people
yes the noble mongol people are truly the ideal multiracial despotism of tolerance and friendship
>t. Doesn't follow current events in Africa
The author of this comic obviously is unaware at how the Chinese are robbing blacks blind right now, and that the two groups can't stand each other.
You didn't make any argument. Saying that Genghis executed people that did not follow his inclusive policy is not a refutation of the policy, if anything you seem to be in agreement. The question I asked is why didn't more leaders throughout history adopt this policy seeing as how it was so successful.
>Racism is ubiquitous, it is a basic human instinct.
Not an argument. Sex is also a basic instinct, should we be going around raping people?
if racism is so great then why did white italians steal spaghetti FROM THE CHINESE????
It's very funny to see these pseuds trying to (unsuccessfully) pick apart details instead of addressing the core argument of skill and ability superseding skin tone.
>The question I asked is why didn't more leaders throughout history adopt this policy seeing as how it was so successful.
They did, though. Refuaing to serve in the military or obey as a vassal state usually meant death. If you praise Genhis for his mass slaughter to create terror within his subjects, then I agree with you. But claiming that his ""tolerance"" had anything to do with his military successes just proves how stupid you are
if you're so racist then why did hitler d o the???????????????
simple reproduction is the crux of my point.
it's the entire reason ((((race)))) exists, evolutionary pressure.
Every race is pretty racist, but the only race who fought to actually liberate the negros was white Americans, the ones who take more immigrants are white countries, so what is exactly your point OP?
As it stands every race should be sucking white dick, you filthy kike included.
there can be only one
This is so hilariously over the top it borders on parody.
>hey chinky gurl, ima old racist white redneck trump supporter and Donald gonna fuk ur shit it reaaal good
*cue black guy
>yo craka leave this innocent Chinese girl alone
Also of note is that the trump supporter is riding the bus (usually reserved for poor people in modern society) and can't even afford the bus fair, showing the economic plight working class Whites are enduring. Likely his job was outsourced to china, he's rightfully pissed. I'd say he's the true protagonist, or at least an anti-hero.
Yeah, Trump is a real hero of the working class. Stay on topic.
>Likely his job was outsourced to china, he's rightfully pissed. I'd say he's the true protagonist, or at least an anti-hero.
Nice. The unsung hero.
Word of advice to /pol/: there is absolutely no point in engaging someone in discussion who is intentionally not acting in good faith. There is just enough there to form a halfway coherent argument, but the entirety of it is constructed to trap you in a giant clusterfuck of an argument. Stop trying to honestly engage, and either fight dirty or join me in shitposting this to oblivion.
Love, your dear old uncle /new/
Funny how you fixate on the white riding the bus and not the Asian or the Black. Really makes me think.
Rub a dub dub three jews in a tub
And as usual nobody is calling China or even fucking Japan to take in more immigrants and refugees. Those who advocate for open borders are anti-white hypocrites.
Do you actually go outside? Because there are people that fucking stupid out there.
Want some life experience in this regard? Get a job at a liquor store in a poor neighborhood some time, oh man will you see some interesting characters.
Here's what china thinks
Word of advice: running away with your tail between your legs from a serious question is not becoming of a pseud.
There was nothing serious about your question. You got three serious responses out of me as it is, be satisfied with it and enjoy this heartwarming story
Love those neutron memes, senpai.
>imports trash
Another embarrassing post to add to your collection. The sad part is you probably thought you were demonstrating something with your replies. Talk about posting here in good faith, as your orange buffoon says: Sad!
I just reply to the kikes trolls with insults and try to debate as little as possible, I know this people don't come in good fate so at least I have fun insulting those disgusting kikes
>It makes no sense from a civilizational standpoint
it makes all the sense in the world
people exclude others along racial lines because it's an excuse to get rid of competition
What would I have to demonstrate to anyone here? I'm just goofin around, friendo :^)
Go back to China.
>I sure do love infighting! It brings people together!
This is a pathetic bait thread that has nothing to do with actual discussion of history
Irl the black would be the bum and try to rob the Chinese girl, the Chinese for would want nothing to do with the black, and the old white guy wouldn't forget his change. This is liberal delusion on steroids.
You have to go back. You're not wanted. The only reason you're not told this on a daily basis is because there are sanctions against people people telling the truth.
Take your "skills" to whatever place you came from and help build your own country.
You have to go.
You know what? Fuck it. I've got a bottle of rum to finish anyway. I'll actually engage you if you trip up so you have to honestly defend your arguments.
>It makes no sense from a civilizational standpoint, all it does it tear people apart.
It makes a lot of sense from a civilizational standpoint, it keeps people together.
>Wouldn't civilizations naturally ignore race and take in skilled people no matter their backgrounds?
No, because it destroys the civilization.
>anything about the mongols being a utopia of tolerance
your retarded. Mongols were hardc0re genociders
And, finally: your worldview is literally a cartoon.
competition isnt necessarily infighting
If youre a wage worker, you will oppose immigration because foreigners will be willing to work cheaper. If youre a business owner, you will support immigration because it's cheap labor. If youre an idiot, you will be swayed to either side by rhetoric other than these reasons.
All blacks are criminals all people hold the same views and old people never forget anything.
>post comic based on crude caricature
>criticizes use of crude caricatures
Not in this day and age, but before the sufficient technology existed, yes
I didn't post nor am I defending that comic, I think it's retarded.
If you say it was ment to be a caricature fine but I've seen and met people who actually belive shit like that so I was just calling it out
Nice comic OP. A lot of what you're saying reminds me of the book "Day of Empire", which is about how a lot of historical hyperpowers succeeded by ignoring race & ethnicity, allowing the best from any part of their empire to rise to the top. I highly suggest it to anyone who wants to learn more about the topic.
>Nice comic
Nice bait. This is literally the retarded mindset that keeps liberals insulated from reality and made them see Trump's victory come as a surprise.
>historical hyperpowers
Like the Hwan?
Jesus, Drumpfkins are still pointing to their redneck rural county support as an argument? Go back to /pol/
Oh boy was steering away from this thread until i noticed the top tier baiting by calling mongols tolerant. Timur and lads might disagree also the Russian princedoms actually anyone who was in the mongol empire might disagree.