How come this coin is so stable?
How come this coin is so stable?
whales keeping price at 50 BTC while they buy it all up. Someone let their secret out too early and this coin got away from them. Will pop tonight
Price at 50BTC? Where is that?
What do you mean ''pop''?
expect Hold at 75 sats tonight. Buying up while everyone head is turned to ETH consensus
what do you think will be the max sat?
RDD is eating shit right now wtf you saying
u haven't been on this ride long have you
>whales keeping price at 50 BTC while they buy it all up
How do you even do that? impress me.
It was mooning hard and then Bittrex data froze, the timeline still worked but coinmarketcap data did not receive new info, this caused many weak hands and it dipped hard after the ath. Volume value on Bittrex did not change from 3159 btc for 12 hours. But it just just started working again and now shows the correct volume again.
Stay strong
Get in or get left
WTF are you talking about?
get in at 45 satoshi, have a discord full of people with 30 million RDD each, decide not to sell, Decide to sell some of their shit to eachotehr at way cheap, looks like giant price drop, FUD pumps, NEWBS dump, WHALES munch, BOOM sold at high, bought at low.
also this guy is actually smart. listen to him.
It's stable because Polo delisted this shitcoin ages ago and no one has wanted to buy it until now.
How does one into this Discord
Don't fall for that, if you join any pump and dump group you'll get fucked by the inner circle that already has everything planned.
become a whale yourself and prove it. get invited kek
But wouldn't the coins "leak" by small bits into the hands of others? They aren't the only ones to trade.
This is what everyone is forgetting about. The devs have been in contact with the community and are known to be developing *something* related to ReddCoin, Even if we're going to be waiting for a while, we at least have devs that will communicate with us.
whales can afford to ride pumps and dumps. they buy back in at a higher price, but are pretty much using straight profit to buy back in everytime.
It hasn't been. For some reason coinmarketcap hasn't been working for it
This Any P&D group is doing their shit through private messages and not on a public Discord.
I'm such a jew i wanted to buy at 30 not 31 and now its at 40 kek
I wanted to buy at 4 instead of 5 sats, and then 5 instead 6-7 sats, and ended up having to buy at 10 sats.
Pretty decent gains for what I put in, but they would be double if I just bought at 5 sats straight away.
Well done guys
When you make gains like that when do you pull out?