Is the dream dead forever or does Prussia have a chance of being revived? Are there any places that still have Prussian culture, and hold to things such as the Prussian Virtues?
Is the dream dead forever or does Prussia have a chance of being revived...
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Germany is technically a Prussian project and its entire military culture- even in today's Bundeswehr- has lots of Prussian-origin practices.
The NPA was very Prussian influenced, the Bundeswehr not so much. The Bundeswehr today is closer to America than anything else.
Chile keeps some military stuff.
Prussia was literally a cancer, parasite growing in a Polish tissue. It even killed its host. But then the chemotherapy called WW2 destroyed this disgusting tumor once and for all.
>poland drowns in communism for decades
Better red than dead. Germans killed more than 5 million Poles (including Polish Jews), Stalin "only" around 200 000.
>tfw the allies stopped taking their dose of Bomber Harris which meant the german parasite wasn't completly killed and could regrow.
Prussian militarism lives on in the USA, the marines wore pickelhauben for a long time.
>Prussian separatist movement
The Soviets literally killed or evicted every single German that remained in Konigsberg after 1945. There is nobody left there to agitate for secession.
>Prussian revival
I don't think it means what you think it means
Nah, the state was built on aristocratic militarism which frankly was buried after ww2.
They're russians, dumbass.
The Prussians were all integrated or killed by Germans. The descendants of those Germans were all exiled or killed by Russians. The meme is dead.
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about you forestniggers
>prussia creates germany
>after WW1, get rid of prussia
i dont understand this at all
what was the historical precedence for incorporating it into poland
True Prussians weren't even German. That title is a meme. It was the Kingdom of Brandenburg.
this map is so bs it's legendary
>>after WW1, get rid of prussia
I think you mean WW2. Prussia existed as a state in the interwar period.
Yeah you're right
Why did they get rid of it after WW2?
I find it terribly interesting that "American" doesn't refer to native indian, while "Prussian" apparently refers to native balts.
to get rid of the symbol of german militarism
That's pretty retarded
That's like USA losing a war and then dissolving texas because its a symbol of american patriotism
doesn't matter. When someone talks about the "military tradition" or the "culture" of Prussia, it usually has nothing to do with the actual region of Prussia, but with Berlin/Brandenburg.
"American" is term made up by Europeans
"Prussian" comes form the name of the native population (Prūsija)
not quite
also they obviously abolished it because "prussian" land was given to poland
All the Germans there had been killed or evicted by the Soviets.
Kek, Bosnia shouldn't fuckimg exist, it always should have been devided between Serbia and Croatia.
This is a common misconception, but the allies didn't destroy Prussia. The Nazis did, when they dismantled the German states in 1934. Until then, Prussia, which had rid itself and Germany of its monarchy on its own, had been a bastion of democracy in the Weimar republic. The Nazis had no use for Prussia as a powerful state; they wanted everything under central control, and effectively dissolved it.
Now, after the war, the allies looked for a scapegoat; someone to blame the whole mess on. After WW1, they had explicitly blamed Germany, which backfired in the most hilarious ways. After WW2, they decided to blame "Prussian militarism" for the rise of the Nazis, which is not supported by facts considering that Hitler was an Austrian living in Bavaria, and that he roused a kind of nationalist fervor that was wholly incompatible with whatever remained of Prussian nationalism. But since Prussia was 10 years dissolved by then, its last king dead and much of its territory given to Poland or Russia, no one objected.
It was a convenient fiction, one that contributed much to absolve Germany from the guilt for the war, and allowed the Germans to rebuild their country and state without needless navel-gazing and self-blaming (that only started an 1968).
Isn't it amazing how Germany got so much shit for comparatively little after WW1, and got off virtually Scot free after WW2? Well there's your reason. Prussia took the fall. The hero Germany deserved, but didn't need at the time.
It's dead, thankfully.
I don't even know why everyone fellates Prussia. Bavaria is much better (and so is Austria, if we'll count German states not incorporated into modern Germany).
Hegel proved that Prussia was the ideal state, the culmination of a dialectic
This is a common misconception, but the nazis never de jure dismantled the German states. Prussia, like all German states, and their institutions remained in existence. Hell, the nazis even merged Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Mecklenburg-Schwerin after coming to power.
Of course, the gau system is where the real power was, and the states lost all their powers to the reichsstatthalter in each state who did whatever Berlin told them to do. But still, Prussia wasn't abolished by the nazis.
It had the most stable democratic coalition in the Weimar Republic. They literally needed a coup to get rid of it. The militarism was blown out of proportion (France for example spent more) and mystified after WWII. They rest of Germany agreed as part of a larger scape-goating culture.
>Is the dream dead forever or does Prussia have a chance of being revived
Brits and Poles would go apeshit, so no chance. There are however idea to reunite Berlin and Brandenburg again. Brandenburg refuses cause Berlin is so poor tho.
>Are there any places that still have Prussian culture, and hold to things such as the Prussian Virtues?
Potsdam. Pic related.
>inb4 that's just for tourists
It ain't. I am from Berlin and the cultural elites in Potsdam take their Preußen stuff serious.
>Bavaria is much better
>implying they would be anything without decades of subvention and the HQs of German companies that moves there after WWII
Ludwig please.
And Saxony. It basically was the proto-industrial center of Germany when the Ruhr was still a forest. Saxon cities were important cultural center and the state was wealthy.
That's why Prussia wanted to absorb Saxony completely.
Saxony should have absorbed Brandenburg
and Pomerania instead and become the most powerful North German state.
Even today Saxony hasn't gotten its lands back.
>Saxony should have absorbed Brandenburg
You sound salty Maik.
Padania all the way to Lazio
Carmine, that's not how it works.
Also wtf is "Insubria"?
You should also list how Savoia and Istria want to return to Italy, much like Corsica.