its like amazing how weird it is that this place has even more history than the west even though the west seems likes its the only real place on this earth, its like the east is a different planet.
Its like amazing how weird it is that this place has even more history than the west even though the west seems likes...
>its like amazing how weird it is that this place has even more history
i think you wanted to say
>its like amazing how weird it is that this place has even more RECORDED history
>has even more history than the west
No it doesn't, we know way more about classical Greece than we do about pre-qin China.
>more history
What does that even mean?
OK please point me to the treasure trove of history about the shang and early Zhou. Everything I've read about the pre warring States period concedes that documentation is scarce. Even pre-Mencius Confucianism is pretty suspect.
It does if OP is referring to everywhere in the map, including India, Southeast Asia, and East Asia, and by 'West' he means Western Europe and not Western Eurasia (which would include the whole of Europe, the Mediterranean and Middle East). Which is kind of a retarded comparison.
>roundeye and shit
Its called the library stupid
Go under Asia->China->Ancient etc
>Its called the library
explain, pls...
It's almost as if you grew up in the west
Grow up in China and its the same, almost, except for the fact that the Chinese are also taught western history so to them the world is a linked world where things happened everywhere.
The west has a very eurocentric education system.
>The west has a very eurocentric education system.
Only in shitty schools. In good schools, you get history of the world in quite a detail.
We are taught Asian history as well. American history public education (I'm American, don't speak for op but figure he probably is) isn't Eurocentric. if anything it's europhobic. perhaps you could say it's western centric but that's more due being a western nation than some nefarious plot.
>This weak response
Step it up or go back to another board
He means the history we learn in the west is seen through a European viewpoint. Not that Europeans are seen as good/bad.
China is ok
What's more amazing is how Japan, a shitty outshoot of China is considered so important, fucking weebs I swear.
Have you ever stopped to think where you are?
I'm not just talking about this Chinese ideogram freenet board though
Then what are you talking about?
Because it was historically important from the Edo period onward.
Contrary to popular belief, Malaysia is actually the center of the universe.
What did he mean by this?
It means we know more history user, keep up
China is the Byzantium of the East.
Sure, it's old, but most of it is boring and esoteric
>China is the Eastern Roman Empire of the East
Really set fire to my brain cells.
Sir, I do not think you understand that We Wuz Chinese Emperors an Shieet
I think it military history stories are pretty badass.
>China is the Byzantium of the East
No, Byzantium is the Byzantium of the East. China toppled its foreign conquerors. Byzancucks didn't
Only relevant places are China and Japan.
I like Japan more but China is like a world in of it'self where it has always seen the outside world as just some extension that is not really relevant to them.
Say what ming?
[Citation needed]
The Manchurians became more rigid Confucians than the Hans. You basically just proved his point.
>The west has a very eurocentric education system.
This has been true for a long time but since the 90s things have been changing, I think
I took AP World History in high school and we learned a fairly equal amount about everywhere in the globe up until the Age of Exploration, where things started to get more Eurocentric. I think that's reasonable.