Why is it that livestock farming will never be constituted conventionally as the biggest massacre caused by mankind?
Why is it that livestock farming will never be constituted conventionally as the biggest massacre caused by mankind?
They are non sentient beings that we will ensure do not fall victim to natural selection.
I love meat as much as the next guy but when I think about it it truly is unsettling that we raise an entire species with the sole intention of eating them on an industrial scale.
Oh well tis life.
I love eating meat too, but at the same time I believe animals deserve to at least die with some form of dignity.
Because humans don't attribute animals with the same rights as they attribute humans with. When then Hitler - a vegetarian and animal rights activist - comes and gives humans a taste of their own medicine, they get all mad though.
>They are non sentient beings
I can't wait for the day anteaters have to face their punishment in The Hague. Those poor ants.
Mankind is saint compared to real monsters.
They do not meet the necessary criteria for being considered sapient/sentient
sapient and sentient are not the same thing
which criteria for sentience are you using?
Not him, I picked up the other user's argument under the assumption he was confusing sentience and sapience.
Animals are sentient but not sapient, which I thought was what the user was trying to communicate.
Man, those are top-notch movie titles. Or VN titles:
The oxygen was already on Earth though.
Cyanobacteria didn't fuse lighter elements or split heavier elements to create it.
Dogs/cats aren't sapient, shouldn't we be killing them enmasse?
Since every other non-humans are non sapient by current definition, slaughter of those animal should be without any issue.
I have a feeling that it will be, in a few centuries give or take.
>shouldn't we be killing them enmasse?
Are they edible? Does the current economy demand we eat them?
Were it not for these guys we would literally never exist because our cellular biology is based on using oxygen as a energy producing resource, the life on this world would be completely alien to our biochemistry had this never happened in the first place.
OK then
>die with some form of dignity
Hunted to death in sheer terror of their lives?
Cats/dogs are edible, people in china/vietnam have been eating them for thousands of years.
Its more economical to live a vegetarian life style, not to mention healthier and less problems with obesity and its associated diseases.
>Are they edible?
ITT: Rich peoiple problems
Choosing to eat certain foods because of some bullshit morality spook in your brain and not eating whatever you can get your fucking hands on because you are starving is a RICH PERSON PROBLEM.
No because human can choose which ever is "ethical" to be eaten or not.
It's economically unviable and their meat tastes like shit. There are no moral qualms in killing them though whatsoever, despite what those peta faggots say.
If it was legal to do so, I'd kill you and eat you. I have no moral qualms about it. Though I'm not rich.
No, they are more useful as pet, help animal, pest control etc.
Because it's exactly what makes mankind mankind, doofus
So there we have it. Its not because economics or morals or sapience, but rather the usefulness as tools.
I'm sure that it will, say, 250 years from now when we lose our dependency on meat for nutrition and start consuming the nutrients directly.
Why are first worlders such pussies?
Is it the water full of estrogen like /pol/ told me?
Retarded argument. At least when they're hunted they have a chance to escape.
Because you can only massacre humans you vegan retard.
Dignity is literally a human concept, animals know no such thing.
They're not that sentient*
Fuck off. They'd settle for little pain and fear.
Animal right people are at it again.
Your question belongs on /pol/ but then you're not likely to get a good answer.
>shouldn't we be killing them enmasse?
No, because
>not being sapient does not mean that it categorically has to be killed
>I love my doggo and don't want to eat him
>China already eats dogs, doing this would be nothing new for humans
good thing law exists
Because you are a faggot
It's not something that is all that important I care more about humans getting food at an affordable price. I am sort of speciesist like that.
As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields.
Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people.
"the attack was described as a cold-blooded massacre"
synonyms: slaughter, wholesale/mass slaughter, indiscriminate killing, mass murder, mass execution, annihilation, liquidation, decimation, extermination; More
deliberately and violently kill (a large number of people).
synonyms: slaughter, butcher, murder, kill, annihilate, exterminate, execute, liquidate, eliminate, decimate, wipe out, mow down, cut down, put to the sword, put to death; literaryslay
"thousands were brutally massacred"
Keyword: people.
Nothing unethical about a necessary practice.
Who fucking cares about some cows you mong, the real issue is the fact that animal agriculture is a wasteful land use that negatively impacts people and is contributing to methane in the atmosphere
t. Vegan for reasons entirely unrelated to "muh poor piggie fee fees :((("
well this is off topic from thread's intentional message.
Assume OP read the word massacre off from wikipedia.
>and their meat tastes like shit.
How would you know this?
Because how else are you going to feed 6 billion people?
what the fuck planet are you on?
I tried dog it was shit
Exactly, this is also why cows are treated as equals or greaters in certain indian cultures, because historically they were worth more alive than dead as ploughs.
Carnivorous mammals tend to have worse meat for eating.
And is farming the massacre of plants?
I want you to think very carefully about the word "massacre" ad then ask yourself whether it can be applied to farming.