Can black people be racist?

Can black people be racist?

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Not really, considering racism is privilege plus power.

This. It's simple maths.


Finally a thread that my sociology degree has prepared me for

According to my degree from tumblr, it's impossible.

Everyone knows non-whites are too pure and kind-hearted to be racist. They've never done anything wrong.


Even black cab drivers avoid black neighborhoods

Is it really though? It seems like the terms racial prejudice and racism are used interchangeably. I understand sociology makes the differentiation, but it's just how we use language and isn't based on any empirical evidence like other parts of sociology.

>blacks are completely powerless meme

This post is double plus ungood and the person who wrote it is obviously a racist.

Of course they are. White people have been brutally oppressing them for millions of years so it's not like they can do anything because every time a black person tries to fix things some white devil shows up and ruins it.

You missed the, We wuz kangz part

>white "people"
More like white devils.

Depends on your definition. If you're going with the social justicey definition then no, but if you're asking if black people can adopt attitudes of stereotyping and prejudice against other races, then yes, all humans can and do

And sexy devils at that.


Yes. People are always tuned, more or less depending on the person and situation, to anything that clues them onto assigning group memberships (race, nation, creed, gender, tribe, etc) and these impressions are formed to inform the person how to behave towards the object of the impression. Categorization is something we do constantly, but it gains different contours when applied to the social dimension. Much real world conflict can be explained in terms of in-group-out-group dynamics.

