Let's have a university thread.
What uni are you going to?
Whatcha studyin?
How much do you expect to make after graduating?
[spoiler]Do you like it?[/spoiler]
University thread
College is a scam unless you are becoming a doctor, lawyer, accountant, etc (some type of professional).
Mechanical engineering
Not enough
... or are rich and cultivated already and want to refine yourself further
>What uni are you going to?
Southampton, UK
>Whatcha studyin?
>How much do you expect to make after graduating?
Fuck all
>[spoiler]Do you like it?[/spoiler]
Love the subject, hate the uni
Wish I'd studied harder for A levels so I didn't have to go to this shit university (in hindsight I was suffering from depression at the time, but that's not going to get me fuck all).
Want to go to North America to do my MA but it's too expensive.
>college is a scam unless you know someone that will give you a job after you finish it
a degree, your grades, you, mean shit. you go to college to suck dicks off people that could give you a job. good ol' nepotism, or what people call it nowadays "networking"
I'm studying computer engineering but I think i'm literally the only person at my uni studying it, so i don't wanna doxx myself. I study in the UK
After I graduate I want to do a PhD in robotics, after which i'm fairly sure i'll earn comfortably. I would also like to continue investing after i've graduated
in case you havent noticed, but this is a NEET memecoin board now, so go away nocoiner
>Wish I'd studied harder for A levels so I didn't have to go to this shit university (in hindsight I was suffering from depression at the time, but that's not going to get me fuck all).
haha same. I did A-Levels in english, psychology and art. Remember the night before the english exam listening to half the audiobook while playing counter strike, was thinking about killing myself. Luckily i got into a science foundation program cos they just accepted everyone who applied
Okey then...
>No enough
Sounds troubling.
Why do you bother? Why not study what you'd like?
Eh. I go to my states flagship University and Ive gotten shit offers. Just going to work in the family business and actually get paid what I'm worth.
Im going to bentley university for finance, gotta love paying 45k a year for a mid-tier school. Anyone wanna predict my future?
Far too late to switch out, and I don't really love anything so I don't think there's anything much better.
SEC school. Would literally kill myself if I had to go to a liberal school. Hot sloots and hot weather make me a happy camper.
Premed economics major. My idol is michael burry.
Hopefully making about 500k as a surgeon in my 40s, gonna be making a fraction of that before then obviously.
The school part feels pretty worthless for the most part but I enjoy life in general here
I dropped out of kindergarten cause of recess, too many games.
It's ok. Get a shitty job to pay off debt and then go back to school and study what you love instead!
Kent State
English and TeFL
>how much do you expect to make after graduating
Like 3 k+ a month, my plan is to teach in either Saudi Arabia or Dubai if I can get a job there. Its the highest paying but also most competitive place for my job. I've been learning Arabic specifically for this reason, pretty good at it now but still not really fluent per se. I got a 4.0 last semester, and have a cumulative like 3.5 or 3.6 now.
I don't hate my school but recognize it's a shitty state school and Ohio sucks in general.
I'm gonna become a Physician Assistant. I'm currently in the process of applying and I'm nearly done with undergrad in just a couple weeks. I'm really trying to secure at least 70k in crypto so I can graduate without any debt and live a nice comfortable life. Would be nice to strike gold on crypto but I'll be happy with anything, it won't change my end goal and will only help make my life easier. Anyone else going into healthcare?
>I don't hate my school but recognize it's a shitty state school and Ohio sucks in general.
I can relate
t. columbus native
ye healthcare
>mediocre private school
>nothing only 3.5 gpa
Sounds depressing.
False, just have good grades and be intelligent. I was flown around to country for interviews and I had zero internships and my school is shit. Engineering
One of the best unis in my country which is still outside the first 1000 in the global rankings (Poland)
not much, here you don't make money after university like in the US
I do
This isnt true.
I got a compsci degree in colorado and did an internship for raytheon and they offered me job even before I graduated.
Start an internship in softmore year and never go a summer without one and you will be golden.
However, I was also in the military for 8 years so I have actual experience.
Currently at the University of Toronto Scarborough campus.
Studying psychology
Memes aside, I'll either get into a masters program and write for a license to practice and make good money or I'll be broke.
I actually really like it. I forget where I read it but somebody said that psychology is the union between physiology and philosophy, which I thought was a good description.
Why's the uni shit, user
>just have good grades and be intelligent.
Whoops I failed
If it's in demand then you're set.
Although it depends on who you're working with. Crazies? Families?
>What uni are you going to?
Utah State
>Whatcha studyin?
Computer Science
>How much do you expect to make after graduating?
Anything more than $60k is plenty for me. Though with all the talk of the degree I hope to start at 80-100k
>[spoiler]Do you like it?[/spoiler]
Ehh, it's not awful. The assignments take like 12 hours each. Really ought to invest in Adderall. Just finished my sophmore year and still working at a call center. I need to get a job using this programming knowledge I just have no clue where to start applying. Everyone with a job posting near wants me to already have a degree. Just putting money into my crypto savings account currently.
>What uni are you going to?
The university of hard knocks
>Whatcha studyin?
Eating other dogs
>How much do you expect to make after graduating?
More than you squish
Studied at hard knocks
Majoring in hustling and crypto investing
I plan to make millions
University of Illinois
Industrial Engineering
Minimum $60K but looking more for something like $80K
I love it