Why do you guys hate Jared Diamond so much? Serious question.
Why do you guys hate Jared Diamond so much? Serious question
Veeky Forums hates him because he didn't do any original research of his own, and offered a trite pop history version of events to appeal to normies.
/pol/ hates him because he disagrees with their preferred "because they were niggers" explanation of history.
>and offered a trite pop history version of events to appeal to normies.
But was he lying about the facts or did he simplify the events?
If it's the second then it doesn't sound too bad. Kinda like a Michael Stevens but for history.
Not him but there's many inconsistencies in Guns, Germs, and Steel.
For example, in the epilogue he totally disregards the various Islamic empires in the Fertile Crescent.
It's important to remember tho, you're reading a book based on history and sociology, written by a biologist/ecologist. It's a no-brainer as to why environmental determinism is a meme.
>It's a no-brainer as to why environmental determinism is a meme
what are some good arguments against this being the case?
A comprehensive consideration of historical events rather than one tunnel visioned on the author's field of expertise, which was not at all human history.
Short answer: It's an oversimplified explanation.
Long(er) answer: There's been plenty enough examples of geography not being a primary factor for human development. Environmental determinism asserts that the environment is always the #1 factor, above anything else. This is just simply not true, and evident if you paid attention to various cultures in Asia, for example.
He overstates the importance of certain things because he feels like it.
He's right about a lot of the geographic factors that helped Eurasia in the genesis of Neolithic revolution, but when he starts approaching later points in history he goes off the rails.
it's like he disregards culture, religion, language, ethnicity, or coincidences in favor of everything being explainable by ecology/epidemiology
those things ARE important to consider though
>and evident if you paid attention to various cultures in Asia,
iirc the connectivity of the eurasian landmass in addition of it being on the same latitude as europe meant the most developed cultures developed there. But perhaps you're speaking of isolated mountain cultures and such
>you're reading a book based on history and sociology, written by a biologist/ecologist.
This. as stated above, his arguments were oversimplified; they were also based on outdated ideas. If you have any in depth formal knowledge of the kinds of things Diamond talks about, it's very obvious that he's writing outside of his field.
A good example is that he tends to present his ideas as if they're new or somehow innovative. In reality, he was giving pretty much the same arguments as anthropologists like Steward, White, and Service were giving in the 1950s. Anthropology and archaeology have advanced since then and come up with more nuanced and accurate models and explanations, and Diamond doesn't seem aware of that.
>(((Jared Diamond))) thinks an abbo who can light a fire is smarter than an architect who can't
His scholarship is a pretense to engage in typically Jewish ethnic shaming of whites in favor of oppressed groups.
Pretty much this tbqh
what does judaism have to do with anything?
It is just a coincidence he is another Jewish person belittling the history of Christian Europeans
It is just a coincidence he is another Jewish person belittling the history of Christian Europeans by making their accomplishments seem to be determined by the environment itself rather than their own decisions.
>christians can't even post properly
you deserve to have the accomplishments of those you share a faith with belittled
not my fault the shitty script said the post failed
t. phoneposter
And what exactly makes you think that he's trying to belittle christianity out of some kind of jewish vendetta? That's a pretty serious suggestion, do you have any proof of that intent?
Answer his question, is it a coincidence or not?
It is just pattern matching
I never said it was a vendetta per se. Just seems like a lot of Jews engage in this sort of behavior: ie, making white Europeans out to be lucky but evil oafs.
It's not Christianity per se, but several times he simply says that Europeans are not better or worse than other peoples, it is simply access to certain biomes, technologies, or luck that put them ahead in certain ways.
>do you have proof of a person's motivation
This is a stupid question.
>This is a stupid question.
not as stupid as suggesting that his writings should be disregarded due to his faith, or that they're yet more evidence of some vast jewish conspiracy to make christians feel bad about themselves or whatever it was you were suggesting.
you did it again, images like that make it much easier to disregard your arguments btw, I can't even read the source on that chart.
You literally asked someone to 'prove' intent, stop being such a smug idiot.
Only after you suggested his intent was based on his faith and desire to belittle another faith. How can you possibly back up this claim?
Too bad Diamond didnt have to prove his argument nearly to the extent that you demand for his book to become normie meme history.
The fact that he was not qualified to publish this work and it got force memed so hard really invites all sorts of questions.
The burden of proof remains on Diamond to prove his points, which he failed to do, and so it invites questions as to why he bothered in the first place. Maybe he just realized normies will buy quack history and he couldnt sell books to a gullible audience of the same breadth in his own field.
I don't think its belittling to say that you have a better chance of being successful as a civilization if you have a favorable climate
His argument is that environmental factors are the only significant factors in the variance. Full stop.
>falling for the IQ test meme
You're still asking me to 'prove' intent, characterizing what I say as outlandish is just a rationalization for why you think it's okay to 'prove' something that is not possible to prove.
And denying human beings' agency on a macroscopic scale is kind of inherently belittling.
now back it up
>falling for the egalitarian/blank slate meme
>prove his intent, no really, I mean it
>falling for the genetic god in the gaps meme that you never read into or study beyond cuntpasting the Bell Curve over and over again
you said
>His scholarship is a pretense to engage in typically Jewish ethnic shaming of whites
do you have any way of backing up this claim or is it just a baseless character assassination?
>you must not have read enough to have this opinion I don't have
>iq tests are racist psuedoscience
Well, his book is basically a shitpost since he wasn't qualified to write it. So let's start there.
don't deflect away, do you have any way of backing up this claim or is it just a baseless character assassination?
yes, or no?
>you must have [x piece of paper] to write opinion about [subject]
this is fucking hilarious coming from /pol/ btw, do go on
He's not me.
>His scholarship is a pretense to engage in typically Jewish ethnic shaming of whites
Is a summation of my opinion of his work, not so much a claim.
Do you want me to prove his work is effectively best read as a belittlement of European history?
Are you asking me to prove that if the above is true, his motivation is necessarily something to do with his being Jewish?
It's basically saying the book is garbage that was written not for motivations of exposing the truth.
Maybe we went a step too far in matching an example to an obvious broader pattern, but the true facts are these:
1) Diamond's book is full of inconsistencies, ignoring data in drawing conclusions, and he has never been a Historian
2) Diamond is a Jew
3) Diamond's book was fuel to the fire of historical revisionists claiming that anything Europeans accomplished is trivial or irredeemably flawed by racism, or both.
4) 3 is undoubtedly why his book got pushed so hard.
>Implying any of the IQ shit spammed on here comes from geneticists and not psychologists
He admits himself in the preface that he is not a real historian, but draws sweeping conclusions anyway.
>he can't even link to the right post
>/pol/ admits they have no knowledge or desire to learn about human genetics, but draw sweeping conclusions anyway
it's like dominoes falling
Part of his hypothesis was off, so people assume all of it is. Also salty /pol/ overlap.
How will /pol/ react when they learn The Bell Curve was written by a Jew?
So, character assassination is bad, huh?
Is he actually or Jew or are you just going by last name?
Ask them fag.
Not everyone is your boogeyman
Jews cannot be trusted to write objectively in racial matters. There is simply too much at the stake for them. If they can, they will outright fraud their research to get their desired results, as Franz Boas, Richard Lewontin and Stephen Jay Gould have done.
You can trust Jews in physics and mathematics, and even in medicine with certain caution, but in matters of race and intelligence, you have to assume a Jewish author is lying about everything for political reasons.
Well, obviously that's not the case. However, since Jared Diamond has no formal education in the topics GG&S discusses, AND the book is a pile of simplistic, poorly researched shit, we can safely assume his lack of education affected the quality of the work.
>thinks I was that user
just funny how /pol/'s "academic" mind is just one giant double standard they layer onto the rest of the double standards that make up your collective retard-existence.
praise kek!
Why are you attempting to force this thread onto discussion of another board?
God I fucking hate /pol/ shitters.
A thread about Diamond being wrong and biased devolved into shitposting about Jews and IQ tests so quickly
We can't discuss epidemiology or ecology and their relation to history/anthropology, and the actual realistic weight of those factors relative to culture/language/ethnicity because inevitably some brainless retards parroting /pol/ infographics and critical race theory will turn it into conspiracies/shit flinging.
Fucking cretins
Being biased is different than producing fake results. Also, weren't Lewontin and Edwards both right? It is not like Lewontin ever claimed biological groups cant share specific traits.
>Jews cannot be trusted to write objectively in racial matters.
said he, revealing his deep prejudices, and confirming that he could not be trusted to write objectively on anything.
Is any post about Jews a shitpost?
From an evolutionary standpoint Goulds theory has problems but we don't fully understand how evolution works to the point people deny it more than climate change. Diamond on the other hand puts forward a point with so many holes in it even a child making macaroni pictures would be skeptical.
Jews shouldn't have spent the last 150 years subverting white societies and promoting revolutionary ideologies. Then we would be able to have objective discussions about them and their works, as we have with everyone else.
why are you posing that question onto me instead of OP?
Because you said /pol/ and not OP.