>most Veeky Forums members are university educated professionals
>I'm merely a forklift driver
Who /proletariat scum/ here?
>most Veeky Forums members are university educated professionals
>I'm merely a forklift driver
Who /proletariat scum/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bruh, poverty is a set of habits, not a set of material circumstances.
If you decide that you belong in a given class, and you work hard enough, you can generally achieve it.
t. born into money
Ugh and I'll bet you're a f*cking white male too. How do you live with yourself you disgusting racist piece of shit?
don't worry about it too much, it's not the 1920s anymore where only the elite upper crust of society go to university, having a degree literally means nothing these days desu
t. grad student
>poverty is a set of habits, not a set of material circumstances.
>t. born into money
kek it's like pottery
>Working since 16
>Went Uni
>Uni collapsed due to crisis
>Worked odd jobs+stealing
>Tavern worker
>Warehouse worker
Quality contribution my man.
>If you decide that you belong in a given class, and you work hard enough, you can generally achieve it
OP, Think about ir as being part of history instead just watching it.
>most Veeky Forums members are uni educated pros
That actually explains why so many marxists are here.
How would you even know this? These days it's as much about hard work as pure luck.
>most Veeky Forums members are university educated professionals
I can assure you they're not. I guarantee the majority of posters here are wiki warriors. I know I am when it comes to subjects I don't understand.
Working class white men are LITERALLY the cause of all of society's problems. How do you think Drumpf got elected? The only thing these retarded inbred Cletuses are good at is sister fucking and racism. The world would be a better place if we just nuked all the flyover states and took out this white trash once and for all.
Does this happens a lot at work?
You have to go back >pol
>>most Veeky Forums members are university educated professionals
Why would I want to go to that racist board? OP is probably from there.
>mfw I majored in computer science and minored in history
I can afford all the history related crap I want. Truly the best option.
I'm dying.
Gonna share it with the guys tommorow.
>>most Veeky Forums members are university educated professionals
Bullshit, look around.
I'm a bridge painter
I'm not even properly employed. I've got a shitty part time job and a computer full of memes and that's it.
>we hate racism!
>but we hate the race of all white people even more!
>thinking you need a desk job to be well read
>>most Veeky Forums members are university educated professionals
And I'm some random marine who lives in the desert and likes historical memery. People here are more varied than you think.
I think that's the joke
Shouldn't you be capturing flags?
Why is race and SJW/anti-SJW stuff in even this thread?!
Fuck you pieces of shit, can't you stop repeating the same damn joke over and over?
Its like /pol/tards are the early 2000s furies, but 10X as obnoxious.
I think it's satirical,user.
I'm a moderately poor-fag who is going to community college and will likely major in history because thats the only thing that appeals to me (fuck STEM, I aint doing that shit).
College degrees are really not that big a deal, so long as you don't go into debt, doesn't really matter what you get unless you get something that you know will make you a lot of money AND you are able to do good enough to compete with rich-fags with (unpaid internships in New York city? Fuck man, I don't got that kind of money!).
A bachelors is basically what a high-school diploma used to be.
Gotta have something to do in between games.
Mechanic fag here. Listen to hardcore history while i fix cars
>Falling for the bait this hard