Why would anyone be stupid enough to think of themselves as a "global citizen?"
Why would anyone be stupid enough to think of themselves as a "global citizen?"
sources of interaction supporting borderless communities, i.e. the internet
Trans-border communities have always existed.
Are you aware that you're biasing the answers by calling people who think that (very) "stupid" in the question?
Why not simply ask: "Why does someone call himself "global citizen"?"
That way, you'd be getting much more useful answers - unless all you want is for someone to reaffirm your preconceived notions and circlejerk a bit.
Because believing in a spook like "global citizenry" implies a degree of inherent stupidity.
Frankly thanks to the TV and the internet and other electris Jews the world has become more culturally globalized than ever before. I am far more closer to a Bulgarian than my great grandfather was to the Bulgarians of his era. Some fucking peasant in India probably knows more about Los Angeles than about cities in his own country.
>reaffirm your preconceived notions and circlejerk a bit.
That's the whole point of this board.
>implying citizenry of any kind isn't a spook
>he asks on an international discussion board
>believing in a spook like "global citizenry"
That's the least spooky form of "citizenry," though.
Its not stupid, its in fact fairly normal for almost everyone on this planet to be a global citizen in some way even if they dont acknowledge it.
Things like fashion, societal norms, ideas, entertainment, food are all influenced heavily by a global mainly western oriented thing.
The fact we can know in detail the internal political makeup of Macedonia or the Ethnic conflicts in Myamar shows an interconnectedness that would have shocked anyone 100 years before. Even fucking Veeky Forums is an incubator for internationalism, it played a small but important role in an american election. Contrarians across the globe worked "for free" to generate memes and anti clinton propaganda.
Anyways I suspect you didnt actually want a healthy/interesting debate on internationalism and its ramifications both good and bad. You prob just wanted a circle jerk thread all patting each other on the back with cum stained fingers.
>why would anyone be stupid enough to think of themselves as a band member?
>why would anyone be stupid enough to think of themselves as a tribe member?
>why would anyone be stupid enough to think of themselves as an ethnicity member?
I personally find the whole idea of considering oneself to be a global citizen as one that goes against human nature. In any group there are two reasons why one feels a sense of belonging; similarities and familiarity with people within their group and a lack of similarities with people outside the group. For a group to become a norm belies any sense of community as the in group becomes too large and diverse for one to feel the same sense of belonging that they once did. Not only is the idea of belonging to a group of global citizens strange as said group would is simply too large and too diverse to ensure any real feelings of community, but there's no out group to compare themselves to and compete with because, according to them, everyone is a global citizen whether they acknowledge themselves as such or not.
>people actually think posting on a message board makes you a "global citizen"
Cultural diffusion ≠ global citizenry
Interacting with other cultures ≠ global citizenry
this. unless we meet aliens or something, it's a self-defeating concept.
Come on, you know damn well anyone who calls themselves a global citizen doesnt mean that theres an international governmental body that hands out citizenships. And that they want the UN to lead the world.
Its very clearly a firm affirmation to the belief in cultural diffusion, openness to exchange of ideas and peoples, consensus building among all peoples and multilateralism.
Diogenes did.
They don't like the spook of nations and borders, so rather than becoming a sovereign ego, they simply find a new spook.
Yeah, but in Diogenes' Time the world meant Greece
When the aliens come, we'll all be global citizens. Don't you see that the government is trying to prepare us to unify so the xenofags won't kill us all?
there are no global citizens because there are no global languages
even english isn't the everyday language used to communicate of a "global citizen" living in any country besides the anglosphere, india, and south africa; others would speak german, japanese, korean, french, spanish, mandarin, portugese, or whatever the fuck, which would make them german, japanese, korean, french/african, spanish/hispanic, chinese, brazillian/portugese, or whatever the fuck, not a "global citizen"
global citizen is an empty term and doesn't carry as much weight as stormniggers think it does
you can be both ethnocentric and internationalist at the same time
ITT: spooks
And they've always been worst sort of scum like gypsies and inbred European aristocrats
One global culture to rule them all.
I'm a proud globalist
I'm talking with niggers all over the world on an American copy of a Japanese image board. I am very much a global citizen.
Why would anyone be stupid enough to think of themselves as a "national citizen?"