Authoritarian Socialism doesn't wo-
Authoritarian Socialism doesn't wo-
The question is : how many people are you prepared to let starve ?
>propped up by aid from China and the USA that they tell the people is tribute sent to appease the Leader
Define work.
Works better than South Korea.
specially by night
Looks nice
Just because their more advanced and eco friendly. Enjoy your poison GMO food scum
>empty unfinished building
Swallow this pill for a moment, in 100 years North Korea and the North Korean people will be in exactly the same situation as they are now and they will still be 100% North Korean.
Will the West be like they are in 100 years?
So they'll still be stuck with military equipment from the Cold War and still have no electricity aside from some of the citizens of Pyongyang? Sounds great, sign me up.
Not really. Back during the sunshine policy, they tried to get North Korean and South Korean folklorists to get together and come up with a compendium of Korean folklore, you know, so they don't miss anything common in the northern regions.
The Norks were absolutely useless, because all their 'folklore' was invented in the last few decades about Kim Il-Sung. They literally knew less about traditional Korean culture than the people brought in from Kazahkstan.
I didn't say they'd be sitting pretty, just they would be the exact same Country.
Am I supposed to be impressed?
Politics belongs in /pol/
If you have a taste, yes
I fail to see what is so tasteful about a couple of buildings. Neither of them are remarkable in the least.
>>empty unfinished building
snsd has drawn bigger crowds 2bh
paying crowds mind you
This board is completely retarded
this comic is missing the last panel showing literally the same situation in worst korea or any other western country