How did Veeky Forums reach the bottom so quickly? Vague threads about pirates, people generally agreeing that "x country and y country aren't one is to stop them from becoming even bigger shitholes", interesting threads dying with less than 10 posts, pants on head retarded conspiracy theories getting all the attention they'd possibly get, /int/ tier "my culture is better than yours", philosophy shitposting, people asking questions that even your average high schooler wouldn't ask due to how obvious the response is. It's literally less informative/reliable than asking random history related questions in /gsg/.
I wouldn't even be surprised if flags become a thing here next year, it's that bad. So, what happened?
How did Veeky Forums reach the bottom so quickly? Vague threads about pirates...
Veeky Forums happened.
Nothing fuels a thread harder than people arguing, and nothing kills it faster than the argument being settled. If you're talking about real philosophy, or some point of history, and you have someone actually knowledgeable about the field show up, one of two things will happen.
A) He/she will almost immediately stifle all debate because of enormsouly superior knowledge that the random user can't compete against.
B) You'll get a few stubborn idiots who keep trying and getting shut down point by point.
Net result: Threads with actually knowledgeable people die faster than threads with equally ignorant people. The only way such a thread can survive is if you have 2 or more relatively equally knowledgeable people in the same subject on the same thread at the same time AND they happen to disagree about something. Odds are extremely low.
Just create some filters. /^>/ is a good one.
I don't agree that pirates isn't proper Veeky Forums discussion but you can just filter that too if you want. But the conspiracy threads belong in places like /x/ and all the other inflammatory stuff should be banned.
Everything should be discussed in it's historical context for the purposes of exploration of truth and gaining of knowledge, not to argue over whether something is better than something else, or if something is "pleb" or not. That is /int/ and /pol/ tier discussion and it has no place here.
>interesting threads dying with less than 10 posts
This is why I refrain from making thought out responses. Yesterday I posted a nice response in a thread about the authenticity of the Agamemnon funerary mask. No responses, thread died.
People just keep making dogshit threads that slide the good ones, for example there's threads on page 1 about fucking Assassins Creed, four threads on race, some communist shit, and of course a Byzantine thread. All that's missing is the meme thread.
Perhaps the problem is that people here don't know what they're talking about so they seek the easiest things to discuss.
t. mad that he failed to make this into some communist circle jerk board
It needs hard moderation, which it lacks completely.
It also needs people to be educated about topics. I actually rarely post, because I don't feel confident at all when it comes to talking about much of history. It seems like far less people take that approach, and just spew out whatever comes to mind.
Posts like this are a pretty big problem too. Political shitflinging is impossible to avoid with historical discussion though.
>expecting deep and intellectually stimulating conversations on Veeky Forums out of all places
/pol/ with dates.
>Political shitflinging is impossible to avoid with historical discussion though.
How does Veeky Forums fare? Is it better than here?
How do libs expect to "take over" anywhere when they get assmad and throw a hissy fit every time someone disagrees with them? Well, good luck I guess.
>It needs hard moderation, which it lacks completely.
Actually it has moderation, shitposting threads get deleted and off topic ones get moved to other boards.
>4 people on reddit talked about a reddit raid therefore my hitler did nothing wrong thread is allowed to exist
Fuck you dude
Not him, but the moderation is very inconsistent. We have I don't know how many holocaust and DA JOOOZ /pol/ style threads which stay up for days and often hit the bump limit. On the other hand, a thread about the "history of pissbottles" got taken down in like an hour the other day.
I'm starting to wonder if /pol/ hasn't infiltrated the moderation of this site. It's not just Veeky Forums, /int/ and Veeky Forums and other boards get stuffed full of shit-tier /pol/ threads that don't get deleted.
That's not even accounting for the fact that /pol/ itself should have been deleted ages ago.
>deleting a major containment board
It is like you want all of the boards getting taken over by their jewposting.
>Implying /pol/ actually contains anything.
As the current state of Veeky Forums shows, that isn't actually the case.
I used to feel the same way OP, but then I realized that the Werhmacht was clean.
>says /pol/ contains jewposting
yet there's jewposting on page one
glad im not the only one who thinks Veeky Forums mods are actual /pol/tards
It would be a shitshow for two weeks, then they'd fuck off to Stormfront or wherever else they would go. I'd happily weather the storm to get rid of them for good. When cutting out a cancer, there is always a violent reaction from the body, but it eventually goes away.
>That's not even accounting for the fact that /pol/ itself should have been deleted ages ago.
Go back to plebbit faggot. I bet you're one of those retards that complain on /qa/ about /pol/
Besides /pol/ shitposts have increased due to the elections and all that. Even /pol/ has a high amount of shitposts. But give a few months and everything will return back to how it was.
ehh, the assasin thread isn't bad because it they had historical basis. political discussion threads are usually ok except for the hysterical anti-commie responses (and i'm saying this as a non-commie myself). Byzantine threads are ok but are memey and can use more substantive discussion
>Even /pol/ has a high amount of shitposts. But give a few months and everything will return back to how it was.
/pol/ doesn't work as containment, axe it so they fuck off
liberals and communists aren't the same retard
why do you keep spamming this? desu pol reactionaries who keep pushing this meme are just as deplorable as the reds
Moot screwed himself over by being a spineless pussy and changing his mind repeatedly about /pol/
>delete /new/ because it has become /stormfront/
>delete /pol/ because it has become /new/
>have a fit of remorse, bring back /pol/ under the condition that it will be deleted again if it becomes /stormfront/ again
>it becomes /stormfront/ again
>don't delete it
>gamergate happens
>ignore all your shit about free speech and censor all of the threads because Anita Sarkeesian
If he'd decided to stay with either course, he'd still be running this trashcan and we'd all be better off.
>tells me to go to leddit
>when huge amounts of /pol/edditors rushed in from /r/Veeky Forums
stay incel
all plebbitors should gtfo I don't care weather they go to /pol/ or Veeky Forums or whatever
The board was created.
It has been like that since the very begining.
>Go back to plebbit faggot.
The quickest way to get redditors to go home is to delete /pol/.
I don't agree with it, and I don't think it will work but that's the quickest way. /pol/ is the gateway to Veeky Forums from redd it
>How did Veeky Forums reach the bottom so quickly?
When a fucking Australian managed to make an entire board think he was a Turk and derail every thread he posted in into a state of constant /pol/ and /int/ shitflinging, you know this board was not ment to be.
Its the exact opposite problem of reddit, where threads only survive if the hivemind agrees with them
I too have noticed this disturbing trend.
We need an eliteist, quality controlled chan.
Quality controlled by moderating users instead trying retroactively moderating their posts.
Probably a bad time for it, noticed rampant holiday shitposting on & after boxing day
Your meta bullshit isn't helping. Start contributing or fuck off and kill yourself.
I don't come here all that often but personally The board has become slightly better, if only for the fact that we have the Library of Alexandria thread.
Why isn't it stickied?
No clue.
The ideal goal would be to compeltely purge Veeky Forums of /pol/, but we all know that's impossible. Honestly love this board and it was in a worst state a few months back with all the Christianity threads. Once Trump starts [eventually] fucking up it'll probably quiet down
16 year old /pol/ rejects ruined the board with their knowledge of history and politics lacking beyond a third rate high school history class