Who was the worst US president in history? Carter?

Who was the worst US president in history? Carter?

Pic related.



Bush, Reagan and Wilson.

Can you read? I asked which one was the worst, not a subjective list. Can you read this?

These meme replies don't make any sense.

To answer your question, the worst president hands down is Andrew Johnson by far. Herbert Hoover is a close second. Grover Cleveland third.

>Grover Cleveland


James Buchanan

James Buchanan, FDR, Dubya

Which Bush?

Jr, but his dad was an asshole too.

James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson or William Henry Harrison and James Garfield because they died so soon after taking office.

reagan - literally brain damaged, corporations took over, laid the ground for future disaster and turning america into a trade zone instead of a country, MUH EBUL EMBIRE GUYZ LMAO (retarded use of evil), was a LITERAL actor

bill clinton - turned the democrat party into corporate puppet, removed regulations, significantly damaged race relations for generations by incarcerating too many non-violent "criminals", cheated on his wife with a secretary and covered up the investigation of that event

george bush - complete and utter disaster, economy in the tank, pointless wars, 911, nk nuclear program so on so forth

those 3

If you are crying about his foreign policy or his cronyism, then explain to me how Dubya was any different from Obama? Herbert Walker Bush was even worse.

Bush Jr. was technically the best president for US relative power in the world.

Reagan had the objectively most scandalous administration.

Nixon and Truman were pretty rotten too. In fact, nothing past FDR was particularly good- and very few before FDR were any better.

>FDR dicklickers

How can you list Bush but not Obama? They're pretty much the same person.

>anti FDR stooge

Being president means being a stooge for the ruling class.

They are all useless.

>FDR dicklickers
You mean the professional historians who consistently rank him in the top 3?

>this is what Marxists actually believe