Kemal Ataturk stated: "Our religion is a rational, plausible religion, which is why it is the last valid religion"
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Kemal Ataturk stated: "Our religion is a rational, plausible religion, which is why it is the last valid religion"
hes not
>prove religion
sage for shitpost OP
Muhammad split the moon in half.
So I'd say he's right.
Confusing tbqh.
It is not clear in this quote whether he talked about true organized religion, or if he used the word 'religion' as a figure of speech for a strong secular ideology (which we know he had).
Well if he's talking about Islam he sort of has a point.
Looking into Islam a bit, I've noticed it has lots of ideas that seem to make sense for organizing human behavior and grouping people together. It feels like something a human would come up with.
On the other hand, Christianity has stuff in it that seems very contrary to 'normal' human nature and the natural way of things. It takes a lot of normal human behavior and turns it on its head. It seems more like a religion made by a non-human, or by a god.
>that fucking quote
He totally wasn't a Khalifa abolishing crypto Jew you guys. Pay no attention to such anti-Semitic theories
Wanting a separation of religion and state is being a crypto jew?
Yes because that is a Western kuffar thinking and bid'ah upon the Deen
Putting that aside, only two people hate Islam enough to say what he said in that quote
1) A prophet killing Jew
2) A Rafida Persian sorcerer so called Shia
Or maybe he was just tired of all the retarded islamic culture and wanted a modern Turkey above the rest of the backward Middle East.
>changing the alphabet within a day, effectively making 100% of the population illiterate
The absolute madman.
Was his job to be as edgy as possible?
>tfw no qt secularist turk bf
>arabic calligraphy
they might aswell been illiterate
It was arabic script, not calligraphy.
Admittedly, it was equally as shit as the Latin script Turkish, since in modern Turkish they add dumbass symbols on top of existing letters which mean nothing to non-Turks, when in Ottoman Turkish they added dumbass dots on top of existing letters which mean nothing to non-Turks.
Turks are fucking retarded at spelling, I think.
>Turkish was written using a Turkish form of the Arabic script for over a thousand years. It was well suited to write Ottoman Turkish which incorporated a great deal of Arabic and Persian vocabulary. However, it was poorly suited to the Turkish part of the vocabulary. Whereas Arabic is rich in consonants but poor in vowels, Turkish is exactly the opposite. The script was thus inadequate at representing Turkish phonemes. Some could be expressed using four different Arabic signs; others could not be expressed at all.
Makes sense. But
>The Language Commission proposed a five-year transition period; Atatürk saw this as far too long and reduced it to three months.
>Atatürk also commented on one occasion that the symbolic meaning of the reform was for the Turkish nation to "show with its script and mentality that it is on the side of world civilization."[13] The second president of Turkey, İsmet İnönü further elaborated the reason behind adopting a Latin alphabet:
"The alphabet reform cannot be attributed to ease of reading and writing. That was the motive of Enver Pasha. For us, the big impact and the benefit of alphabet reform was that it eased the way to cultural reform. We inevitably lost our connection with Arabic culture."
This fag was such a progressiboo it's retarded.
>since in modern Turkish they add dumbass symbols on top of existing letters which mean nothing to non-Turks
Not really.
They are also used by other steppe-descended nations like uralics.
Umlaut is also german, and s-cedilla is also romanian.
>This fag was such a progressiboo it's retarded.
Progressing away from Arabic barbarism is a good thing.
It was more "Persian barbarism" considering they have more letters/sounds than the Arabic alphabet. To my knowledge ڭ was the only letter unique to Ottoman Turkish
With that said, it had a tonne of Persian and Arabic loanwords. It was the formal language, not the colloquial one. Ataturk basically just threw out the formality and changed the alphabet arbitrarily and called it a day.
I don't like them either, but he was like people nowadays that go "OMG, like, nordics are so socialistic and godless, we should imitate them in all regards/we gotta legalise weed, because all the cool countries are doing it/i heard you get free X in Y" even if those measure makes sense or are even possible in their present country or not.
>It was more "Persian barbarism" considering they have more letters/sounds than the Arabic alphabet.
Meaning they had the Persian alphabet, not the Arabic per se
Those mongol arabs are about as persian as greece is athenian and spartan
1st, genealogical studies have proven the whole "mongol/turk rape baby" hypothesis to be a farce
2nd, I was referring to the language, which is known as farsi, aka persian in english.
3rd, stop being retarded
Why does an alphabet for Turks have to mean anything to non-Turks anyway?
Umlauts mean nothing for anyone? They're largerly used in germanic and finno-ugric languages.
pretty much the only "evidence" anyone gives for him being a crypto jew is that he was born in thessalonica, which holds about as much water as claiming the same must be true about donald trump since he's from new york
He also once said: "There are a lot of cultures everywhere around the world, but there is only one civilization; the western one."
He knew what he was doing.
I wouldn't agree with you there user. He knew what he was doing and he was aware of his own capabilities and the environment. For example at first he tried to keep the caliphate giving it to one of the mps and making it a elective secular title but the guy who got the title saw himself equal to the prime minister so he destroyed it but instead made the ministry of religion and put it under the government's control. Now I think this is huge because as I see it the ministry of religion is the reason why salafism isn't big in Turkey. The ministry can keep a hold on the religion make it do it benefits the government.
>It seems more like a religion made by a non-human, or by a god.
For that to make any sense what so ever you'd first have to have a religion proven to be by a god/non-human to compare it to. If you lack that then you have no basis to make such a comparison.
Why do people admire this would-be genocider of the Kurds and Armenians?
People aren't axiomatically good just because they are secular.
>People aren't axiomatically good just because they are secular.
But that's precisely what western liberal ideology believes.
>genocide of K*rds and Arm*nians
>a bad thing
I'm not even a T*rk btw
>I'm not even a T*rk btw
mhm, yeah
I realize it's not the most exact sort of statement. It's more of an observation. It was just occurring to me that ideas like "love your enemies" and "the last will be first" run counter to the generally accepted organizational norms of Western culture. Even today, after 2000 years of Christianity, it seems to be hard for people to wrap their heads around them.
A vast majority of turks were illiterate when he got into power and when he was done 70% or so were literate.
He isn't our national hero for no reason buddy.
I only see good things in your description of Ataturk user.
Islam is disgusting and cannot be the basis for any society that is not going to collapse due to inner group fighting.
>as i dropped the bomb unto these barbarians(kurds) i looked up to the skies. they were as blue as my fathers eyes, it was as if he was smiling down on me
>sabiha gökçen, the first female war pilot and the adopted daughter of mustafa kemal
there is more than a decade between his quotes
but it is a well established fact that mustafa kemal was not a muslim towards his later years
>less than %5 of the population was literate before the language reforms(which were started almost a century earlier by ottomans)
as such nothing of value was lost
Genocide is always bad, mm'kay?
belete this
fuck off to /pol/
Is it true he was gay?
he has his stages in political speeches. he needed as much support as he could gather.
people in most parts of eastern anatolia were still under the most primitive form of feudalism. few religious land owners ruled the peasants and did not pay any tax. no modern nation would allow it. also this problem is the reason why most of the kurds are primitive in every sense.
nope it was a great campaign that was planned and followed this decision. the guy is famous for planning everything tens of years beforehand (including republic itself) read about him first.
t. turc
He was Turk. So he's bi.
All the beautiful boys & girls must be fucked.
So, do you want to start with that Muhammad proves himself to be false prophet, him splitting the fucking Moon, that allah and prophet states that Alexander the Great was muslim and founded place where Sun sets (in pool of muddy water), that Quran prooves itself to be false book and or that unitraian God make no fucking sense?