Which states in history could be called an "Empire of slavers and rapists?"
Which states in history could be called an "Empire of slavers and rapists?"
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All of them until 1991.
Rome technically
The Muslims, I know its not an empire but they established the first trade routes with west Africa where they traded slaves and salt for gold. That's the slavery part but I don't know if rape culture in Islam was like it is today back then
None, because you can't build an empire with nothing but slavers and rapers.
The Ottoman Empire.
The european colonial empires
The jewnited states of america
Basically any empire that was formed by military conquest
Which is most, if not all of them
United Kingdom
What changed in 1991?
he is talking about soviet union but soviet union didnt have slaves so i dont understand his point.
Only if you count sodomy.
It actually had. But not for all of its history or at least I think.
Mamluks were slaves originally...
Russia pre-soviet had serfs, who were like slaves, but Soviet Russia didn't have what could easily be described as a slave class.
Could I have a link? Sounds interesting. All I know is that the Mamluks were the military elite in Egypt who broke away from the Ottomans.
GULAGs and some uranium mines would beg to differ.
There were few, but there were.
Is the USA a slave society because it pays niggers 10 cents an hour to stamp license plates in prisons?
Guess how Belomorkanal got built
If I'm not mistaken, people in Gulags were convicted criminals.
Merriam Webster defines a slave as:a person held in servitude as the chattel of another
People in Gulags wouldn't fit this definition in the same way people in American prisons don't.
Forced labor doesn't necessarily mean slavery.
Basically all of them, until Christianity took over in Europe, and then you still had Serfdom, all the way until WWI.
>Chattel slavery is the only form of slavery
>State slavery doesn't exist
I wonder who is behind this post.
>If I'm not mistaken, people in Gulags were convicted criminals.
Criminals where not forced to work /or worked as foreman's or other "nice" jobs/, they where "misguided" members of society who can be re-educated. Political prisoners, in other hand, where "enemy of the state" with all negative /deadly/ consequences.
>Merriam Webster ...
Don't give a fuck how some dump clerk describes slavery. Imagine a 16 yrs old, who is convicted to 15 yrs labour camp for stealing an apple, send to a uranium mine and dead after 2-3 years. Do you need 14 millions more examples?
>People in Gulags wouldn't fit this definition in the same way people in American prisons don't.
You have no idea what you are talking
>Forced labor doesn't necessarily mean slavery
We have forced labour, we have exchange/trade of skilled workers between camps and even kids, born in Gulag where tied to camps and had a "stigma" for a life.
Pure form of slavery...
dosen't USA have penal labour too?
you're right comrade, and I hear they are lynching negros too
But it's literally not a pure form of slavery. Pure slavery is you are property and privately owned by another, and so are your children. Your all slaves forever and your only a slave because you were born one.
Gulags are just really harsh prisons. Your not a slave because your a prisoner. You did something to get put there. You weren't born into a gulag. You committed a crime and got sent there.
You can disagree about the punishment fitting the crime, but that doesn't mean that the society didn't regard it as a crime. Plenty of criminals in the USA have kids born in prison and are allowed to raise them in the prison part or full time.
Sounds more like you just dislike the USSR rather than have a solid argument.
The American Empire
I'm not the >You did something to get put there.
>You committed a crime and got sent there.
But that's just wrong. Or, by "doing something" you mean "existing and being disliked", then that's true.
Any Turkic or Mongolian people.
Any Islamicized people.
Noobs. It was the end of the cold war and the negiining of the cuck era.
Brazil, their national heroes are slave hunters
>privately owned
>state owned
Literally what is the fucking difference? You're still a slave.
Literally wikipedia page has more information than that, go read it, if you are still interested there are several books about them but I found none of the books to be interesting
That's redundant. Empires are all empires of slaves and rapists.
They end when they can find nowhere else to conquer and have to deal with problems back home without an external source of wealth.
For the West this will be the end of oil.
Has noone say the fucking Assyrians and Hittites...
Every great power with a remotely expansionist foreign policy ever.
the modern first world