We're always digging up these "Venus" figurines. I ask you this as an honest question: how the fuck did cavepeople know what Obese people looked like?
Fat Venus
How the fuck do modern Americans know what a thin person looks like? Imagination, man.
Proof that Americans colonized Europe and not the other way around.
thyroid problems
I see this board has only gotten worse with time
The only board somehow more obnoxious than /pol/
Dammit im too sleepy for this shit
Anyway, I think its supposed to be a man. I mean, look at how wide that cleavage is looks more like Man-boobs
Its just a side effect of the paleo diet, OP
Some fat bitch from Wall-E time traveled back
No for real do you think the chiefs wife got an oversized portion of mammoth meat?
It's meant to depict fertility. So some bitch gets pregnant a lot she puts on weight over and over.
They knew what pregnant women looked like, and that's pretty much all you need to know to make a figure that looks like that.They are assumed to be fertility figures, so the connection makes sense.
Ahh true I hadn't considered what an older woman would look like in a low tech no medicine society. They didn't have diets or treadmills. Theyd be having kids nonstop, whether theyd live or not..
It is not meant to be a mimetic representation.
It's not entirely out of the question that some Neolithic peoples knew what fat people looked like. With the invention of agriculture there were more calories available more regularly than there had been in the days of hunter-gathering. As a result, people put on more weight. I'm sure that, in a society where you have the opportunity to take notice of slow change, this might have intrigued them.
I forget where I heard this theory but imagine a pregnant woman carving exactly what she sees when she looks down. Huge huge tits because they're right up close, a prego belly, big thighs, and small feet. Like pic related but more exaggerated.
If they wanted to depict a pregnant woman, they would have done so, they wouldn't have gotten confused and mixed up and carved an obese one instead.
And women do not necessarily become obese from numerous pregnancies. No one creates fat out of nothing, whatever you do and are, you must eat in excess to become obese.
The obvious explanation is that some of them would indeed eat in excess and not move much.
There is no reason to assume that stone age people could not be consistently well-fed.
>And women do not necessarily become obese from numerous pregnancies. No one creates fat out of nothing, whatever you do and are, you must eat in excess to become obese.
Except women gain weight naturally from being pregnant. These days the healthy range for pregnant weight gain is 25-30lbs. Of course not all of this is body fat and some goes away, but if you were to chain pregnancies (and thus be fertile), you could start to see some chubs. I'm not even saying the Venus figures are of pregnant women, just a woman who is fertile.
t. /qa/
adding that of course they have to eat, but their bodies (pregnancy hormones) make it much easier to store fat.
That's true, but there's a difference between chubby and obese. And weight isn't supposed to accumulate linearily with the number of pregnancies.
Even in caveman times I imagine there must have been some sort of hierarchy. Meaning those at the top were well fed more so than those lower in the group.
Perhaps they fed select women to get large so they could then be worshipped?
So they gave some sedentary priestess their food, and she got fat.
Oh no, this goes against the narrative that everyone was retarded, superstitious and starving to death in the stone age! How problematic.
>I don't know what a fetish is
Wew lad.
There were years where you had all the food you could possibly want to eat, but also years where half your family starves to death.
They would know also to fatten up whenever they got a chance because at some point, there will be a hard winter.
Its not unreasonable to expect this, just because we lost the art of hunting and living off the land does not mean its not impossible.
I have heard of some research (I forget who by or what the article was called) that the figurines actually look like a post-natal woman from the point of view of the statue.
It takes roughly two hours of work to acquire all the calories necessary for 24 hours, which is a lot less than later farming lifeways.
Being a hunter gatherer I mean.
If so, then why is there the pubic triangle?
dem legs