ITT: Post your countries historical bitch.
t. Sweden.
ITT: Post your countries historical bitch.
t. Sweden.
Why is it your bitch? It was a part of YOU. If anything your russia's bitch for losing half of your cunt.
t. Middle East
>t. butthurt Finn
Somalia isnt in the Middle East
>Be sweden
>"Heyo there's some tribesmen let's settle there and create civilization"
>Österland is born
>Develop Österland and put resources in it
>Lose it to russia
>Russia tells that Österland can be kinda free
>Later Österland has nationalistic renaissance and gets free
>Modern day swedes somehow think that finns have anything to be butthurt about
It's still you who should be butthurt kiddo.
You do know that like 95% of Sweden's Karoliner during the Great Era of Sweden was from Finland.
Kek, that's even more sad since all sweden's good troops were from Finland, you gotta be kidding me.
>Modern day swedes somehow think that finns have anything to be butthurt about
>Modern day finns are butthurt as fuck over being taught Swedish in school, having fennoswede politicians, and having been subservient under Sweden
Anyone could fight and shoot a gun, the generals were Sweden and back then that was all that mattered.
A 100 thousand man army could defeat a 300 thousand one, the general makes all the difference.
Ok so let's break this down, Since we have been bilingual since the dawn of our nation we are butthurt? Proofs?
Fennoswede politicians? Where? They have their own party but it has never gained any traction and is the laughingstock of the nation.
Indeed i have a lot to be butthurt about. Jesus some of you swedes are bloody delusional.
Dutch, actually
Well, when your country is getting swarmed by immigrants and your politicians tell you that Sweden doesn't have culture and has to import it, you gotta have something to be proud about, right?
t. Brazil
Probably, it's extremely sad they're unironically looking for it across the border.
>95% of Sweden's Karoliner during the Great Era of Sweden was from Finland.
The more accurate sources depict about 50-60% he's overdoing it and just overexaggarating everything to set up some nice baits.
t. Israel
Plenty of proofs, for example your own butthurt.
I'm not even a Swede.
t. Canada
Mannerheim was a German rooted mixed fennoswede. He had a lots of finnish grandmothers on his mothers side. Please also if you don't suddenly understand the term i sugges you use wikipedia m8. Fennoswede is merely an linquistic term and it's funny when some foreigners spergs outs and attacks finns by saying
>"lol everyone was a swede lol"
Btw i myself am an finlandsvenskk and my roots are solely from Finland my family adopted swedish in the 1600s because it was the only administrative language.
t. Britain.
t. Britain
>The more accurate sources depict about 50-60%
then post the source
Sweden had lost an estimated 200,000 men at the end of the war, 150,000 of those was from present-day Sweden
All of Europe
t. Germany
That doesn't really reveal that much since it's only about losses. i'd guess somewhere along 1/3 of the armies were finnish, by the population differences and how the allotment system worked. You have seem to have the wikipedia open anyway
t: Not the same.
I didn't say that everyone was a swede. I said everyone was a fennoswede. There's a difference, and we both know it.
And Finnish butthurt stems from being culturally raped by Sweden.
t. ireland
t. Russia
>culturally raped by Sweden.
I don't think you're in any position to assume practically anything. We were swedes. We were never differentiated or treated differently to those across the sea. It's retarded revisionism to think we were somehow raped in any measure since we are talking about medieval times. If you wanna imply cultural rape atleast mention Russia and Nicholai I&II
Also, you don't know fucking jack, there's no difference. In genetics or anywhere else but status. And the status stems from old times. "Bättre fölk" is a sad meme that even fennoswedes joke about these days.
>there's no difference. In genetics or anywhere else but status
t. cai göran
Of course you were raped. You were forced to adopt a new language, and a new government..
>Look at all this nothing we conquered
New what? Government? We didn't bloody have a government even svealanders at the time were extremely decentralized by the time Bishop Henric and Jarl Erik did their expeditions here. There was literally just random tribes here, no nation, no government, no unified people. So is your definition of rape bringing civilization here? You're definetly more daft than i though or you don't jack about history.
>Kills Aboriginal peoples who use primitive weaponry and force them under your rule
Those haplogroups don't tell you jack about anything but your origins. All the necessary information is in the autosomal Dna, and regarding it most finns resemble genetically other europeans. I like when people meme but when you actually start to take these things seriously and post these day and day on praising how you're unique it kinda rustles my jimmies.
>1/4 of the world
Ah yes, the aboriginal Qing and Mughal empires, very primitive peoples.
>All the necessary information is in the autosomal Dna, and regarding it most finns resemble genetically other europeans
How about you look for yourself you mong instead of asking for sources when you run out of things to meme about. Google exists if you didn't know.
>conquered the world
>lost a bog literally next door to you
Britain is the equivalent of beating up an elderly naked man harder than anyone else for being in your way while a 5 year old breaks into your home, fucks your wife and takes your TV.
Then the elderly man's leg falls off and becomes a better place to live than Britain.
Ireland is different, that was literally running up to a civil war, which was defused.
Europeans had different rules, hence why the UK didn't have any European conquests.
>Das rite children we wuz germanic uropean n shieet i aint bullshitin you google dat shit bruh
the burden of proof is on you my Mongolian friend
Are you actually arguing for why being colonized is less demeaning than being civillized at the time of your conquest
Finland is rightful Swedish clay.
Oh i didn't know we were a colony please enlighten me, Did we perhaps have some kind of a colonial government
You can add all of South America to the list of Brazil's historical bitches buddy.
In politics and history, a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign.
Nice samefagging and memeing.
>Hahaa they be mongols from central asia look mom i googled "finnish mongol" and surprise i found out an guy with epicanthic eyefolds lol this is the only proof i need hahaha i sure showed them. Please keep you're memes to /int/ and off yourself.
If you google "Finland mongoloid" of course you will get Finns who look like that. You are in essence googling something that supports your preconception. That's like googling images with "irish old man" and then wondering why do Irish people in the results look like old men.
The idea of Finns as east Asian looking comes from hundred year old racial theories, where Finns were seen as "non-white" and "mongoloid" as to prove they are inferior to "white" Europeans. This idea was then propagated by Western Europeans seeking to prove their supermacy. Thea idea of Finns as "mongoloid" partly originated from Finns having a language unrelated to Indo-European. The hundred year old incorrect racial stereotype still exists, and has moved on to be an internet meme joke, contributing to google searches you make.
When it comes to "Asian eyes", or eyes with epicanthic fold, skin from upper eyelid that covers the inner corner of eye, they are not restricted to Asians. They are a feature which pop up all over the world. For example several African populations have epicanthic folds without being Asian. It is common to children of any race to have varying degree of epicanthic folds as a child, and most lose it when they grow up. Frankly, the reason why some populations in the world have them and some do not is not known, but in Finland they are not common. Btw that's an average finn, indeed an true mongol.
Hegemonic hyperpower coming through.
not him but Finland wasn't a territory- it was considered fully integrated before colonialism took form
>If you google "Finland mongoloid" of course you will get Finns who look like that. You are in essence googling something that supports your preconception.
Dude, that guy was a famous F1 driver.
So how do you call an medieval settling and conquest of neighboring lands an colonial act? Finns never rebelled or saw swedes as overrulers. They weren't subjugated and by the second tiem Erik came to chek out the east most of the population was already christian and accepted swedish administration as it brought better safety from the continuous Novvgorod/Karelian assaults.
So? How does that refute anything? You google an famous individual and somehow that weighs more in the matter? You're fucking retarded.
>Finns never rebelled or saw swedes as overrulers.
Except, judging from the massive butthurt, modern finns are extremely butthurt over Swedes having ruled over them once.
Are we /int/ now?
Well that's the thing i'm trying to here refute but you seem super convinced they somehow are. The consensus seems to be more of an blissful coexistence as one state and then we were taken away to Russians. But please do tell me what suggests we are butthurt or what makes us butthurt about it.
>Nice samefagging and memeing.
nice try but the burden of proof is still on you, post some evidence or fuck of
this was an /int/ tier garbage thread form the start.
Not him, but all finns I can think of are kinda azn looking. my nigger spede, Mika Hakkinen, Urho Kekkonen, Savjz
Literally every finn I have ever met has been kinda low key salty
What burden? that we are not mongols? Ffs kill yourself. Just google finnish genetics.
literally what?
But for my amusement let me post few famous finns.
>All the necessary information is in the autosomal Dna, and regarding it most finns resemble genetically other europeans
give me the source faggot
>just google it bruh
not an argument. google states that i am right and you are wrong btw :^)
Mongoloids are superior to white subhumans though
Finns have North Siberian genetic admixture because of a migration that happened about 4000 years ago through the arctic.
Saami have roughly 4 times more of this arctic admixture than Finns because they assimilated more of them, and Finns in turn assimilated some Saami.
However actual Asian eyes of the Genghis Khan type essentially don't exist in Finland unlike Russia because Finland wasn't raped by Mongolians.
See here, this is what eyes caused by Mongolian rape look like.
There's basically around 0.1% of Finns, all with some Russian heritage who have these strange eyes which represent genetic drift unique to the Mongolian steppe.
Finnish eyes can in some cases deviate towards this type a little bit but never more than a tiny fraction of the way. Mika Häkkinen for example is not even anywhere near this level.
t. Africa
>niggers have to prey on ugly and fat women to have a change
Hahaha how fucking mad are you mongol?
Finns are not Mongols, Russians are.
I think it was a mistake by our Finnish ancestors to mix with the North Siberian/Saami women and dillute their Aryan blood but there's no point crying over spilled milk so to speak.
Perhaps in the future it will be possible to remove the North Siberian genes from Finns and Mongolian genes from Russians through genetic manipulation.
Total retard statement. Russia ethnically diverse (if you haven't noticed how larfe it is). Any asiatic features you will see are the cause of Siberian assimilation. The mongols may have burned down some medieval Russian cities, but they didn't stay there retard. North-western principalities were left alone as long as they paid tribute. It's the south-east where the Mongols stayed (approx. modern day Ukraine to the Caucasus to Tatarstan and beyond, where no Russians lived anyway apart from Kiev). The only rape that occured was that of Kiev that seemingly never recooperated from the constant mongol assrape.
You forgot "THIRD" between "THE" and "WORLD"
Ignore the typos, phone sucks
You don't understand, the Asian genetic signal in Finland and Karelia doesn't match with the one present in the genomes of Slavic Russians and the Finnics further south like Mari and Mordva.
The latter is distinctly and strongly related to the Mongol steppe.
This has been conclusively proven by Busby et al.
Russians love to claim that they got their Asian genes from assimilating Finnics but it definitely looks like these Finnics were actually not even remotely Siberian, although Mongol steppe influence probably predated the Slavic arrival.
Lmaoing@your delusion mongol
Tbh kind of what I meant. The Finno Ugric tribes already had Asiatic admixture before the slavs arrived and conquered/assimilated them.
>Europeans had different rules
No they didn't. The English were just too trash to conquer territory on the continent.
Yes but it wasn't their own but came with Attila. A very tiny amount perhaps is perhaps original.
I would imagine the original ancestors of Estonians and Finns in Yaroslavl circa 1000 BC were something like 0.5% Siberian.
Most likely some Finnic tribes near Moscow also stayed purely European through the Attila rape.
It's agued that the original finnish genome came form one stretch of the volga near the urals 30 000 years ago. This would mean that the haplogroup is older than anything seen in europe. Though arguably this group has mixed with other tribes and ethnicities on the way. We do not exactly know when the bottlenecking happened which isolated the exact genegroup finded in finns. But as someone mentioned before there is common ancestors with lithuanians 4000 years back further meddling with swedes has aslo left it's marks but surprisingly slavic genes are only very little present in the eastern tribes. I could go on for forever since i myself find finnish geneology to be very exiting since it's one of the most mysterious on this globe (no joke)
succ a dicc
Youd be so fucking wrong at any other point in history, but honestly from about the 15th to 19th centuries the outcome of a battle actually did come down to strategy and tactics as opposed to training and numbers.
I'd say there was still fair amount training to be done to create discilpined enough armies to stay in strict formations even under heavy fire or cavalry charge. But yes the commanders and strategists did the most.
Haplogroup origins are a poor indication of autosomal genetic structure.
Haplogroup R comes from P which has more diversity in the island of Luzon in the Philippines than the rest of the world combined.
Does that make the Irish autosomally Luzonese? Not very much.
In the past there has been an assumption that the elevated amount of N1c in Finns is connected with the Siberian admixture, but if N1c came from the Volga quite recently and there is originally neither North Siberian or Mongolian admixture there then this theory can be abandoned.
Whatever correlation there was between it and Asian admixture originally was buried under layers and layers of European autosomal DNA over thousands of years in the stone age.
It makes a million times more sense that the N1c men who were strictly of European and Indo-European descent dominated over previous populations in Finland and Karelia who had recent Siberian admixture, based on the Busby et al study and other ones including ones which show that the Saami/some Finns have mitochondrial DNA links to Ket people which are quite recent.
this seems very likely.
Still the spread of finno-ugric tribes by language is so conflicting with genetics it simply baffles me. And how Finnish still keeps some of the very Proto finnic core words in use and they haven't changed ever.
For exmple in finnish
one (1) is Yksi and in very earlist proto-finnic it's Yksi
>There was literally just random tribes here, no nation, no government, no unified people. So is your definition of rape bringing civilization here?
typical Swedish propaganda, i expected nothing less from a fennoswede
Please, i mastered in history. Do tell me something i don't know. I am merely awaiting to be enlightened by your superior knowledge of our evil subjugation by da evil swede.
Middle East, Balkans, Persia, China, Mongolia, North Africa
>I guess other countries aren't capable of building the larget empire in the world.
>larget empire in the world
>Australia, Canada and British Antartic Territory are mostly wasteland.
>All the land in Africa has been partinioned, most of it was not really invaded or conquered.
>South Africa was acquired when the Netherlands got occupied by France.
>Papua New Guinea is nothing but just mountains and forest. Also people still live like it was 50000 BC.
>Ottoman empire was crippling, better take land from them.
>The Middle East is still a shithole
>India/Pakistan/Myanmar are still shitholes
Continue fantasising about your empire.
>the largest empire in human history
You must be forgetting the American Empire.
Could be the other way around too
t. USA
ps: Thanks for the land
I don't think I can describe the size of the Great British Empire.