Coinbase just added a guide on GNT too. Last chance to hop on this rocket.
You're already missing out on the GNT moon mission
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying I didn't buy any GNT
Definitely was not gonna miss out on a free pump.
So I need to buy more golem? Will this make it hit 1 dollar since all the normies will see it and a piece of that cheap crypto
GNT bag holder here, what's this about coinbase?
>traded my GNT to buy more DGB during the dip
Not really sure if I made a mistake or not.
ecsplain yourself
You fucked up user, are you in profit? Even if it's just a few percent I'd sell you DGB and buy back before GNT really takes off.
I mean I have my bags full ready to go to the moon. Been buying this shit since it was 2 cents
Only own 730 of them. Need more for lambo land.
Nice to see golem taking off, don't have a lot with 3.2k but still
That's just a holder. "Bagholder" implies the bags are empty, as in, all the value left it.
Coinbase added a guide on GNT:
Same author did a guide on LTC and LTC was added a couple of weeks later.
>when your profits rise slowly and you don't notice they doubled until user makes a thread
Wow this combined with the code leak a couple of weeks ago has convinced me that this is 100% being added to coinbase now.
I'm ready
hey guys I'm a genius, read the bottom what linda wrote, it says "including augur and golem". You write that in a disclaimer to say that if you own these assets, and to basically say you're not at fault! It's definitely coming!
>fell for the meme and got tricked in another P&D again
Welp, I learned my lesson for good, will only invest in ETH from now
In a few years when normies really start to invest in this shit, that will be more than enough. We haven't even seen brass golem gains yet...
>tfw only 300 gnt brainlet
>Only 5.5k GNT
Ready for moon
golem slack
Read post above yours. HOLD
True, but also....Coinbase addition to GNT. That means people can (relatively safely) be sheltered from BTC crashes.
Just realized it was the Coinbase product manager who wrote this.
Am I the only one who thought this was an image of some huge deformed penis?
You're gonna be a millionaire in a couple of years
I need Golem to reach $40 to have enough GNT to buy a Lambo. Are we all holding till then senpai?
I need it to hit 270$ h-holding r-right??
Whats the long term outlook with Golem?
It seems like a good coin...there is some shill saying its a scam at least twice a day on here.
I only have 171 because I'm a poor fag, but...
If coinbase puts GNT on I'm definitely buying some with fiatbucks
OSU! Well, if you need it to hit $270 I will hold it with you bizuchan (* ^ ω ^)
Wait a few years lol
I totally would hold for a couple years if I came out with a new lambo.
You should get that looked at by a doctor.
>only 5k