man i hate venice but this flag is just badass idk why
What is your favorite flag
Other urls found in this thread:
it looks like some kind of rug or carpet really
>i hate venice
t. andronikos andropopolos
The bird cracks me up
>i suck cocks
t. marghereti spaghetti
The goatse flag.
i don't think this can be topped
All of these in flag form.
Benign empire.
Venice is so awesome
tjats a badass flag
Shit design desu
That's a pretty ok flag, I'm not very amazed by it nor do I detest it. It seems pretty average to me.
Unironically this.
as far as modern national flags my two favorites are Kazakhstan and Mongolia
Iran's is pretty nice too.
t. Vittorio "il Mona" Diocan
>everyone posts rectangles
>they don't even know
>I hate venice
Byzantears are delicious
I sometimes make my own flags.
This is my favorite.
Was that ever really Venice's flag? It looks computer made.
I like this version much more.
>a beautiful gold standard
>a fucking leaf
Opinion discarded.
It's funny how agree with the principles he states but I don't like most of the flags he likes at all.
bretty gud
>ywn plant the glorious flag of Venice in the clay of Constantinople and go pillage the city with your crusader pals instead of marching off to die in the Syrian desert
Why even live, Veeky Forums
They just can't handle the BIC
all other countries have inferior potassium
I like the Galician flag alot.
Maybe I'm bias.
I mean my family is comes from Galicia.
Though my other half of the family is Flemish.
Why would anyone hate Venice, unless you're a Byzaboo or filthy Turk?
It's filled with turds and floods every fortnight... exposing bystanders to the turds.
>draining your sewage directly into the mediterranean
>the year of our lord 2016
I've been in Venice and I never saw any shit water in the Lagoon. Not many people actually live on the Island anymore, so even if they did that I doubt anyone would be able to tell.
>I never saw any shit water in the Lagoon
Keep telling yourself that.
Sadly it's true that Venice's sewers are substandard. What used to be the cleanest city in Europe (due to the waterways, automatically cleansed by the tides) is now a city with sewage issues (due to the waterways, that make creating a modern sewage system extremely costly and quite complex).
>I've been in Venice and I never saw any shit water in the Lagoon.
Yes well turds generally don't float, and the lagoon has more than enough water so that the colour won't be influenced by a bit of shit. You might be more familiar with the patches of foam near the drains: that's soap from house/shop sinks and drains.
Pic related: moron spilled paint down the drain to get rid of it, police immediately comes to slap him with a heinous fine. Bit of a scare, people thought it was blood.
in my opinion it's hideous
all the glamour of your great aunt's lampshades
The bear sells it so damn well i love it.
Imperial as fuck.
I love tropical flavor Skittles
Delete this
>Asian girl
Of course. Like pottery.
Venetian Sanitation thread?
>...the physical outlets where sewage waste enter the canals, called sbocchi, are as old as the Venetian foundations they are in, and are in disrepair as well, as seen in the picture on the left where a sboccho in a highly damaged canal wall is revealed during canal maintenance...
>...dredges Venice's canals to get rid of the damaging sedimentation that has built up over the years, and repairs the infrastructure that has been damaged by sediment buildup...
>...Once this sewage is discharged into the canals, however, the system is still dependent on the tides to carry the sewage from the city out to sea. Preventative maintenance can only do so much for the current sewage system and the buildup of sediments in Venice's canals...
The canals are literally caked in shit.
This company has to go in and scrape the shit out of the canals.
...and you thought your job sucked...
This flag is just on point
I mean if it came to your door asking if you want to talk about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, would you turn it down?