What is the point of honour .. ?
As in, what's the appeal- especially when in cinflict with matters of life and death
What is the point of honour .. ?
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You need not know more than that it is a spook
never you mind your pretty little head about such things, maybe /soc/ is more for you
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t. Brit
>the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.
Having the strength to do what's right, even if it results in your death is the appeal of it. Because you manage to transcend your ego and your ape-like limitations to serve something greater than yourself
Identity and definition. To be is to be something. Somethings are better than other things.
To the honorable, honor is more important to life than living; as death is inevitable.
Its nature is platonic. If you just don't "get it" I don't see how it could be explained.
Honor is what sets apart a man and a rodent
War of the Spanish Succession is probably the only major war they ever won, that was fought on land against a serious opponent as (one of the) main combatants
They didnt win though, in the end France won in Europe because retarded Austrians were jealous of Malborough and kicked him from the Grand Alliance command
The war ended at Denain on an Allied defeat
Marlborough did very well during the war though, but mostly because he had access to quality non-British (aka Dutch and Germans) soldiers
With British troops he'd have lost every battle, Brits are just too shitty
Did you made it ? It's so fucking funny.
Well, 'tis no matter; honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? how then? Can honour set to a leg? no: or an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no.
Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? he that died o' Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no.
Doth he hear it? no. 'Tis insensible, then. Yea,
to the dead. But will it not live with the living?
no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore
I'll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon: and so ends my catechism.
>What is the point of honour .. ?
It's for niggers. Don't worry about it.
>Did you made it
Are you new?
It has been posted on this board for months
It's about wanting to save face in front of your peers. Nothing more, nothing less.
You're all idiots, the entire point of "honor" as a military concept is as a primitive version of terms of engagement, both to benefit the powerful by making certain tactics improper, and to limit bloodshed and devastation.
>honor is only applicable in the limited military sense
Back to your LARP thread.
The point of honor is to show that you'd rather try and kill the people that will rape and kill your wife and children, instead of letting them
It's the difference between thinking sucker-punching someone while their back is turned is a cunt move, and being a cunt
Add the suez crisis
only nu-male materialist cucks don't understand the value of self transcendence in a world where you've only got one shot.
Heroism may be hopeless, but it will never be something other than heroism
a large part of military is displaying you have military. it's not exactly that might makes right but right without might is not something you want to be thought to be.
if you win by being conniving rather than being strong your might remains in question and you may need to display it again. if you have the might, you want to issue a clear challenge to make the best show of it. those who don't respond to such challenge also tend to look a bit like chumps because it implies their claim is opportunism rather than competence.
Just ask the main man himself:
>i will have WHAAAA
what did he mean by this?
Winning is winning. Honor is for LARPers and those that fetishize past militaries. Look at all the greatest battles in history: they were won by superior planning and decision-making, not "muh honorabu warriors so stronk"
>He still thinks in pubescent early-teen 'arm-chair general war game' terms
>Shitting up every Veeky Forums thread with his final year high school history lessons of the day
You're an idiot. Syracuse wasn't consolidated by an honorable man, but by someone who straight up murdered people under white flags of discussion and barter. Russia wasn't saved by Swedish efficiency and French discipline through honorable means, but by soaking their land in salt and burning everything above swamp level. Honor existed as much so, if not more so, in civilian life than anywhere in a militarized fashion. Honor was the foundation of barter.
There was a time, and not too long ago, where what people said in public and among friends and family was the Truth- or what they believed earnestly to be True. It was more than uncouth to be a liar, to be labeled and known as such and be stained with the dishonor of untruthfulness ended more than your career, it made you all but worthless. The collapse of Honor is the rise of moral ambiguity, and the decline of social sensibilities. It is anecdotal in nature, but I can't help but feel that when reading Roman historians around and during the decline and especially during the reign of the 78 Emperors, that this pattern clearly exists over and over again- Historians write something about an Emperor and publish it one year, and three years later are releasing a revised version where that very same Emperor is now a total dick. I especially enjoy reading Historical depictions of Justianian DURING his life, and depictions AFTER his life by those employed by the next Emperor.
It appeals to useful idiots and causes them to go die for the interests of the powerful.
>What is the point of honour .. ?
No honor, no integrity, no teamwork.
No teamwork, then you can't advance as a species beyond individual accomplishment.
Basically what anons have already said.
You agree to play by certain rules so that all may benefit instead of the crab mentality.
Also as humans yearn for something greater than themselves to devote themselves to a higher concept like honour fits nicely and always gives you good boy points among many people.
honor gets you killed
Honor is actually a demonstration of power. I am SO POWERFUL I don't need to stab you in the back to defeat you. Pragmatism is for the powerless. If you're a pleb, don't even attempt to play that game and just go for what works.
>honor gets you killed
No, honor SAVES your life.
It all started when human beings realized that 9 men holding spears was more powerful than one dumb asshole wielding a stick.
9 men with the HONOR and integrity to uphold their vows and hold a line against man or beast proved far more powerful than any group of shitheads that had no such honor or integrity.
The idea that honor and integrity have no value are held by lesser humans that should be culled from our society.
Being honorable
Honor is a way of organizing informal power relationship/struggle in primitive societies, and totally useless concept in the modern ones. You can see it in the modern world - the less developed culture is, the more it cares about honor, up to honor killing in Islam societies.
id say its a kind of internalised ethic based on things like instinct and group interactions, not only is it a way to maintain ones status, to defend ones honour is to defend a sort of zero status that everithing else is built on, but also its a way to maintain favor and a perception of personal reliability and usefulnes among the group, its things like keeping your word on principle or always paing your debts, being known as trustworthy and dependable while being respected, which then develops into a code of sorts that people behave by, so breaking it becomes a insult or fucks up how people see someone, and these things are realy important in social groups and any kind of deal or trade or cooperation, just that some groups have extreme notions on how far it should go, but all groups have somesort of 'code of honor', a combined notion of personal credibility and integrity in relating to oneself and others and so on
A measurement of obedience of social norms at least in modern sense of the word.
>As in, what's the appeal- especially when in cinflict with matters of life and death
Helping your tribe or preserving good name of your family most likely.
If anything, it saves life of your group, not yours.
Most of the times it makes you lose, since you ignore all the dishonorable methods.
>Most of the times it makes you lose
No, it does just the opposite.
When you're in a bind, instead of simply leaving you behind, your peers come and get you.
When things get tough, instead of running away like cowards, your peers hold the line and fight through it.
Instead of tolerating those that lack integrity, society should punish, if not execute them. Our society has gone soft, and we have simply allowed ourselves to be corrupted by dishonorable scum.
Honor is also a desirable trait from the standpoint of human predisposition to cooperative behavior within their society and social group, so social dynamics unsurprisingly favor it. Dishonor is associated with undesirable social traits like fear, weakness, unscrupulousness and dishonesty, while honor conveys self-sacrifice, hard work, conviction and principle.
>When you're in a bind, instead of simply leaving you behind, your peers come and get you.
Or it would be honorable to accept your fate instead of putting your peers to danger?
>When things get tough, instead of running away like cowards, your peers hold the line and fight through it.
When things get tough and you run away you retain your life, if you stay you get killed/captured.
Rarely will honour make you a personal gain, thats the whole fucking purpose of rewarding it with status.
Also stop talking about combat, you did not experienced it (and if you did, it was COIN in colonies), I did not experienced it and vast majority of our western society did not experienced it. It makes no sense to build our values around things martial. It would make sense to build it around productivity, intelect or trade.
>Or it would be honorable to accept your fate instead of putting your peers to danger?
Nope. Strength in numbers, one, and special skills held by each individual justify helping out your peers.
>When things get tough and you run away you retain your life, if you stay you get killed/captured.
Nope. You embolden the enemy, and get ran down and killed like a dog.
>Rarely will honour make you a personal gain....
Nope. Having honor and integrity is rewarded by your peers, and this reward can come in the form of goods, and or, services.
>Also stop talking about combat...
First, unlike you, I actually served in combat and fought an enemy trying to kill me and my peers in A-stan and Iraq. The fact that WE and our command, practiced and valued honor and integrity saved lives, because the enemy knew that no matter where or when they got lucky with an IED, we would ALWAYS come to the aid of our fellow man, regardless if they were in our unit or not. This meant they couldn't simply gain local superiority and kill capture pinned down forces unless they were willing to get assraped when we showed up, and guess what, they weren't willing.
You are a coward.
You, and your genes, should be culled from society, as they are defective, and a detriment to our species.
it's lets you know if someone is a stand up guy or a scoundrel not worth your time