what are your thoughts on common people?
What are your thoughts on common people?
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as long as they dont fuck with me and leave me be i really really like them
nice legs there
Am i an aristocrat now or something? Cool!
Time to stop dipping, sell my truck, and buy a top hat, because its obvious that anybody who reads a few pages of The Republic and shitposts about it online is of inherently higher value than anybody else, regardless of how much money they have or what family they come from.
So im OK with common people, but theres this one common person called OP who thinks hes a member of the nobility or something. Complete fag!
Fuckoff out of Veeky Forums shit for brains.
I've no problem with them.
Is that Ivanka?
Or some Eastern Euro gold digger
>Lel they're both eastern Europeans.
They're alright.
Godly race truly.
The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is why he made so many of them
i hate normalfags
Meh, they're ok
I am simultaneously disgusted and aroused by them
When they are liberal the world gets better, the status quo maintains a lead. When they are reactionary the world gets worse and the status quo can sometimes be threatened. When they are conservative their lives don't change while the status quo gets richer.
they're better than you
I'm one of them faggot
Common people is most people, if you are a christian remember the meek shall inherit the world.
What do you consider common people?
I doubt majority of his are some kind above average intelligent, just more learned in specific field (and looking at this board not exceptionally learned).
I find that most of idiots who find themselves "enlighted" are pseudo-intellectuals with too much time or their hands.
When was last time any of you read any history books?
Even serfs can gain access to this shit now, no need to be rich.
They're mostly shit but so am I so I can't really judge them too hard.
But people always say I'm really smart, can't really be modest in my situation fampai. The enlightening internet lesson on humility you're trying to pull just doesn't really cut it for everyone.
What we dread about our neighbours is not the narrowness of their horizon, but their superb tendency to broaden it. All aversions to ordinary humanity have this general character. They are not aversions to its feebleness (as is pretended), but to its energy. The misanthropes pretend that they despise humanity for its weakness. As a matter of fact, they hate it for its strength.
Of course, this shrinking from the brutal vivacity and brutal variety of common men is a perfectly reasonable and excusable thing as long as it does not pretend to any point of superiority. It is when it calls itself aristocracy or aestheticism or a superiority to the bourgeoisie that its inherent weakness has in justice to be pointed out. Fastidiousness is the most pardonable of vices; but it is the most unpardonable of virtues. Nietzsche, who represents most prominently this pretentious claim of the fastidious, has a description somewhere--a very powerful description in the purely literary sense--of the disgust and disdain which consume him at the sight of the common people with their common faces, their common voices, and their common minds. As I have said, this attitude is almost beautiful if we may regard it as pathetic.
Nietzsche's aristocracy has about it all the sacredness that belongs to the weak. When he makes us feel that he cannot endure the innumerable faces, the incessant voices, the overpowering omnipresence which belongs to the mob, he will have the sympathy of anybody who has ever been sick on a steamer or tired in a crowded omnibus. Every man has hated mankind when he was less than a man. Every man has had humanity in his eyes like a blinding fog, humanity in his nostrils like a suffocating smell. But when Nietzsche has the incredible lack of humour and lack of imagination to ask us to believe that his aristocracy is an aristocracy of strong muscles or an aristocracy of strong wills, it is necessary to point out the truth. It is an aristocracy of weak nerves.
>Thinks intelligence is measured by how many history books you read
Wew lad.
Nobility is a mindset now.
#PatricianMindset #9.99Ebook #MAGAImperium
You're sure those are Normie's?
I think you may not know what Statu's que really means.
Interesting point, though I feel Nietzsche is not that good of an example as he overly articulates the disdain for the common people. I see it as a fear of disorganization, chaos, and the commonality of brutality in the lives of the masses that give rise to these feelings.
This is what plebs actually believe
pretty hot desu
i am one person, who knows multiple people. it is a fun time. :^ ) other people talk to me, and i talk to them. tell them i said hi.
You mean normies? Fuck 'em.
Is that ma boy G.K Chesterton?
good guys, 9.5/10.
me on the right
I want to live like common people
I want to do whatever common people do,
I want to sleep with common people,
I want to sleep with common people like (them)
>I doubt majority of his are some kind above average intelligent
I disagree 2bh. Most of the people here are quite capable of advanced logical processes and have deliberately sought out to learn a subject that has no immediate practical purpose.
That already puts them above the "normalfags"
>Most of the people here are quite capable of advanced logical processes and have deliberately sought out to learn a subject that has no immediate practical purpose.
Let's be honest. There are some decent posters on Veeky Forums but the majority of people on the board don't even have a Wikipedia level of knowledge of history.
In terms of native intelligence though, over half the regular posters here are still significantly above the mean native intelligence of the general population.
>tfw too smart to read
About 5 years back I was on a flight from Melbourne to London with Jarvis. He was in business class but his band were in economy and he kept coming back to give them stuff.
>he thinks it's about intelligence and not self-awareness and spirit
>common denominator pop culture reddit youtube video bullshit
No thank you
Good for defining common traits
Not so much dealing with them personally.
I like the mantra "Observe not Interact"
Neets are nobles
That song is years older than Reddit or Youtube.
Everyone here is common.
Normies are stupid and they must be genocided
If you've ever had to struggle for money or budget your finances, you're common.