>tfw you will never fight in the reconquista
Tfw you will never fight in the reconquista
Other urls found in this thread:
why would you want to participate in a genocide?
I wish these feels would go away, but they just keep coming back
Silly user, this isn't a bait thread
>do you seriously think there was nothing wrong with the crusades?
I'd genocide you for that comment.
The only thing that was wrong with the crusades is the fact that apart from papal memery, there is 0 theological justification for a religious war in Christianity.
the crusades weren't entirely religious, they were partly political
Meaning you'll either be a Christian knight, lord, or king fighting other Christians, be a Christian mercenary in the pay of Muslim petty rulers, be allied to Muslims against other Christian and/or Muslim states, or an actual Muslim vs Christian conflict.
The Reconquista is like an RPG campaign that spans for nearly 800 years. El Cid's life alone is larger than life.
>tfw you'll never fight to preserve islamo-iberian civilization from bigoted christians
Feels bad m8.
Veeky Forums is a Christian imageboard
Gib all clay back galizia!
It was a genocide whether you want to be pc about it or not and use euphamisms.
>ywn stand on the sidelines and watch retards kill each other over different versions of their jew god
why does he carry multiple swords?
Sure you will. Euros will drive out the invaders within our lifetime.
Give one to his friend.
i can imagine that is el Cid, a reconquista hero, the swords looks like his swords tizona and colada
El Cid was an opportunistic warlord who also fought with muslims against Christians.
Ancients were far less religious and far more pragmatic than you think. You just feed them post 19th century romanticism.
thanks for the (You), i'm not OP
>fights to preserve a slave owner run society
andalusia deserved to burn...
There is nothing literally wrong with slavery. Read your bible.
>moors in Spain rape, pillage and burn neighbors for centuries
>>still carrying out slave raids into 15th century
>>>encouraging Ottomans to invade Iberia
>>>>pretend to be victims
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>yfw the siege of Lisbon is the greatest buddy flick never made.
i'm other user
>moors in Spain rape, pillage and burn neighbors for centuries
well, it's more complicated than that
Irrelevant, you talk as If I'm a Muslim apologist. I'm not talking whether they were deserved to be enslave or not.
My point is, slavery was and is okay in Christianity and it is absurd to accuse another for slave holding when you also condone it.
>well, it's more complicated than that
It always is. Are you gonna give a fair shake to every slave owning group of conquerors or pick and choose who's good and evil based on your own ideologically bias?
>enslaving neighbors
>>cry when neighbors kick the shit out of you
basically the Hangover, but with 15,000 English, Belgians and Germans.
"No prince or king was in charge of the expedition, and its participants seem to have been largely made up of townsmen, who organised themselves using a sworn oath.[2] Leadership was provided by Hervey de Glanvill, Constable of Suffolk." en.wikipedia.org
So you shouldn't fight for any side in the Reconquista, then.
>tfw you will never sack Baghdad
In the early days, Crusaders fought for the Fatimids against the Selcuck T*rcks
you're confusing the reconquista for the crusades
but you can my friends.
Good luck with that
>you will never purge the turks from the balkans
>you will never reconquer Grenada for her
>Veeky Forums is a Christian imageboard
because I must fight for my people and retake our lands against the invader, the enemy must be completely destroyed.
Don't worry, gringos. You can give it back anytime with zero violence
Forgot pic
Anime is degenerate and un christian
You'll have to get past the wall first :^^^^^^^^^^^^)
This, the crusades were a sort of genocide, though not of mudslimes
>ywn fight in the reconquest of England from the Danes
The Reconquista and Inquisition wiped Spain clean of North African Muslims that had occupied it for centuries. The destruction of aliens is always just and right, not to mention practical.
i think you misunderstood what it was that i meant by that
Why fight in the reconquista when you can fight in the re-reconquista today in 1439?
>current pope dies
>next pope IMMEDIATELY calls for a crusade
They way things are going, we won't have to wait too long for the Roaches to come back slav bro.
The Inquisition didn't go after non-christians. You could be a jew or a muslim, prior to 1492 and 1512 respectively, and you could give zero about those kaffir and goy Inquisition guys. It's the pogroms carried out by the mobs you need to watch out.
After 1512 everyone is supposed to be a christian though, so if you're a fake converso for the sake of not going back even though you had to go back, then the Inquisition has their eyes on you.
The last moriscos weren't expelled until 1609 anyway.
>ywn meet Ferdinand the III
Stupid frog
>you will never be assimilated into Persian culture
I'm Persian and I can assimilate you with my hairy dingus. emphasis on the ass
youre not Persian, youre Arab
>I'm Persian and I can assimilate you with gay sex
sounds about right
u done done it now
>It's only genocide when white Christians do it
That shit get you an A from your SJW professor?
Don't give a fuck if it was genocide. Islam got no place in Europe, it can stay in the middle east.
Islam doesn't even belong there