ITT:people you used to think where the baddies before you got into history
ITT:people you used to think where the baddies before you got into history
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Sean Connery is great
Childhood is idolising the Byzantines.
Adulthood is realising the Ottomans made more sense.
He just fucked up Iran in a different way. But obviously the biggest baddie here is the eternal Anglo.
Dude, literally did nothing wrong. Fucking Cleopatra and Republic apologists almost brainwashed me against the GOAT figure in human history.
Who is he supposed to be and what is this from?
Cao Cao from Three Kingdoms.
Eh not really. Two meme empires stabby stabby people for land.
Though I will agree the Ottomans are underrated historically.
RIP lion of the kavkaz
Che Guevara
fucking Turk, you'll get the Third Uprising right NOW!
Except manage to find a suitable heir and manage to keep him from getting assassinated.
Claudius was still salty about it.
Not really. Shouldve eased power back into the senate and just tried to lower corruption.
Fascism is fucking worthless if the leader is corrupt as the corporations, which happened in rome 87 times straight.
My uncle and dad fought against Iran in the war, they said they used children in human wave attacks and gave them keys saying those were the keys to heaven. They also used human wave attacks to clear out minefields, and they encouraged Kurds to carry out terrorist stacks against Turkmen and Assyrians and Arabs.
Fuck Iran, fuck Khomeini.
>My uncle and dad fought against Iran in the war
So they were in the wrong anyway.
>they encouraged Kurds to carry out terrorist stacks against Turkmen and Assyrians and Arabs.
>Fuck Iran, fuck Khomeini.
Your Dad & Uncle's spurious and cynical attempt to forestall and excuse the Iraqi gassing of Hallbja and the rest of the Anfal campaign which included Kurds, Assyrians, Turkmen is pathetic.
And yes, the use of kids by Khomeni and Iran for those actions was cruel and cynical.
Yeah and Iraq used Chem weapons on civilians, and also started it. Those in glasses houses, etc.
And fuck you too, Abu Hurairah ibn Mustafa
stalin did nothing wrong
kulaks deserved it
Iran-Iraq war?
Our history teacher taught us that he was a villain.
Fucking Devaboos.
He did some things wrong, but he was still in the right.
My uncle and dad fought against Iraq in the war, they said they used children in human wave attacks and gave them keys saying those were the keys to heaven. They also used human wave attacks to clear out minefields, and they encouraged Arabs to carry out terrorist stacks against Turkmen and Assyrians and kurds.
Fuck Iraq, fuck Saddam.
De-Valera was fucking great user. A fine politician.
Got nothing on Collins or Lemass, though.
>Tries to get a man in another nation killed for writing a novel.
> Fundamentally hates free speech if it disagrees with his dogma
Yep, it's a baddy.
My uncle and dad fought against Lindybeige in the war, they said he used children in human wave attacks and gave them keys saying those were the keys to heaven. He also used human wave attacks to clear out minefields, and he encouraged Arabs to carry out terrorist stacks against Turkmen and Assyrians and kurds.
Fuck Lindy, fuck Beige.
You just misunderestimate his tactical genius. Study history more and you will swing to his branch, guaranteed.
Whatever you think of the Ottomans, you have to admit they really fixed up Constantinople.
>Saddam Hussein
>Papa Assad
>Germany in WWI
>Serbs in 90's
>Pinochet Chile
I was always an edge-lord that liked the Nazis, and Mosley, and I had fully broken free of sphere-of-influence bias by the time Vladimir Putin incurred the ire of the western hegemony, and we started digging our claws in Ukraine / Maidan broke out / Crimea seceded, so I think I dodged alot of bullets that hit even intelligent. educated people, simply because they exist in a very narrow space of information, and anything (we're told) outside of that info monopoly is "wrong", because the information (monopoly), in our sphere, is "free"
Actually the opposite for me, I was taught he was a hero, until I realized he was just a pragmatic schemer with good PR. Plus ending apartheid ruined South Africa.
You're a retard if you think Mandela is responsible for the mess in SA. He was the one who moderated the impulses of the radicals to completely fuck over the afrikaners. He had every chance to do to them what Mugabe did in Zimbabwe, but he didn't.
And it's kind of hard to "ruin" a country when the apartheid regime kept 90% of the country in a perpetual underclass.
>finally have a superior army to defeat them chileans
>get cucked by AT and AP mines
el oh el
My uncle and dad fought against the Taliban in the war, they said he used children in human wave attacks and gave them keys saying those were the keys to heaven. He also used human wave attacks to clear out minefields, and he encouraged Afghans to carry out terrorist stacks against Persians and Pakistanis and Hazaras.
Fuck Mullah,fuck Omar
>apartheid regime kept 90% of the country in a perpetual underclass
Yeah, now it's 89.99999%
Great success
Also dem murder rates
What the hell is a terrorist stack
khomeini was threatening iraq saying he wanted to create an islamic regime (like ISIS now) months before the war started, not to mention he carried out terrorist bombings in mustansiriyah university killing students
anfal campaign was in response to kurds chimping out for the umpteenth time and blowing stuff up. They carried out wholesale massacres of turkmen, they weren't innocent. they deserved what happened to them.
not on civilians, just on invading iranian troops. its no worse than what america did in hiroshima.
*terrorist attacks
>not on civilians, just on invading iranian troops. its no worse than what america did in hiroshima.
t. Saddam Hussein's bastard son
>Iraq chemical attacks against Iran is referred to chemical attacks targeted by Iraqi army and Ba’ath party against Iranian combatants and non-combatants.
t. schlomo
You can ctrl+F the parts about chem weapons. Hell, if this isn't sufficient you can always google it yourself instead of taking your family as a reliable account of a war, in which they were the aggressors to begin with.
it was a pre-emptive strike. Iran had been for months threatening Iraq, calling for an islamic revolution, and had carried out a terrorist attack in mustansiriyah university.
Iran didn't carry out a terrorist attack, it was the Shi'a that were treated like second-class citizens in 'your' country that did it.
Saddam wanted Shatt al-Arab, like he too wanted Kuwait's oil, and to quell the upstart Shi'a. Saddam was not a good boy who dindu nuffin--Khomeini wasn't either. But quit being an apologist faggot, it's annoying.
Please, by the 15th century those niggers were more Byzantine than the Byzantines.
A Tanukhid army in Attila TW.
halal pancakes
it was carried out by pro-iranian groups that were trained, supported and funded by iran, so it was for all intents and purposes, it was carried out by iran. And they weren't second class citizens, you're so fucking retarded, you know nothing, I bet you've never even been to iraq and know nothing except what you've read in american magazines.
I've been to Karbala twice. Irrelevant to pre-Iran/Iraq War Iraq anyways.
Second, they were trained and funded by the one-year old Islamic Republic? Trained at what, strapping a bomb to your chest? Why the fuck would an Iraqi need training from an Iranian for that?
Just read a goddamn book instead of taking my word for it, you imbecile. There are loads of articles and evidence that proves Saddam was the aggressor, just like he was in Kuwait, he committed war crimes against Iran, crimes against humanity against the Kurds and Shia, and if there is a hell he is certainly burning in it, and hopefully he, you and your uncle and dad are reunited there one day.
>crimes against humanity
>crimes against the Kurds and Shia
pick one
>Sunni Iraqi
>calling anyone else non human
O I am laffin
fuck this guy
my uncle was jailed for 10 years under his rule
still better than the iraqis doe
No, the anglo-zanzibar war of 1896
best leader to ever live
Yes the dawa party was being supported and funded by Iran. Secondly Khomeini had been saying for ages he would bring down Saddam and establish Islamic theocracy in Iraq. How is that a declaration of war?
Fuck off. Iranians are not humans, they're animals. That's why we felt nothing when we gunned down their child soldier human wave attacks like the animals they are. They choke good on mustard gas too. The only thing Saddam did wrong was he didn't kill more Persian beasts.
I've seen the way you guys flog yourselves on ashura, you're brains are more like pigs than people. You have no problem sending your kids into machine gun fire and minefields because that's what you Persians are, animals.
Best day of my life. Fuck Iran.
dev was grand but his supporters are insufferable arseholes
obvious answer but still criminally underrated post
Thode"animals" controlled your people for centuries and they are doing so yet again at this moment. Actually i cant even say that those people have anything to do with you since you guys got cucked into being complete bedouin arab savages.
This guy is trolling
His post is an almost direct quote from a Sally Field movie.
Sunni Arabs are the weakest race.
>My uncle and dad heard war propaganda told to them to hate the enemy more and continue the war effort
>I'm that much of a dumbass to take their word for it
>ignoring the fact that child soldiers were almost exclusively never on the front lines, but were used in a desperate attempt to keep the country from falling to Saddam's hordes
>khomeini was threatening iraq saying he wanted to create an islamic regime (like ISIS now) months before the war started,
Implying that Khomeini was ISIS tier is absolute retardation. He just wanted to export his Islamic Republican revolution to Iraq, also majority Shia country which was dealing with a Sunni Aemrab supremacist dictator
>not to mention he carried out terrorist bombings in mustansiriyah university killing students
Source? Why would Khomeini bomb Shia university students in Baghdad?
Did you know Saddam used to bomb Iranian cities, targeting civilian targets on a daily basis?
You should read Molotov Remembers (conversations with Chuev)
As a grandchild of karelian refugees whose brothers and sister were executed, whose nation was targeted for discrimination and their culture suppressed in their native land (which was also made into a battleground thanks to Molotov-Ribbentrop pact) I find it easy to disagree
Cute. I'm not interested in playing oppression olympics with you. I lost family in 37. I also lost family in the war. If it weren't for Stalin I wouldn't be alive today. I am willing to discuss it in a more nuanced way though, if you are not just a butthurt. "Stalin did nothing wrong" is just a meme for me, I do agree he made some mistakes. But overall I still support him wholeheartedly.
>If it weren't for Stalin I wouldn't be alive today.
Stalin was a catastrophy confirmed
t. other
kek touché
Ironic, because most of my family would be alive today if he didn't exist. He was a paranoid lunatic responsible for war crimes that make uganda look good.
and yet you still escaped which is proof he didn't go hard enough
Speaking honestly, though, Karelia was necessary to defend Peter. Everyone knew this and the war later proved Stalin correct. There will always be collateral damage.
He did become paranoid in his later years but it was all mostly justified. He was right that there were enemies everywhere, look at Malinovsky, look what happened after his death.
Bad guy
Good guy
Xenophobic Jew who was first made into god, then into a passionless hippie by moderns
Bad guy
Good guy
Bad guy
Bad guy
Bad guy
Bad guy
Good guy
Good guy, even though he violated peace treaties to arm the IRA in Northern Ireland
Bad guy, but top tier troll
Stupid guy
Good guy
Good guy
Just doing their jobs
> freed Iran from American control
> ended Shah's rule, a tyrant
> ended Shah's rule, thousands of years of tradition/culture halted
> imposed religous law
> civil rights, freedom of expression, religous tolerance all brought to a halt
> strained international relations
> ruined economy
> pissed off US, actions led to Iran-Iraq war
> because of international relations nuclear power is heavily restricted, cities drown in smog
> caused massive brain drain, scientists/artists/doctors all emigrated
it is currently 2017 and they are just barely getting back to where they were in 1979
objectively a bad leader by any measure
You raise many good points except for
> civil rights, freedom of expression, religous tolerance all brought to a halt
Other than religious tolerance for Baha'is, the Shah was the same with respect to these things.
> ruined economy
That's expected given the extensive nationalistintentions that everyone wanted. The sanctions and war are foreign imposed.
> because of international relations nuclear power is heavily restricted, cities drown in smog
And due to sanctions Iranians rely on technology from the 1970s or earlier to refine their oil into petroleum. Coupled with shitty car engines and millions of new urban inhabitants you have all this smog.
>rallies the people against the shah's totalitarian regime
>people support him, he returns once the shah is deposed
>uses army defectors to consolidate power
>holds """referendum""" to appoint himself supreme ruler
>imposes an even more totalitarian regime than the previous shah's
Intelligent and admirable, can learn a lot from his rise to power. You shouldn't go into history thinking people are good guys or bad guys, everyone just did what they had to do to pursue their own interests.
One of my heroes, now.
Kulaks deserved worse desu.
But it's true that many innocent people were wrongfully punished for being suspected kulaks. Punishing their family members was also unacceptable.
They weren't bad but they certainly weren't good
>inb4 we dindu nuffin
>R-Rhodesia was a gud boi!
punishing family members was sometimes necessary
but overall there were certaintly excesses
t. Reza the expat
Why anti-treaty people still cannot understand how better would it be if they refrained from their hooliganism back then?
>good guys
Fuck you
Can this be a new copypasta