What is going on? No real movement the entire day and the ETH discussion here on Veeky Forums has died.
Is the hype over? Should I sell now?
What is going on? No real movement the entire day and the ETH discussion here on Veeky Forums has died.
Is the hype over? Should I sell now?
no and no
It's ogre
What makes you think that?
eth is a long hold wtf are you doing user
But I want to seem some mad gainz, I was promised a Lambo.
you will never get a lambo with that mindset
ETH always goes to sleep for a while before it starts climbing again.
>ETH doesn't moon 24/7, is it dead?
Your lambo is on the Moon. When you get there you may drive it.
The Veeky Forums motto is buy high sell low.
They hype coins at the all time high and call coins worthless shit when it's in a dip. This is true no matter what the coin's function is and goes for stocks as well.
Nigga ETH NEEDS sideways movement to establish support levels. Moon launch happens in stages. We have barely cleared the launch pad senpai.
If you do sell, only sell off some and buy into LTC.
This. You know that picture of Homer with the note that says "always do the opposite of what Bart says"? Applies perfectly to biz.
Except DGB. You need to get in on DGB
>I was promised
Thats not how the dominance hierarchy works.
Why DGB?
To quote Wall Street: Stick to the fundamentals. Wait for the dips then buy in and ride that wave for only so long.
What you think the odds are that cryptocurrency will be used for ETFs in the near future?
>when ETH doesnt double in price every day
>is it time to sell?
>whats happening
Bull markets have spoiled you
All of this desu. We are establishing resistance at 160 with this stable price for next lift off.
learn to spot shills/trolls dude
Already happening.
This why i hate the boomer and millennial mindset: they continue to believe they're entitled to everything. Need flash dipshits: nothing in life is free. You HAVE to earn your shit.
just got $20 worth of bitcoin yesterday and it went down a little in value over night to $18.5
should i invest any into ethereum or gamble it with a shit coin
this is so goddamn cringey, eth was sub 100 dollars like a little more than a week ago
Hold it. The cryptocurrency markets never close and you'll see higher gains after Wall Street closes
Yes yes, please sell, i will buy the dip. To all you new coin fags here, if you hold this you will be rich. This shit will be a fortune in a few years.
Not gonna lie, when BTC came onto the market i was skeptical. But thanks to a wise individual named Ghost, I'm actually entertaining cryptocurrency
ayy still buying the enron dip. any day now.
Reminder that a traditional company with supposedly millions of users is going to offer a token. It wasn't explicitly stated it would be a token on top of ETH, but it'll likely be an ERC20 token. It'll be announced at the Token Summit on Thursday. If it's a massive company I imagine it could have a very good influence on ETH's price.
Spotify. Calling it.
it's cuz Voxel is the new talk. Up 41% apparently and launch is tomorrow
I'm callin a crash n burn on Voxel just like what happened to Snapchat and the dot com boom of the 90's
Nice to see another capitalist here.
Been one since my dad kicked me out the day i turned 21 in 2011. Made me realize that you have to work to be successful.
Everything else is rising simply because consensus 2017 is bringing in the fanfare but when it's over I would imagine that people take profit and move to btc or eth possibly eth now since btc is a little unstable atm?
This post is cringey af
What's cringy about being a capitalist? I'm gr8ful my dad kicked me out.
We really need a sticky that says "Stop asking for advice on ETH. Hold and you will be rich".
Seriously, there is no reason to assume that ETH won't keep going up forever. There is no reason to assume that there is some limit to how high it can go.
When I bought ETH at $15.50, BTC was 80x higher than ETH.
Now it's only about 13x higher.
When I bought ETH, BTC had 80% of the market share of crypto, now it has 40-something percent. Stop fretting OP.
Shit is only just getting started. This whole last weekend was just to test the exchanges capacity so they can quadruple it when big named giants will release coins of their own.
Can you imagine the run when samsung decides to put it's shares onto the crypto market? and every company in the world is now lining up to get on board the blocktrain. ETH and XRP made this possible mang, mostly ETH but XRP has it's place well solidified and is right now being held low so get in. Must haves - BTC, ETH, XRP, DGB
Any advice for ZCash?
addy: If you're one of those hard working types and like to do something of value, study everything to do with blockchain technology.
If you'd prefer to just magically get rich some day, invest everything you've got into cryptos then get a job so you can get a loan so you can put that in as well. 2 years max until mainstream
Make me nigger
>Seriously, there is no reason to assume that ETH won't keep going up forever.
They have one 'deal' with IBM or Intel or whatever, that is that the development team has a deal, not you or the coin.
>Seriously, there is no reason to assume that ETH won't keep going up forever. There is no reason to assume that there is some limit to how high it can go.
Wow, I wish there was a required test to post on Veeky Forums so retards like you couldn't post
Informed Speculation:
This is a side effect of the Consensus hype train being over. Consensus created the 180 pump as present investors stuck their whale tails in for a day to feel the waters. When they stuck their whale tails in there was a huge ripple. That created a rapid appreciation-depreciation spike, followed by a steady climb out of the trough. That ripple was likely exacerbated by the collective low-faith in this place dipping out after the consensus hype. Also, a great opportunity to take advantage of a daytrade dip by selling before the dip then buying back up on the trough. Hence the steady climb. These are all strategic collective market optics I'm giving you here.
It's still worth the long term HODL due
2) General appreciation of value trend among popular cryptocurrencies
3) Blessings from Microsoft
4) The earliness of crypto as a society-wide phenomenon. Crypto is potty training. Just because you weren't there for the first 2 years doesn't mean Crypto isn't a healthy growing toddler market on the global stage.
I say this as a bullish holder of a smallish bag.
How will I ever recover from being told I'm wrong when I'm right?
Tell me, why would Ethereum go down?
Some people are taking profits
Because it has no actual value maybe, outside of "potential" and people not wanting to miss Bitcoin part II
Yes, the ones who own it like myself.
So then why would it just randomly start going down after doubling every couple of weeks?
You think all the people paying higher and higher prices are just gonna change their mind?
tell me what exactly is the value of bitcoin?
5) USD is inflating every year and holding onto it results in a depreciation in value. Even if Crypto moves utterly sideways in most terms, it will still probably appreciate relative to USD fiat.
holy shit this is the dumbest post I've read all day
please be a joke
lol 3% is completely irrelevant for crypto though. Bad argument.
When do you guys think ETH will moon next?
I'm a poorfag and can't afford more anyway, but was just wondering what you think
There is value in all crypto:
>largely unregulated secure anonymous digital currency.
>freedom from central banks
>distributed, decentralized (some not all crypto)
>sticking it to your local government, if you do not like what they are doing with your fiat currency.
>Making purchases on your own terms.
>Supporting new forms of tech tied to crypto.
>Accelerating the development of post-predatory capitalism.
There was a month of sideways movement last month. Which was followed by a week of sideways movement. Somewhere in there.
>Bad argument
In addition to four others... not all can be greatest hits.
3% appreciation (if that is what you mean) is better than nothing, and a worthier investment than burying your fiat in the ground.
We can only speculate on why previous things mooned and project those patterns onto the near future. An imperfect method for certain. Definitely not scientific, but sometimes better than nothing.
I would be on the lookout for news about tech conferences featuring discussion of ETH and other crypto. I'd be on the lookout for Brave ICO on the 31st (new browser from Firefox guy and reputable team that pays users in an ETH-based Crypto called the Basic Attention Token for watching ads).
If you hear anything, tell us here. We'll help float the bags since we're interested in gains as well.
shit my bank game a 200k loan for 1.1% ... for all I care 3% is golden
but no, I dont trade with that money...
>>Accelerating the development of post-predatory capitalism.
I got high last night and sold off at 165. Kind of regret it now, but I made 200 dollars turn into 330 and I'm hoping there'll be another dip soon so I can reinvest.
Gaming markets. Mad profits in that sector.
Think of cryptocurrency as the digital gold rush
I'm going to break this down for you brah.
It took seven (7) years for bitcoin to go from worthless to the two thousand (2000) plus dollars that its worth right now.
In a few years time when you sell it you can get that Lambo.
Seriously I spent three hundred (300) on ETH coins last year, and now they're worth almost eight thousand (8000) fucking bucks.
Strap yourself down and don't sell this shit for less than a grand a coin.
bunch of fucking newbies who are freaking out because they bought at ATH and its not "mooning" anymore.
that ass would make a good alt-coin
its a great fucking ass i know lol
now someone just needs the domain, modify a client and a forum post
Extra thicc profits
>tfw you pump it and get child support dumped on you 10 months later
Sell and buy ZCash ZEC
Perfect timing, min 20% profit by tomorrow.
Yeah sell everything OP. No reason to hold this ever.
Did someone say E X T R A T H I C C?
Lookin forward for this coin
calm down, faggot. nobody cares
For next level crypto traders, add me on skype: cryptoanna
For people who don't take crypto seriously, add me on skype: fartinmymouthbb
Fuck off
Metropolis is delayed till September, i'm selling a chunk of my eth stash to have some cash for next few months
Classic pattern.
Huge sell walls at 173-175
should we sell at 171-172 and buy back in after?
anybody else notice this?
Niggers like this don't deserve anything in life
Is the fire about to rise?
yes, get ready for threads like "i should have bought, why didnt you tell me biz
Why are people here convinced that eth is the new bitcoin? Is everyone just joking? What's the actual possibility that eth is going to tank and turn out to be trash?
I currently have 4 ETH. Should I trade 2 of it for BTC?