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those old churches looks like peaceful places to meditate in
I honestly don't see how chopping down a sacred oak is supposed to prove anything. If you smash a cross it doesn't prove Jesus isn't real.
i am really really laughing at how white people think christianity is religion of white people
that particular tree carried great significance.
That's the point. The pagans thought Thor would strike Saint Boniface down for cutting it. He freed them from their ignorance.
They literally believed Thor lived in that tree.
It wasn't supposed to do anything to Thor, it was a political message.
Burning down the Vatican in the name of Vishnu wouldn't do anything to Yahweh, but it would sure as shit send a message to all of his (Christian) followers.
Why do all these Wiccan manchildren think that paganism is all this nature worship?
Germanic paganism is from the same ilk as Greco-Roman religion.
It literally never told you to revere nature to this silly lengths.
Wiccans are like the social rejects of the world. They have no place in society so they think they have a place in nature
all life is linked by genetic code
we wuz plantz & plantz is us
Here are the Old Gods at work:
How great would it have been if he happened to have a heart attack at that exact moment?
and then gave them his own favored brand of ignorance
Number of people who believe in Jesus Christ
>2 billion
Number of people who believe in Thor
>like, 50, and that's a liberal estimate
t. unenlightened heathen
You fundamentally misunderstand their way of thinking. You're projecting the Christian concept of iconography onto pagan idolatry. To these people, the tree was literally their god, not a representation of their god.
If you want the religion of the actual Aryans, it's still alive in Hinduism. Not exactly the whitest bunch of followers, but it's the best you can do.
The Light of Christ dispels all darkness.
No, it wasn't. How could Thor go around smashing giants in the head and crossdressing if he was a tree? How could Thor be reached from any grove if he was just one tree? How could Thor go riding on his goat chariot and causing lightning if he was just one tree? How come the Eddas and every quotation on Roman/Christian authors contradicts what you say?
I think you fundamentally misunderstand your own religion and the religion of the Germanic heathens.
>How could Thor go around smashing giants in the head and crossdressing if he was a tree? How could Thor be reached from any grove if he was just one tree? How could Thor go riding on his goat chariot and causing lightning if he was just one tree?
Good question the pagans should have asked themselves.
>How come the Eddas
Christianized text bruh.
And the pre-Christian texts? Those are wrong too?
Face it m8, you got caught with your pants down while LARPing. Better luck next time.
Explain those pre-Christian text to me, please.
His spirit lived in the tree, kinda like Yahweh lives in a box and gave the Philistines hemorrhoids when they fucked with him.
Tacitus and Caesar. Their works are both public domain.
No it didn't. He might have liked the tree, but the fundamental myth of lightning is that Thor rode through the sky killing giants and that Mjolnir was the lightning. He might have spent the night (day?) in the tree, but he didn't live in it.
I don't recall what Tacticus or Caesar wrote which conflicts with the posters explanation of Christian iconography vs pagan idolatry when it came to Donar's oak.
Tacitus notes that the Germanics don't house their gods in idols or build temples to them, instead building groves and sacred plots of land to worship at. The translation I'm using specifically uses the terms "grandeur of celestial beings" and "confine". I think it's not much of a stretch to say that the tribes that Tacitus writes of didn't think Thor was a tree or lived in it. Again, he might have FAVORED it, or really LIKED that tree, but cutting it down didn't do anything to Thor himself especially since many other myths and religious functions require him 1) Not being in THAT SPECIFIC TREE, and 2) Being outside of the tree to do other things.
The tree was probably just struck by lightning and didn't die.
"confine" hmmmm. As in they were confined in trees and plots instead of Idols and temples?
That's a translation.
the groves were rekt by the romans, not because they gave a shit about religion, but because the stupid barbarians needed to be dispersed once and for all
You are ignoring the point
>someone actually made this image in response to a meme
How salty can you get
Still pretty based.
>Good question the pagans should have asked themselves.
So do you unironically believe that everyone was just a complete retard with no understanding of symbolism or ability to ask simple, obvious questions before they were shown Christianity?
Yes. I think its easy for us to project the Christian and secular styles of thinking we're accustomed to unto whatever primitive European people existed in the past as though its something natural or inherent. The truth is that this style of thinking developed slowly over the span of centuries and began to spread around with people putting their own spins on it.
Sand God is dead. Long live Pepe the Frog God.
It's a good thing we don't have to project our Christian and secular values and styles of thinking onto pre-Christian people as we have a glimpse into how they think (as pointed out) and it shows us that the Germanic pagans did not think that Thor was a tree, or lived in a tree.
the only think he pointed out was they were confined to trees and plots instead of temples and idols. He chalked it up to the translations with no evidence to back up its wrong.
Trees are alive, conscious, and connected to every other living thing on this earth.
Life is my 'God' and it's real.
Christian 'icons'(symbols) are literal bullshit, and your ethnocentrism is disgusting.
So I take it the destruction of plant life for homes or products is awful to you? I hope you don't hypocritically use them.
No he didn't. He pointed out that the Germanics viewed their gods as abstract concepts that occasionally took corporeal form, as the Hindus and Romans did.
What part of "did not house their gods in idols" or "confine [their gods]" did you not understand from Tacitus?
I made my own home and most products, I certainly don't pay anyone to destory my beloved if that is what you are trying to imply.
Death is an essential and beautiful part of life, and is only a sad thing when it is wasted. For every individual life that is taken new life is given from the remains, and the actions of the living persist forever thanks to causal interactions.
Organismic living systems like plants, or yourself, are all interconnected, codependent, and together we function has parts of grander living systems. These ecological systems are interconnected, and interdependent on a global scale. The permanent loss of a living system is what I morn for(ecosystem, species extinctions), not the temporary loss of a single player.