Ww2 would not have happened without the great depression.
Ww2 would not have happened without the great depression
WW2 was a consequence of the great war you retaded marxist fuck
No it wasnt. Nobody would fight in that cataclysm unless they were using money as firewood.
Read up on history.
It's what brought Hitler to power and castrated the Western allies.
Try being less of a shitter. Idk what to say.
WW2 and WW1 wouldn't have happened if Otto Von Bismarck was Emperor.
WW2 was inevitable you retard. Read the German Constitution of 1919 and then read into the Truppenamt's activities at the same time.
ok man that;s cool keep posting your dumb pig meme it is very ebin
Why is /leftypol/ spreading their disgusting memes here as if we want them?
>hurr we know better 4 u than u in memes!
this is why nobody likes the politicization of Veeky Forums aside from the ones orchestrating it. i.e. you and the /pol/tards
why don't you get a room and enact your bloodlust fantasies out on one another already
Wait, there's a /leftypol/ board? Let me check the catalog here, oh nope don't see it. Let me just type in the URL manually, nope, 404. Huh.
how stupid can you be?
>pot calling the kettle a nigger
Look up "false equivalence".
There is one on Cripplechan and they're pouring here from there.
dude you are hilarious how tryhard but new can you be
Go back to ribbit, retard.
/leftypol/ really is hilarious
I don't get it.
>he doesn't think a board on a completely different website is equal in influence to a much larger board on the actual website, he must be new!
/leftypol/ thread?
Daily reminder that these are self-descriptions of people who post there
you just seem really flustered
Not an argument.
this was quite the hot topic of debate.
I seem flustered because I said /leftypol/ is an actual board? what
It's another /pol/ falseflag thread!
The only people who post on 8ch are redditors aka /pol/tards. Go back to where you came from.
>single: no
>virgin: yes
>intelligence 10
>looks 7
>sex life 0
>social life 0
They want to downplay the fact that they're one of the most influential boards on Veeky Forums, so they're desperately trying to force a separate boogeyman and claim that it's somehow equivalent. Anyone who has even the slightest understanding of cripplechan and its history knows it's bullshit.
quite the conspiracy-conspiracy
Except it's true, retard.
All of their screencaps of Reddit posts (Proof they browse there) of apparent /leftypol/ plans are clearly falseflags.
Let's pop off over to the old cripplechan and see what their most popular board is. Surely /leftypol/ will be leaps and bounds above the rest- wait a minute. That's not /leftypol/ at the top! Why, that's /pol/! How could this be?
>increased animosity to /pol/tards because of their shitposting all over the site during the election
>more people telling them to fuck off than supporting them than ever before
>mysterious screencap of a reddit post of an alleged plot by /leftypol/ surfaces
>/pol/tards start spamming this everywhere as proof "/leftypol/" has invaded despite no one on Veeky Forums even knowing what it is
>/pol/tards start using it as an excuse to raid other boards to "save us from /leftypol/"
Really makes me think
wow thanks for the great screencap lol
cool theory
Because leftist politics are so lame and uncool that nobody cares about them, doesn't stop this handful of retards from being a loud minority.
Take the Marxists for example, /pol/acks think this board is overrun by Marxists but in reality it's just the same 10 /leftypol/ shitters sitting here all day and making the same fucking threads and posts over and over again.
>loud minority
Uh huh, sure. I didn't even include Veeky Forums's /pol/ traffic and lord knows it's exponentially higher than anything on cripplechan.
The only ones being loud are you idiots constantly on about "muh /leftypol/". You're giving it far far far more attention than it's worth in a vain effort to force a false equivalence.
Unfortunately yes.
I'm saying leftists are the loud minority you dumbass.
le arbitrary left right distinction
Go back to ribbit.
Go back to the oven lmao
Cringe post.
Kill yourself
Cringe post.
read keynes's 1919 the economic consequences of the peace
Reddit maymay. What are you even doing here?
Cringe post.
Hi newfag