>everytime I put a huge amount of money into a coin it immediately dips
>everyone else buy coins right before they moon and see instant profits
Everytime I put a huge amount of money into a coin it immediately dips
someone out there is hardcore scamming. probably the russians.
Lol what did you buy op
Do you read the charts? Check what they offer?
Or pajeets
I feel bad for any newfag looking for advice
>Betting on daytrade dips instead of HODL
Seriously if u just HODL ETH starting LESS THAN A FUCKING WEEK AGO you would already see nearly 2x gainz.
Diversify among more shitcoins and hold for longer
Simple as that
do your own research then OP. stop expecting other ppl will get you rich off crypto.
>OP thinks he can just sit online and get rich
>losing money in a massive bull market
you're a special kind of stupid aren't ya
u dumbfuck. in order for you to win someone has to lose.
Every coin I buy immediately moons
My only problem is I sell too early
You must be retarded
thats not true
u r the dumb lol
This is stupid because it either assumes that the thing will always return to a lower value or counts realized profit as a loss.
If someone buys a coin at $3 and sells it for $9 to someone who sells it at $23 to someone who's holding it at $170 none of them have lost money.
>implying there arent any bag holders in this thread
hey dum dum had your cereal yet?
name one coin that has had continual upward growth with no dip. people have sold lost money for someone to earn
So everyone on earth should be a billionaire? Is that what you're saying? For a currency to have value, there have to be extremes. There have to be extremely wealthy people, and there have to be extremely poor people. That's why this whole thing whole thing works. Someone always has to get the short end of the stick for value to actually occur. Trust me, I'm jewish.
easy solution
never panic sell
Nah. It's a massive bull market. If you purchased coins by market cap weight, you win easy according to coinmarketcap. Looks like you just picked shit coins.
you are just impatient. if it dips, you wait. i try to never buy out at a loss. recently i spent 4 months waiting for monero to jump back above baseline. i waited four months during which i had all my btc in monero, and couldn't trade. missed many moon-tickets. but i bought out at a profit of 15% or so. if you jump ship at a loss too early when coins go south, you'll be bleeding mucho money. biz always talks about having a steady hand, it's a good way to think about it. don't get nervous.
Is this still viable?
>implying i lost money
>yea cause everyone thinks alike
believe it or not crytpo is similar to a ponzi scheme
This, I don't understand how people fuck it up.
Just look at the 1Y, hell, 3M charts, then ask yourself where you went wrong.
Buy voxels, you literally can't lose money right now.
your story sucks because you would have made more eating the loss and reinvesting
1; in the market everybody can make many if the prices go up, thats simple: u buy it for 1 sell for 2 then he sell it for 3 etc.
2; humans create wealth in general, so everybody get richer with time(in general) ofc the wealth is unbalanced but still, the avg gdp rises from the start of mankind,(before humans there was no wealth/value but with time it increased(exponentially))
jesus christ you are retarded just stfu.
u got me dude
>market cap weight
does that mean simply marketcap ranking from coinmarketcap?
Yes. Just weigh them proportionally if you want to be a lazy investor. So 50% market cap would get 50% allocation.
what you are pretty much saying is every product rises or gains value ino matter what? that right there is retarded. also it implies the original person who sold whatever item has missed out on potential gains. hence he is losing. Every one gets richer with time? arre u serious? how old are you
No. There will be sideways movement and slower appreciation but appreciation nonetheless.
There are lots of market incentives for this.
Never forget you are investing in toddler stage crypto. It's when normies start abandoning fiat for crypto, or baby boomer congressmen start proposing strict out-of-touch regulations that you should get out.
you : "in order for you to win someone has to lose"
me : that statement is false
my argument:
-in my scenario everybody is winning(=u gain profit, yeah thats a win)
-its called bull market
-todays crypto is a bullmarket
I've heard this a few times today.
What's the deal with voxels.
Dev team?
White paper?
Consensus appearance?
Whale tail investors?
Upcoming tech?
When it was 1800 sat 4 hours did you ask that question
you are living in an autistic fantasy world if u think every coin is going up
im doing this
it's fun watching .60 btc slowly turn into .26
It's good this is happening to you, you're learning the patterns. Keep at it and realize what a dip actually is and how to time it.
We're all gonna make it OP.
But these are the general questions I see more careful people on this board ask, so I'm spitting their game. You're asking because you saw someone else make the same post?
Or because I'm late?
yes in average coins r going up
thats why they call it bullmarket
really don't understand how people can loose money. even if a coin drops i would never sell it for a -%. but without people losing their money no one would make profits :)
The one's with reputable teams and good market innovations are generally appreciating in value. Diversifying among these is smart.
If you're feeling risky I suppose selling on spikes and buying on dips is also smart, due to the general appreciation trend.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
Yeah like the other guy said your story is garbage and doesn't tell a good lesson.
Is one supposed to think that you not just taking the loss, and not reinvesting it into something decent instead is commendable?
You could have taken your money out, put it in something that was a moon ticket, and gone up 300% by the end of those 4 months. Instead at the end of 4 months all you have to show for it is 15% because you meaninglessly decided to hold instead of sell. This HODL cult really is real, it seems. You missed out on so much just because you decided to do that instead for no reason, and you seem to think it was the right choice.
how is that kid comfortable sitting with a literal brick in his ass
>nigger kid
>unnatural behavior
more questions?
>but without people losing their money no one would make profits :)
> #
It's not even a zero sum game. If everyone just bought and held, then everyone would make money from newcomers, who in turn would make money from new newcomers, until the bubble breaks. Everyone (except normies who enter in 2020) would make money.
Don't try to be a daytrader folks...
which percent you talking about?
>If everyone just bought and held,
Well we don't live in a world where this would ever happen, so you might want to think about how things actually work instead.
And then if the world actually ended up replacing the central bank monetary system with crypto currency, the bubble wouldn't even burst.
A LOT of the success going around is due to luck and massive shilling. haven't you seen the biz lately? everyone is trying to get rid of their shit coin bags. I got in ripple at 4k sats and made 8 times what i put in, it was all luck tbqh
Ultimately, yes.
u literally just describe a ponzi scheme
It's no secret that bitcoin and altcoins is a ponzi scheme. Well, among people who know what a ponzi scheme is at least.
Point is that we're at the top of the ponzi scheme (or so many people think anyway), so it's okay.
It's like if someone told you that you get to be in the second rung of a pyramid scheme.
Look at the coinmarketcap.com historical charts.
Alot of the top market cap coins from a couple of years ago are just dead now.
People are using the extreme bull market of the last 3 months as a blueprint for what crypto will do for the next few years, which is obviously retarded, a shitload of cryptos on the front page of coin market cap will obviously fail.
So in other words get ready to sell
What are some signs to look for when its time?
put some in ZEC this morning while it was mooning, now its fucking dumping
wont sell with loss, thought its gonna pump more after JP deal.
If you think about it, normal fiat is too.
I lost 8000 EUR in one night recently due to one extremely stupid and risky margin trade.
Felt physically sick all day, nearly vomited.
In the end, it was a liberating learning experience. I'm now much more conservative. Margin trading only against fiat and I definitely won't ever forgot a stop-limit again :^)
Made it back, +7000 EUR in the green now.
HODL no matter what = sunk cost fallacy
Put in an order to buy at 75% the weekly low on all the shitcoins you can afford
Put in an order to sell at 150% the weekly high on all the shitcoins you hold
Check back each weekend (or month, if you're patient) and do it again. Diversify with 5-20 coins depending on how much effort you want to put into it and how badly you want a moon ticket instead of reliable gains.
Since you seem to be a fucking idiot, following this simple algorithm that requires no critical thought should be more reliable than whatever you're doing, but you should still note down the prices you bought and sold at last time to make sure you aren't cucking yourself.
Yeah this is EXACTLY what it is.
Can't believe I didn't think of the term earlier.
how to put bot sell on bittrex?
fuck off
Fyi they arent using zcash just their tech
>What are some signs to look for when its time?
A rapid decrease in price.
>just put up a sell order for your desired price
Clam is getting some volume on poloniex.
Go long if you want some big gains
Wouldn't normies just increase my crypto values?
to the experienced trader it might seem like a bad move. but i'm still fairly new, learning my lessons (which can only be learned in hindsight) and was someone who lost quite a bit of money initially by being to jumpy and indecisive. naturally that made me more cautious. the current 'everything is mooning' situation is also different very different from what things were when i started trading.
It's not a ponzi scheme, it's a new form of distributed, decentralized, (partly) deflationary currency free from fiat and central banks. It's cryptographic, it's anonymous, and it's largely unregulated.
You sound like a dick who got into crypto without researching it just to make money.
And that's fine, but you're doing a disservice to yourself and the market by telling people it's a nudge-nudge-wink-wink ponzi. It's not. If you want to be on top of a ponzi scheme go sell bulk quantities of vitamins to wannabe merchants living in the Floridian suburbs.
>mfw been watching Veeky Forums for 1-2 months.
>mfw seeing the coins they are shilling
>initially people pump and dump them and the guys getting dumped on turn into bag holders
>the bag holders cry "I just want to get my money back"
>the coin goes back to the bag holders who got dumped on previously (they sell or have already sold before hand)
>meanwhile the coin then pumps up to levels not even fucking seen before and the point they got dumped on multiplied 4x.
Case in point: RDD and XVG.
Literally fucking troll Veeky Forums pump and dumps.
Now their value is 6-8x what it was initially getting shilled at.
Un fucking real.
This is why the hodl meme was born
but you can still get fucked by it
get gud faget
You literally have to be stupid to lose money in this current market.