Why does the "Hitler hated Christianity" meme exist?
Is it just another way to further demonize him?
Why does the "Hitler hated Christianity" meme exist?
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Tell that to his 11 million victims
Yes, the 11 million. We can't ever forget how Hitler gassed 12 million jews at Auscwitz. This number is of course just part of the 13 million jews who died in total. Never forget the 14 million.
Wasn't Hitler a Christian? Wouldn't that make him go to heaven? Since Jesus died for his sins?
Hitler had no genuine opinions on anything.
Yes, he was Catholic by birth, but embraced Protestantism as an adult I I recall correctly.
What was he if not human?
The 11million number isn't all Jews though or even holocaust victims
Don't forget the 15 million
I think it stems from Himmler's intrique on occultism and neo-paganism. Hitler himsef though was a proper catholic/protestant by all accounts. Lot of conspiracytheorising and such has also led it's way to paint a picture of some "da jewish satanist freemason Hitler."
Why have the Russians and other Europeans pretty much gotten over their losses in the war while the Jewish Holocaust is remembered incessantly?
>mfw Hitler was on Santa's good list
Its kinda bullshit. I didnt make the good list for lighting my parents house on fire but this asshole gasses 6 million jews and gets away with itm
I actually wonder what was that gift tho.
Because he actively persecuted the Catholic Church and any Protestant groups who wouldn't go along with his ideology?
Just to make sure, does all Christians denominations stated that if you believe that Jesus died for your sins, you would go to heaven?
t. 6 billion
Does all Christians denominations stated that if you believe that Jesus died for your sins, then you would go to heaven?
Hitler only pandered to Catholicism and made symbolic gestures towards the papacy so that he could split the Christian Conservative vote. He adopted certain advertising (National SOCIALIST being one of them) to split the already tenuous leftist party, the SPD, into further chunks. Hitler's entire plan was to gain just enough disenfranchised votes to secure a minority government, and it worked. Hitler never cared for Catholics, he never cared for the socialists, these were shrewd political tactics to secure himself power. A majority of Catholics did not vote for Hitler, and indeed a large number of working class Germans did not vote Hitler either. It was disenfranchised middle-class university students and small business owners that primarily voted for him.
I want to sit on Hitler's lap!
I want to go to Church with Hitler!
Not just Europeans. Nobody is bringing up the Nanking rape or the Unit 731 when it comes to Japan but with Germany it's always Hitler, holocaust, Hitler, and more Hitler. Someone waving a German flag? Hitler. Someone even speaking German in a harsh pattern? HITLER!
I think it's the combination of Jewish popular media + British and Soviet historians. Especially those British historians, they're some of the most overly biased fucks in the history of historians, yet for some reason they completely dominate the profession and some people even think of them as the most impartial which is fucking ludicrous.
Yea no shit. Hitler hates/likes whatever is convenient at the moment to disprove or support an argument.
>gotten over it
>literally not a month goes by without a dozen more movies, books and video games reminding us about the war and how horrible it was
Yes, but at the same time not an hour goes by without a new book or movie about muh shoah
>You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?
He only pretended to be Christian because he didn't want to deal with potentially turning off large numbers of loyal citizens over an issue he didn't really care much about one way or another.
he also had no driving license, fucked his niece, had a tiny crooked penis and only one ball. How does his death toll even matter? He's literally Hitler. Just like Mossadegh, Stalin, Mao, Gaddafi, Ahmadinejad, bin Laden, Assad, Putin and Erdogan
Hitler was catcholic, The Nazi's were allied with Catholics in Spain and Italy, and the Entire Nazi Movement was the Vatican's new Crusade, to eliminate international Jewery and supplant them as the worlds power and ruling entity once again.
Really? I rarely hear this.
I've always heard the "Hitler used Christianity to justify the atrocities he was committing" meme.
Which is the correct meme.
>Hitler was catcholic
Prominent fascist intellectuals were against Roman Catholicism (who is Giovanni gentile?) and as a whole Fascism was more rooted in modern conceptions of what the future could be as opposed to Catholic traditionalism or even conservativism. This being said, when your country is 98.99% Catholic like Spain or Italy you need to work with it as opposed to against it.
It's technically true. He was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church and was never excommunicated or left of his own free will.
If you asked the Catholic Church today for numbers of Catholics in any given country they would quite happily include people like Hitler who are officially Catholics but not actually practicing churchgoers.
Next you tell me he as a nazi. Slander I say. Let's Focus on the relevant pints. He had a tiny cock.
Everybody wants to distance themselves from Hitler, which is why there are people trying to claim entirely contradicting factoids about Hitler's person.
It's not just after fact distancing attempts that make Hitler seem like he had contradictory views. He was known to be in the habit of holding private views that were significantly different from his public stances for strategic purposes. He wasn't opposed to ostensibly supporting an idea or cause in public that he didn't really believe in privately if it was to his advantage to do so.
Do the soviets count among the death toll?
>idiots actually saying Hitler had any fondness for Christianity
He privately talked about how he hated the religion and saw it as idiotic, and how - once he had consolidated power well enough and ended the war - he would make his move to eradicate Christianity from the German way of life.
Fucking reactionaries are the worst.