Whale here, will be pumping SLR with 20+ BTC in the next 10-15 minutes, so buy if u want some easy gains
Whale here, will be pumping SLR with 20+ BTC in the next 10-15 minutes, so buy if u want some easy gains
>20s btc
u must be new
Shhh nocoiner
that's the entire ask wall you fuck. How new are you?
fuck of fatboi
I'm in, hope OP will deliver
That phaggot spreading FUD earlier in the other thread, just wanted to drive the price down. Its gonna moon again soon, and the rats sold off at a loss.
Typical, literally every other coin. Same thing happened with RDD, shills trying to drive the price down only to shoot back up the next day.
OP will deliver
Lol I hope people are holding what they have, or buying in. This coin is perfect.
all my BTC are invested right now but I will monitor SLR to see if OP delivers and/or is a faggot
I am in too. But not anticipating it going next 10 mins.
Post pic of your order history or forever be labeled a faggot.
Im going to pump Whitecoin, yall are welcome to hop on
trust him he wouldnt lie on the interweb
Not even a whale, yet I'm in on SLR.
Just like I was on RDD, ETH, REP, XEM, etc.
There are quite some buy-ins at the moment tho
Thanks man I got in at 9700
Actual whale here. Buy whitecoin now or forever hodl your peace.
Gonna dump 100000000SLR, sell now or regret later.
Lets see if we can trust these posts or not.
its going up
Just hold on to this coin, the shills are trying to drive the price up and down, these maggots leech off 10% swings. Poor broke kids.
this is only the beginning.
Whale whale whale, where is the pump?
Witecoin t minus 14.5 hrs till major pump. If you dont buy its your fault your poor
nice delivery, now i'm holding some useless solar bags, when I could have bought good ol whitecoins