Is this legit?
Is this legit?
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I wouldn't say those things are required for libertarianism, rather indifference to them would be required for libertarianism
Also what's with all the garbage on Veeky Forums right now is it Hyper-Australian Shitposting Power Hour?
There are pro-life libertarians
Not even fucking close.
The libertarian left doesnt actually exist because they all support raising taxes. The libertarian right shares values with conservatives and only wants libertarian economics.
There are no libertarians that support that pic.
I in for no more abortions. I want more contraceptions and I don't want religion to mess with it. Religion is a one thing, and secularism is a other thing.
>the libertarian left doesn't exist
>t. Has taken that shit tier onlin test
Find me a democrat that says "the federal government should help corporations be internationally competetive."
>the democratic party is the libertarian left
wew, the democrats are not leftist in the slightest.
>the federal government should help corporations be internationally competetive
>federal government
>t eurocuck
Welfare + forced insurance are both leftist policies, and they sure as fuck are not libertarian.
>forced insurance
That's basically what the police is. You are more likely to be stricken with disease than violent offenders, dunno why socialized healthcare triggers Americans so.
Those odds are that way because the police exist (fear), and they barely even exist in rural areas.
Depends on which brand of Libertarianism you're talking about
Yes it's legit
Legit /pol/
Gtfo my Veeky Forums
So theyre nobodies who wouldnt be a single person in op's pic? Neato.
I remember Ann Coulter confronting those DUDE WEED AND GAYS LMAO libertards a couple years back.
So wrong.
I would have thought they'd be indifferent so long as it isn't paid for by tax dollars
They view it as a violation of NAP I'm guessing.
I wanted to rewrite a longer post but deleted the first one after you already replied, what I wanted to add is:
Obama is not against private property, neither is Hillary Clinton. Do you think they would ever advocate expropiating businesses and creating worker committees? Or praise Durruti? Do you think libertarian socialists would favor corporations?
In response to your question, some people in OP's pic might be libertarian leftists, some might care about the topics in the picture and not the ownership of the means of production. How would I know?
The odds of an american outliving an yuropoor are low because socialized total healthcare doesn't exist in the USA (preventive medicine and costly medical treatments aren't acessible to all).
tfw no Ann gf
>against the war on drugs
>legalized prostitution
>against religious laws
>against race-based discrimination
>concerned about police corruption and brutality
>pro free-market, including for labor
Yes, these generally represent libertarian positions. Abortion depends on your school of thought; there are libertarians for and against.
She's such a stupid cunt.
Libertarian means less goverment control, either socially or fiscally. When a person suports more taxes and SOMETIMES wants less gov regulation on things like weddings, they are hardly libertarian, since they also deny religion being taught in school, and deny cake workers the ability to deny business
Why do people think forced healthcare makes it more accessable? You are lowering the wages of people and making the healthcare industry less competetive. American bad health probably comes from food additives and drug consumption.
The left doesn't limit the scope of power to governments but recognizes economic power as another big factor that limits the freedom of ordinary people.
>American bad health probably comes from food additives and drug consumption.
Because of monetary incentives to do so are so high, while the cost of pushing those things into the market is so low. You should take the subsidies from corn and put those into your hospitals.
>Why do people think forced healthcare makes it more accessable?
Because countries with better health outcomes than the USA have more socialized healthcare - meaning healthcare is less privatized, not that they spend more per capita, as preventive medicine reduces total cost in the long-term.
And even among countries with worse health outcomes than the USA, those with more socialized healthcare tend to do better than those with less.
You can look up WHO data, or similar sources.
>more taxes
Less taxation is not a libertarian policy, it's just the usual result of libertarian policies. A libertarian does not necessarily want to lower taxes in all situations. Nor does he think there are no valid uses of government power (that would make him an anarchist). Finally, libertarians can be moderate or hardline, just like with any other ideology.