Why do fedora-tippers and Jews act like the Catholic Church is literally directly responsible for the hollocaust when in fact Catholics were the only ones to publicly protest against nazis during nazi rule (against action T4) and the Vatican itself rescued and sheltered many Jews.
Why do fedora-tippers and Jews act like the Catholic Church is literally directly responsible for the hollocaust when...
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>tfw you're too dumb to differentiate anti-Judaism from anti-Semitism but speak on the subject anyways because ayy lmao who cares about facts, I'm a famous biology professor
jews dont actually blame the church but sure rationalise your retarded beliefs
I am pretty sure Dawkins must hold a raffle periodically which allows the winner to post inane shit from his account.
For a smart dude, he sure subscribes to the sling enough shit, some will surely stick way of thinking.
Why is 'antisemitism' even a thing?
Because a lot of "jews" don't actually subscribe to Judaism. So, it can be seen as a race thing more than a religion thing.
Hahahahahahahaha How the Fuck Is Anti-Semitism Even Real hahaha Just Convert To Christianity Like Nigga Just Get Baptized haha
What is this, an infograph for ants?
>For a smart dude, he sure subscribes to the sling enough shit, some will surely stick way of thinking.
His job is to promote the public image of science, and he's found out that the quickest way to do that is troll theists into an exaggerated response. He should be ignored.
>act like the Catholic Church is literally directly responsible for the hollocaust
I don't see this.
Even in your image Dawkins isn't proposing they're "literally directly responsible", just pointing out that Hitler's anti semitism didn't appear in a vacuum.
>mfw I shortly fell for the Dawkins/Hitchens/Harris meme.
i think most people nowadays go through an atheism phase, I'm just lucky to have grown out of it by adulthood
Hitler was a pagan, but never forget the Ustashe
(you)s are fucking back kek
Hitler was a devout Catholic, dumbfuck. He even met the pope and asked for his blessing.
He was Catholic, but hardly devout
I'm pretty sure he's on record saying that he would've preferred Europe to become Islamized because Islam was a more fitting ideology for the German people than Christianity, which he thought was weak
i went through an agnostic phase because people like dawkins/hitchens made me too embarassed to call myself an atheist
himmler was a Pagan, Hitler was what you'd call "spiritual" nowadays. He definitely believed in some form of monotheistic God or divine power, but didn't actively participate in daily Christian life.
for an institution that stands for altruism and a direct link to the almighty their conduct can be argued to have been somewhat disappointing.
t. non-fedora
>Why do fedora-tippers and Jews act like the Catholic Church is literally directly responsible
Nobody does. But if you think that the "Jews are Christ-killers" meme didn't start because of Christians centuries ago, and started in 1933, you're retarded.
>I'm just lucky to have grown out of it by adulthood
Too bad you have yet to develop real self-awareness.
Pope told Catholics to vote for Hitler. Papal concordat with Hitler in 1933 legitimized Nazi party. Vatican ratlines snuck Nazi war criminals into Catholic counties in South America. Hitler's evil pales in comparison to the evil that lives in the Vatican.
Dawkins is a retard but he's saying that Hitler inherited centuries of Catholic-sponsored anti-Semitism, not that Catholics in 1933 were anti-semites.
In the early days of the nazis, every Catholic church in Germany told their congregation that they could not be a christian and vote NSDAP
Not to mention Catholic priests were persecuted at every opportunity and at least one actual saint was made at Auschwitz.
This. Both hitler and Mussolini were like a lot of people in the scientific, materlistic zeitgeist of their age. Not necessarily religious or attending church every Sunday but still having a belief in God
Yeah he also used eugenics and other (bad) science of his contemporaries to justify the treatment of however they didn't consider German enough, Dawkins should stop spitting upwards.
About a failed state which surrendered after going to war agaisnt everyone?
Hitler converted to protestantism though
>when in fact Catholics were the only ones to publicly protest against nazis during nazi rule
Well that's a lie
>just pointing out that Hitler's anti semitism didn't appear in a vacuum.
I agree with your first part, he's not saying the church is directly responsible, but he is actually implying that Hitler hated Jews because he raised around Christianity...
Because jewish features are really really noticable, even if they're not wearing a yarmulke and a star of david scarf, while reciting the torah, charging interest on loans, and exchanging currencies at the local places of worship.
The Catholic church was, by in large, sympathetic with the nazi cause.
Granted, even though there were those that were not, the church as a whole didn't have much of a choice, with the Vatican sitting right in the fucking middle of Italy and all.
Lmao fuck Dawkins
>The Catholic church was, by in large, sympathetic with the nazi cause.
Outright lie, there's mounds of evidence against this view. They were in an impossible geopolitical situation, attempted to organise an assassination and broker peace with the successor
Weren't Catholics in Germany opposed to the Nazis? It was mostly Protestants who supported them.
I don't know the context but that statement is correct at face value.
Stop Writing Every Word In Capital Letters, You Fagola!
It's a meme you dip
First you must ask yourself which catholic church, catholic church changes from diocese to diocese. And its for a good cause you see when the world was tribal men would join the church to carry out vengeance to expand their influence etc. So some people feel comfortable with priests from similar ethnic group especially the recent exploited.
Second wtf is anti-semitism. If you mean semitic speaking people ive noticed more anti semitism in the protestant churches that tend to be more regional than the universal church. Remember that the protestant church was the first to violate the constitution and religious freedoms after 9-11. Even the yids are known for anti-semitism.