What's your favourite crusader knight order and why, Veeky Forums?
Why did you crop the names?
all of them were utterly BTFO
So no one
Because only the true christian knows them by heart!
knights of st.john did pretty well, they existed for almost 500 years
I haven't any because they were violent unwashed savages that murdered innocent muslims and jews.
They still exist.
t. Saracen
St Lazarus desu
heretics, memes
>teutonic knights
>Order of Santiago/Malta
cool but limited to their respective areas
>Knights Hospitaller
stayed true to the faith above the pressures of the material realm
None of them.
They all were LARPing idiots.
Catholics aren't Christian
t. Schlomo
Malta are the knights Hospitaler.
Did the Muslims have any knightly orders?
Malta, because they're still around and sovereign
>implying that the Knights Hospitaller didn't become glorified pirates before the Ottomans took Rhodes
excuse me, the knights of st john did not exist at the time
they are a relatively recent offshoot of the knights of malta, they are of the same family, but they aren't what you see pictured
the Knights of St. John and Teutonic Order still exist though. And the Teutonic Order basically just turned into Prussia rather than collapsing.
it was a foul betrayal
And now let the anti-sexualization and anti-nudity era beign.
t. Saladin
No Order of Calatrava
No County of Edessa
No Principality of Antioch
No Knights of the Outremer
I rate 4/10
They did nothing in the meantime really, only travel to the new world for the fountain of youth.
Teutonic, because of the dank horned helmets.
t. Saracen.
The Northern Brothers
What? No Reconquista orders?
The Hospitaller antics in the mediterranean, hunting pirates and thwarting kebab invasions was GOAT.
Templar but only because they became the Order of Christ.
They were disbanded and were reconstituted in Portugal where most of the castles belong to this Order. The king protected them while the rest of Europe Persecuted them, of course so they could help with the reconquista.
all the more reason to like them
The crusade was a response of the Islamic aggressive expansion. They sacked Rome where the Pope lives. They were defeating the Christian country of the Byzantine. So no Muslims weren't innocent
>Muslims weren't innocent
alright your not even trying
WHy should I play along if you don't try HUH?
The Teutons, because they did best.
Prussia was Teutonic from 1200-ish to 1945
t. Andrzej Bygdoszcz
Templars worked with muslims sometimes. And the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem allowed all three creeds.
>The crusade was a response of the Islamic aggressive expansion
No it wasn't. "Aggressive" Islamic expansion had been checked in the 8th and 9th centuries, thanks in part to the outcome of the Battle of Tours. The First Crusade was a response to the first Komnenid Emperor asking the Papacy for aid in reclaiming parts of the Anatolia and the Levant. For whatever reason, the Franks took hold of this idea of a "holy war", which the Byzantines never particularly held.
The Crusaders were succesful in taking Jerusalem and parts of the Levant only because at the time, the various Muslim factions in the region were unstable and disunited. Their successes were never repeated, and the entire thing proved to be a fruitless endeavour: for one, the Crusaders left no mark in the area, despite being there for more than 100 years. Secondly, the Crusades arguably stirred up the Muslims and caused them to once again rear their heads towards war and expansion. Thirdly, the Crusades ultimately ended up weakening the Byzantine Empire, and allowing the Muslims to overrun into the Balkans.
this t b h
So do the knights of the Holy Sepulcher