>napoleon was an incel who punished women once he got into power
>every mass murderer was someone who couldn't get laid
>women STILL won't let incels rape them
are women bad at pattern recognition or something
Napoleon was an incel who punished women once he got into power
Napoleon was madly in love with his first wife, she cared not for his passions, mocking his letters of love with her friends, he later discovered her infidelities, from then on he swore with women he would do what he wished, and did.
that makes me really sad
i think i might be napoleon
So many of them hate war, but they won't spread their legs to prevent it.
Cant blame women for short dicc
you really really can
just take one for the team already it's not as if they lose anything except their dignity
>women refuse to sleep with betas to prevent wars
>wars come
>betas are eliminated, only the strong survive
>women get even more alpha cock
lol hitler survived his first war and got some medals
Implying that kissless beta-cucks have anything to do with a country going to war
the subject of the thread is literally napoleon "warmonger" bonaparte
Genghis Khan fucked hundreds of different women to the point where 1 in 200 men is his direct descendant and all it did was encourage him
that's not how it worked
it's just that all his descendants were very sexually successful then their descendants were and so on and so forth, genghis was not a very promiscuous person
that's what happens when you have a dynasty
if napoleon had gotten laid he would have been less insecure and less prone to starting dumb wars and holding petty grudges
Napoleon had several relationships with women
He also was only responsible for the wars with Spain and Russia, and they frankly both deserved it, go back to your bowl of spotted dick anglo.
not until he was like 26
That's not even wizard status
Any recommendations for books on Napoleon?
Today, Veeky Forums has taught me that the horrors of the /pol/ invasion are nothing compared to the horrors of the /r9k/ invasion.
Reminder that this autistic motherfucker started WW1 to prove to his waifu that he had a big dick.
>In the midst of the slaughter in Central Europe, a love-crazed and heartbroken Conrad, branded the ‘architect of the apocalypse’ by one biographer, still managed to compose one letter a day, often two or three, to his inamorata; between 1907 and 1915 he would end up composing more than 3,000 letters to her—some more than sixty pages in length. This tumultuous relationship played the most important role in Conrad’s life and may have vicariously contributed to his prewar obsession with launching a preventive war against Italy and Serbia
>The two first met in 1900 in Trieste, where Hoetzendorf was commanding an army brigade, but it was an encounter during a dinner in Vienna seven years later in 1907, where they both were seated next to each other, that lead to the beginning of his infatuation with her. Conrad’s first wife, Wilhelmine, had died of cancer in April 1905 in Innsbruck, and he only reluctantly forced himself to attend the soiree. However, after dinner he told his aide-de-camp: “I have to leave Vienna immediately . . . From now on this woman will be my destiny.” At that time, Virginia was married to a wealthy Austrian businessman from Graz and the mother of six children.
>Despite Virginia’s marriage, a few days after the dinner Conrad appeared at her residence declaring his love: “I am namelessly in love with you and want you to become my wife!” She rejected him. After the rebuff, in a letter he sent from Berlin, he threatened to resign his army post: “If I don’t know where I stand with you, I shall resign my position, and you will never see me again!”
The strong are those sent to die
Has anyone read Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts?
>Napoleon would have been prone to starting less wars
so like 2? wow big deal
Napoleon: A life by Andrew Roberts
Yes, it's fantastic. It may be a little bit too friendly/forgiving to Napoleon and some of his faults, but it's a refreshing break from the extremely hostile anglo narrative of him
i've been meaning to read this
is it that good?
also, anyone know good biographies on other greats such as caesar? augustus?
I can't recommend any biographies on those two, but if you're interested in French histroy The Last Great Frenchman by Charles Williams is a good biography of De Gaulle.
thanks, user. will read asap.
bumping this question
Pic related is one of the greatest accounts of a military career ever written. To understand Napoleon I would recommend you read it along with this .
Pretty much this. Chandler believes this discovery was the turning point in his personal development:
>The moment of triumph soon turned to ashes in his mouth. On the 25th his trusted aide-de-camp, Junot, let slip a few indiscreet words which revealed that Madame Bonaparte had been unfaithful to her husband, taking a dandified young officer named Hippolyte Charles as her lover. Parisian society had long been enjoying the scandal, and this knowledge did nothing to comfort the cuckolded husband.
>The news came to him like a thunderbolt, and his grief was terrible and genuine, for he adored the wayward Josephine. For a time it seemed as if the very bottom had been knocked out of his life; he talked of giving up his military career and of going into secluded retirement in France. “Glory is stale,” he wrote to his elder brother Joseph, “when one is 29; I have exhausted everything; there is nothing left for me but to become really and completely selfish.”
>From this moment much idealism disappeared from his life, and in the years that followed his selfishness, suspicion and egocentric ambitions became ever more pronounced. The whole of Europe was to be affected by this destruction of Bonaparte’s personal happiness. July 25, 1798, was indeed an unfortunate turning point in the life of Bonaparte; from that day the tyrant began to emerge ever more clearly.
Sad really.
that's solid incel territory
this is a relevant History & Humanities thread
a people's history of ancient rome? just read the sources
i've read the great and a life and they're fine but very selective
read dwyer and contemporary memoirs instead
/r9k/ wants to believe Napoleon was a beta, while the contrary was true. He had a dozen mistresses all over Europe, he would fuck courtiers on the regular and seduced a polish princess, married an Austrian princess who fell deeply in love with him and really liked his dickings
he was a total loser beta until he was 26 and he paid women to have sex with him/ raped them
>married an Austrian princess who fell deeply in love with him and really liked his dickings
yeah because she was a virgin and didn't know any better
she dropped him the first time she was offered an alternative
>she dropped him the first time she was offered an alternative
Maybe she dropped him because he was secluded on an island in the atlantic, she wasnt allowed to visit him and the whole council of Vienna was pressuring her to remarry.
The dude probably pulled more pussy than you ever will in ten lives.
Marie louise did not remarry until Napoleon died. So she did not drop him ever
>The dude probably pulled more pussy than you ever will in ten lives.
you mean he paid for more pussy/ had more pussy provided for him
No son, a lot of women wanted to be with him. Anda lot of women fell madly in love with him, like Maria Wawleska and MarieLouise. Marie Louise hated the fact that she would marry him, but after just a month with him she was as happy as shed ever been. Multiple sources of her confidantes report this fact
>Maria Wawleska
she pity fucked him after he raped her
>These words were spoken with such a bitter, sad smile, that they inspired a strange feeling in me, for the sovereign of the world!
>Pity threw me into his arms and I promised him everything he wanted.
>Marie Louise
yeah because she was an 18yo virgin who didn't know any better
>No son, a lot of women wanted to be with him.
because he paid sweeteners of 10k francs to those who did
>you mean he paid for more pussy
You know nothing about women senpai
When you're the most powerful man in the world, women throw their pussy at you without you needing to pay them
They're attracted by power even more than by money
how many women have you fucked lol
those women wouldn't have thrown themselves at him if he wasn't paying them
>the tyrant began to emerge more clearly
opinion dismissed.
They would, and in fact, they did, retard